1,071 research outputs found

    Initial value problem for the free boundary magnetohydrodynamics with zero magnetic boundary condition

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    We show local existence and uniqueness of plasma(fluid)-vaccum free boundary problem of magnetohydrodynamic flow in three-dimensional space with infinite depth setting when magnetic field is zero on the free boundary. We use Sobolev-Slobodetskii space which was used in usual free boundary problem in [3,5,6,7,8,9]. We also show that this solution can be extended as long as we want for sufficiently small initial data. Using the result of this paper we will get a unique solution of (kinematic inviscid) - (magnetic non diffusive) free boundary magnetohydrodynamics problem via (kinematic viscosity) - (magnetic diffusivity) limit in [10].Comment: Accepted in Comm. Math. Sci. (2017

    Toroidal Vortices in Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibria

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    Resistive steady states in toroidal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), where Ohm's law must be taken into account, differ considerably from ideal ones. Only for special (and probably unphysical) resistivity profiles can the Lorentz force, in the static force-balance equation, be expressed as the gradient of a scalar and thus cancel the gradient of a scalar pressure. In general, the Lorentz force has a curl directed so as to generate toroidal vorticity. Here, we calculate, for a collisional, highly viscous magnetofluid, the flows that are required for an axisymmetric toroidal steady state, assuming uniform scalar resistivity and viscosity. The flows originate from paired toroidal vortices (in what might be called a ``double smoke ring'' configuration), and are thought likely to be ubiquitous in the interior of toroidally driven magnetofluids of this type. The existence of such vortices is conjectured to characterize magnetofluids beyond the high-viscosity limit in which they are readily calculable.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Entropy-bounded solutions to the Cauchy problem of compressible planar non-resistive magnetohydrodynamics equations with far field vacuum

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    We investigate the Cauchy problem to the compressible planar non-resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations with zero heat conduction. The global existence of strong solutions to such a model has been established by Li and Li (J. Differential Equations 316: 136--157, 2022). However, to our best knowledge, so far there is no result on the behavior of the entropy near the vacuum region for this model. The main novelty of this paper is to give a positive response to this problem. More precisely, by a series of a priori estimates, especially the singular type estimates, we show that the boundedness of the entropy can be propagated up to any finite time provided that the initial vacuum presents only at far fields with sufficiently slow decay of the initial density.Comment: 19 page

    Kinetic formulation and global existence for the Hall-Magneto-hydrodynamics system

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    This paper deals with the derivation and analysis of the the Hall Magneto-Hydrodynamic equations. We first provide a derivation of this system from a two-fluids Euler-Maxwell system for electrons and ions, through a set of scaling limits. We also propose a kinetic formulation for the Hall-MHD equations which contains as fluid closure different variants of the Hall-MHD model. Then, we prove the existence of global weak solutions for the incompressible viscous resistive Hall-MHD model. We use the particular structure of the Hall term which has zero contribution to the energy identity. Finally, we discuss particular solutions in the form of axisymmetric purely swirling magnetic fields and propose some regularization of the Hall equation

    Differential Rotation in Neutron Stars: Magnetic Braking and Viscous Damping

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    Diffferentially rotating stars can support significantly more mass in equilibrium than nonrotating or uniformly rotating stars, according to general relativity. The remnant of a binary neutron star merger may give rise to such a ``hypermassive'' object. While such a star may be dynamically stable against gravitational collapse and bar formation, the radial stabilization due to differential rotation is likely to be temporary. Magnetic braking and viscosity combine to drive the star to uniform rotation, even if the seed magnetic field and the viscosity are small. This process inevitably leads to delayed collapse, which will be accompanied by a delayed gravitational wave burst and, possibly, a gamma-ray burst. We provide a simple, Newtonian, MHD calculation of the braking of differential rotation by magnetic fields and viscosity. The star is idealized as a differentially rotating, infinite cylinder consisting of a homogeneous, incompressible conducting gas. We solve analytically the simplest case in which the gas has no viscosity and the star resides in an exterior vacuum. We treat numerically cases in which the gas has internal viscosity and the star is embedded in an exterior, low-density, conducting medium. Our evolution calculations are presented to stimulate more realistic MHD simulations in full 3+1 general relativity. They serve to identify some of the key physical and numerical parameters, scaling behavior and competing timescales that characterize this important process.Comment: 11 pages. To appear in ApJ (November 20, 2000

    Theoretical Aspects of Blunt Body Magnetoaerodynamics

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    Supersonic magnetoaerodynamic flow about blunt body with self contained magnetic field sourc