22 research outputs found

    Unified bijections for maps with prescribed degrees and girth

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    This article presents unified bijective constructions for planar maps, with control on the face degrees and on the girth. Recall that the girth is the length of the smallest cycle, so that maps of girth at least d=1,2,3d=1,2,3 are respectively the general, loopless, and simple maps. For each positive integer dd, we obtain a bijection for the class of plane maps (maps with one distinguished root-face) of girth dd having a root-face of degree dd. We then obtain more general bijective constructions for annular maps (maps with two distinguished root-faces) of girth at least dd. Our bijections associate to each map a decorated plane tree, and non-root faces of degree kk of the map correspond to vertices of degree kk of the tree. As special cases we recover several known bijections for bipartite maps, loopless triangulations, simple triangulations, simple quadrangulations, etc. Our work unifies and greatly extends these bijective constructions. In terms of counting, we obtain for each integer dd an expression for the generating function Fd(xd,xd+1,xd+2,...)F_d(x_d,x_{d+1},x_{d+2},...) of plane maps of girth dd with root-face of degree dd, where the variable xkx_k counts the non-root faces of degree kk. The expression for F1F_1 was already obtained bijectively by Bouttier, Di Francesco and Guitter, but for d≥2d\geq 2 the expression of FdF_d is new. We also obtain an expression for the generating function \G_{p,q}^{(d,e)}(x_d,x_{d+1},...) of annular maps with root-faces of degrees pp and qq, such that cycles separating the two root-faces have length at least ee while other cycles have length at least dd. Our strategy is to obtain all the bijections as specializations of a single "master bijection" introduced by the authors in a previous article. In order to use this approach, we exhibit certain "canonical orientations" characterizing maps with prescribed girth constraints

    A note on irreducible maps with several boundaries

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    We derive a formula for the generating function of d-irreducible bipartite planar maps with several boundaries, i.e. having several marked faces of controlled degrees. It extends a formula due to Collet and Fusy for the case of arbitrary (non necessarily irreducible) bipartite planar maps, which we recover by taking d=0. As an application, we obtain an expression for the number of d-irreducible bipartite planar maps with a prescribed number of faces of each allowed degree. Very explicit expressions are given in the case of maps without multiple edges (d=2), 4-irreducible maps and maps of girth at least 6 (d=4). Our derivation is based on a tree interpretation of the various encountered generating functions.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    A simple formula for the series of constellations and quasi-constellations with boundaries

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    We obtain a very simple formula for the generating function of bipartite (resp. quasi-bipartite) planar maps with boundaries (holes) of prescribed lengths, which generalizes certain expressions obtained by Eynard in a book to appear. The formula is derived from a bijection due to Bouttier, Di Francesco and Guitter combined with a process (reminiscent of a construction of Pitman) of aggregating connected components of a forest into a single tree. The formula naturally extends to pp-constellations and quasi-pp-constellations with boundaries (the case p=2p=2 corresponding to bipartite maps).Comment: 23 pages, full paper version of v1, with results extended to constellations and quasi constellation

    A bijection for rooted maps on general surfaces (extended abstract)

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    International audienceWe extend the Marcus-Schaeffer bijection between orientable rooted bipartite quadrangulations (equivalently: rooted maps) and orientable labeled one-face maps to the case of all surfaces, orientable or non-orientable. This general construction requires new ideas and is more delicate than the special orientable case, but carries the same information. It thus gives a uniform combinatorial interpretation of the counting exponent 5(h−1)2\frac{5(h-1)}{2} for both orientable and non-orientable maps of Euler characteristic 2−2h2-2h and of the algebraicity of their generating functions. It also shows the universality of the renormalization factor nn¼ for the metric of maps, on all surfaces: the renormalized profile and radius in a uniform random pointed bipartite quadrangulation of size nn on any fixed surface converge in distribution. Finally, it also opens the way to the study of Brownian surfaces for any compact 2-dimensional manifold.Nous étendons la bijection de Marcus et Schaeffer entre quadrangulations biparties orientables (de manière équivalente: cartes enracinées) et cartes à une face étiquetées orientables à toutes les surfaces, orientables ou non. Cette construction générale requiert des idées nouvelles et est plus délicate que dans le cas particulier orientable, mais permet des utilisations similaires. Elle donne donc une interprétation combinatoire uniforme de l’exposant de comptage 5(h−1)2\frac{5(h-1)}{2} pour les cartes orientables et non-orientables de caractéristique d’Euler 2−2h2-2h, et de l’algébricité des fonctions génératrices. Elle montre l’universalité du facteur de normalisation nn¼ pour la métrique des cartes, sur toutes les surfaces: le profil et le rayon d’une quadrangulation enracinée pointée sur une surface fixée converge en distribution. Enfin, elle ouvre à la voie à l’étude des surfaces Browniennes pour toute 2-variété compacte

    On the distance-profile of random rooted plane graphs

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    International audienceWe study the distance-profile of the random rooted plane graph Gn with n edges (by a plane graph we mean a planar map with no loops nor multiple edges). Our main result is that the profile and radius of Gn (with respect to the root-vertex), rescaled by (2n) 1/4 , converge to explicit distributions related to the Brownian snake. A crucial ingredient of our proof is a bijection we have recently introduced between rooted outer-triangular plane graphs and rooted eulerian triangulations, combined with ingredients from Chassaing and Schaeffer (2004), Bousquet-Mélou and Schaeffer (2000), and Addario-Berry and Albenque (2013). We also show that the result for plane graphs implies similar results for random rooted loopless maps and general maps

    The number of corner polyhedra graphs

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    Corner polyhedra were introduced by Eppstein and Mumford (2014) as the set of simply connected 3D polyhedra such that all vertices have non negative integer coordinates, edges are parallel to the coordinate axes and all vertices but one can be seen from infinity in the direction (1, 1, 1). These authors gave a remarkable characterization of the set of corner polyhedra graphs, that is graphs that can be skeleton of a corner polyhedron: as planar maps, they are the duals of some particular bipartite triangulations, which we call hereafter corner triangulations.In this paper we count corner polyhedral graphs by determining the generating function of the corner triangulations with respect to the number of vertices: we obtain an explicit rational expression for it in terms of the Catalan gen- erating function. We first show that this result can be derived using Tutte's classical compositional approach. Then, in order to explain the occurrence of the Catalan series we give a direct algebraic decomposition of corner triangu- lations: in particular we exhibit a family of almond triangulations that admit a recursive decomposition structurally equivalent to the decomposition of binary trees. Finally we sketch a direct bijection between binary trees and almond triangulations. Our combinatorial analysis yields a simpler alternative to the algorithm of Eppstein and Mumford for endowing a corner polyhedral graph with the cycle cover structure needed to realize it as a polyhedral graph

    A bijection for rooted maps on general surfaces (extended abstract)

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    We extend the Marcus-Schaeffer bijection between orientable rooted bipartite quadrangulations (equivalently: rooted maps) and orientable labeled one-face maps to the case of all surfaces, orientable or non-orientable. This general construction requires new ideas and is more delicate than the special orientable case, but carries the same information. It thus gives a uniform combinatorial interpretation of the counting exponent 5(h−1)2\frac{5(h-1)}{2} for both orientable and non-orientable maps of Euler characteristic 2−2h2-2h and of the algebraicity of their generating functions. It also shows the universality of the renormalization factor nn¼ for the metric of maps, on all surfaces: the renormalized profile and radius in a uniform random pointed bipartite quadrangulation of size nn on any fixed surface converge in distribution. Finally, it also opens the way to the study of Brownian surfaces for any compact 2-dimensional manifold

    Tridiagonalized GUE matrices are a matrix model for labeled mobiles

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    It is well-known that the number of planar maps with prescribed vertex degree distribution and suitable labeling can be represented as the leading coefficient of the 1N\frac{1}{N}-expansion of a joint cumulant of traces of powers of an NN-by-NN GUE matrix. Here we undertake the calculation of this leading coefficient in a different way. Firstly, we tridiagonalize the GUE matrix in the manner of Trotter and Dumitriu-Edelman and then alter it by conjugation to make the subdiagonal identically equal to 11. Secondly, we apply the cluster expansion technique (specifically, the Brydges-Kennedy-Abdesselam-Rivasseau formula) from rigorous statistical mechanics. Thirdly, by sorting through the terms of the expansion thus generated we arrive at an alternate interpretation for the leading coefficient related to factorizations of the long cycle (12⋯n)∈Sn(12\cdots n)\in S_n. Finally, we reconcile the group-theoretical objects emerging from our calculation with the labeled mobiles of Bouttier-Di Francesco-Guitter.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX, 17 figures. The present paper completely supercedes arXiv1203.3185 in terms of methods but addresses a different proble

    Irreducible Metric Maps and Weil-Petersson Volumes

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    Contains fulltext : 253439.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)24 juni 202