19,601 research outputs found

    Exploiting path parallelism in logic programming

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    This paper presents a novel parallel implementation of Prolog. The system is based on Multipath, a novel execution model for Prolog that implements a partial breadth-first search of the SLD-tree. The paper focusses on the type of parallelism inherent to the execution model, which is called path parallelism. This is a particular case of data parallelism that can be efficiently exploited in a SPMD architecture. A SPMD architecture oriented to the Multipath execution model is presented. A simulator of such system has been developed and used to assess the performance of path parallelism. Performance figures show that path parallelism is effective for non-deterministic programs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the practicality of global flow analysis of logic programs

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    This paper addresses the issue of the practicality of global flow analysis in logic program compilation, in terms of both speed and precision of analysis. It discusses design and implementation aspects of two practical abstract interpretation-based flow analysis systems: MA3, the MOO Andparallel Analyzer and Annotator; and Ms, an experimental mode inference system developed for SB-Prolog. The paper also provides performance data obtained from these implementations. Based on these results, it is concluded that the overhead of global flow analysis is not prohibitive, while the results of analysis can be quite precise and useful

    Region-based memory management for Mercury programs

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    Region-based memory management (RBMM) is a form of compile time memory management, well-known from the functional programming world. In this paper we describe our work on implementing RBMM for the logic programming language Mercury. One interesting point about Mercury is that it is designed with strong type, mode, and determinism systems. These systems not only provide Mercury programmers with several direct software engineering benefits, such as self-documenting code and clear program logic, but also give language implementors a large amount of information that is useful for program analyses. In this work, we make use of this information to develop program analyses that determine the distribution of data into regions and transform Mercury programs by inserting into them the necessary region operations. We prove the correctness of our program analyses and transformation. To execute the annotated programs, we have implemented runtime support that tackles the two main challenges posed by backtracking. First, backtracking can require regions removed during forward execution to be "resurrected"; and second, any memory allocated during a computation that has been backtracked over must be recovered promptly and without waiting for the regions involved to come to the end of their life. We describe in detail our solution of both these problems. We study in detail how our RBMM system performs on a selection of benchmark programs, including some well-known difficult cases for RBMM. Even with these difficult cases, our RBMM-enabled Mercury system obtains clearly faster runtimes for 15 out of 18 benchmarks compared to the base Mercury system with its Boehm runtime garbage collector, with an average runtime speedup of 24%, and an average reduction in memory requirements of 95%. In fact, our system achieves optimal memory consumption in some programs.Comment: 74 pages, 23 figures, 11 tables. A shorter version of this paper, without proofs, is to appear in the journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Operational Semantics of Resolution and Productivity in Horn Clause Logic

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    This paper presents a study of operational and type-theoretic properties of different resolution strategies in Horn clause logic. We distinguish four different kinds of resolution: resolution by unification (SLD-resolution), resolution by term-matching, the recently introduced structural resolution, and partial (or lazy) resolution. We express them all uniformly as abstract reduction systems, which allows us to undertake a thorough comparative analysis of their properties. To match this small-step semantics, we propose to take Howard's System H as a type-theoretic semantic counterpart. Using System H, we interpret Horn formulas as types, and a derivation for a given formula as the proof term inhabiting the type given by the formula. We prove soundness of these abstract reduction systems relative to System H, and we show completeness of SLD-resolution and structural resolution relative to System H. We identify conditions under which structural resolution is operationally equivalent to SLD-resolution. We show correspondence between term-matching resolution for Horn clause programs without existential variables and term rewriting.Comment: Journal Formal Aspect of Computing, 201

    Independence in constraint logic programs

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    Studying independence of literals, variables, and substitutions has proven very useful in the context of logic programming (LP). Here we study independence in the broader context of constraint logic programming (CLP). We show that a naive extrapolation of the LP definitions of independence to CLP is unsatisfactory (in fact, wrong) for two reasons. First, because interaction between variables through constraints is more complex than in the case of logic programming. Second, in order to ensure the efUciency of several optimizations not only must independence of the search space be considered, but also an orthogonal issue - "independence of constraint solving." We clarify these issues by proposing various types of search independence and constraint solver independence, and show how they can be combined to allow different independence-related optimizations, from parallelism to intelligent backtracking. Sufficient conditions for independence which can be evaluated "a-priori" at run-time are also proposed. Our results suggest that independence, provided a suitable definition is chosen, is even more useful in CLP than in LP

    Improving PARMA Trailing

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    Taylor introduced a variable binding scheme for logic variables in his PARMA system, that uses cycles of bindings rather than the linear chains of bindings used in the standard WAM representation. Both the HAL and dProlog languages make use of the PARMA representation in their Herbrand constraint solvers. Unfortunately, PARMA's trailing scheme is considerably more expensive in both time and space consumption. The aim of this paper is to present several techniques that lower the cost. First, we introduce a trailing analysis for HAL using the classic PARMA trailing scheme that detects and eliminates unnecessary trailings. The analysis, whose accuracy comes from HAL's determinism and mode declarations, has been integrated in the HAL compiler and is shown to produce space improvements as well as speed improvements. Second, we explain how to modify the classic PARMA trailing scheme to halve its trailing cost. This technique is illustrated and evaluated both in the context of dProlog and HAL. Finally, we explain the modifications needed by the trailing analysis in order to be combined with our modified PARMA trailing scheme. Empirical evidence shows that the combination is more effective than any of the techniques when used in isolation. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, 8 table

    TWAM: A Certifying Abstract Machine for Logic Programs

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    Type-preserving (or typed) compilation uses typing derivations to certify correctness properties of compilation. We have designed and implemented a type-preserving compiler for a simply-typed dialect of Prolog we call T-Prolog. The crux of our approach is a new certifying abstract machine which we call the Typed Warren Abstract Machine (TWAM). The TWAM has a dependent type system strong enough to specify the semantics of a logic program in the logical framework LF. We present a soundness metatheorem which constitutes a partial correctness guarantee: well-typed programs implement the logic program specified by their type. This metatheorem justifies our design and implementation of a certifying compiler from T-Prolog to TWAM.Comment: 41 pages, under submission to ACM Transactions on Computational Logi
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