7 research outputs found

    Unification of multi-lingual scientific terminological resources using the ISO 16642 standard. The TermSciences initiative

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    This paper presents the TermSciences portal, which deals with the implementation of a conceptual model that uses the recent ISO 16642 standard (Terminological Markup Framework). This standard turns out to be suitable for concept modeling since it allowed for organizing the original resources by concepts and to associate the various terms for a given concept. Additional structuring is produced by sharing conceptual relationships, that is, cross-linking of resource results through the introduction of semantic relations which may have initially be missing.Comment: 6

    Unification of multi-lingual scientific terminological resources using the ISO 16642 standard. The TermSciences initiative

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    6pInternational audienceThis paper presents the TermSciences portal , which deals with the implementation of a conceptual model that uses the recent ISO 16642 standard (Terminological Markup Framework). This standard turns out to be suitable for concept modeling since it allowed for organizing the original resources by concepts and to associate the various terms for a given concept. Additional structuring is produced by sharing conceptual relationships, that is, cross-linking of resource results through the introduction of semantic relations which may have initially be missing

    Approach to the Creation of a Multilingual, Medical Interface Terminology

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    International audienceHealth care professionals experience difficulties in the correct medical registration of clinical work and in the efficient searching for answers to clinical questions. These difficulties arise often from a deficient interface between human and machine language. Terminological solutions are often naive attempts to standardize language and terms, with conceptual systems, which may overwhelm the users by their complexity, or be too restrictive to represent crucial details. Moreover, local, professional and cultural differences in vernacular expression are often not represented. We must take into account vocabulary differences between Specialists and General Practitioners talk-ing about the same medical fact. There are even more differences between the languages of patients and physicians. Also, the vocabulary being used evolves over time and space and many local expres-sions exist to designate the same diseases or body parts

    Gestion de données terminologiques : principes, méthodes, modèles

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    Les données terminologiques multilingues représentent une composante essentielle dans de nombreux secteurs d'activité, dont la rédaction et la traduction techniques, l'indexation, la recherche d'information [WRI 97] [WRI 01]. L'élaboration de ces ressources s'avérant fort coûteuse, les échanges et la fusion de données constituent un aspect important de la constitution de la majeure partie des bases de données terminologiques connues. Dans le présent chapitre, nous essayons de montrer, en cohérence avec les grandes initiatives internationales de normalisation (ISO1, W3C2 et TEI3) comment il est possible d'apporter un certain nombre de réponses cohérentes à ces difficultés

    Beyond institutional repositories

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    International audienceThe current system of so-called institutional repositories, even if it has been a sensible response at an earlier stage, may not answer the needs of the scholarly community, scientific communication and accompanied stakeholders in a sustainable way. However, having a robust repository infrastructure is essential to academic work. Yet, current institutional solutions, even when networked in a country or across Europe, have largely failed to deliver. Consequently, a new path for a more robust infrastructure and larger repositories is explored to create superior services that support the academy. A future organisation of publication repositories is advocated that is based upon macroscopic academic settings providing a critical mass of interest as well as organisational coherence. Such a macro-unit may be geographical (a coherent national scheme), institutional (a large research organisation or a consortium thereof) or thematic (a specific research field organising itself in the domain of publication repositories). The argument proceeds as follows: firstly, while institutional open access mandates have brought some content into open access, the important mandates are those of the funders and these are best supported by a single infrastructure and large repositories, which incidentally enhances the value of the collection (while a transfer to institutional repositories would diminish the value). Secondly, we compare and contrast a system based on central research publication repositories with the notion of a network of institutional repositories to illustrate that across central dimensions of any repository solution the institutional model is more cumbersome and less likely to achieve a high level of service. Next, three key functions of publication repositories are reconsidered, namely a) the fast and wide dissemination of results; b) the preservation of the record; and c) digital curation for dissemination and preservation. Fourth, repositories and their ecologies are explored with the overriding aim of enhancing content and enhancing usage. Fifth, a target scheme is sketched, including some examples. In closing, a look at the evolutionary road ahead is offered

    Terminologie numérique : conception, représentation et gestion

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    Cet ouvrage se consacre à la notion de terminologie numérique considérée comme une approche de la discipline impliquant la représentation numérique d’informations conceptuelles et linguistiques d’un domaine spécifique. L’objectif est l’illustration des étapes de conception et d’implémentation de base de données terminologiques multilingues permettant le respect des meilleures pratiques dans la gestion des données terminologiques du numérique. Pour ce faire, l’ouvrage met en exergue les nouvelles compétences du terminologue à l’ère numérique. Celles-ci trouvent leur véritable essence dans l’esprit interdisciplinaire et collaboratif de la recherche