114 research outputs found

    Bipedal Walking Analysis, Control, and Applications Towards Human-Like Behavior

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    Realizing the essentials of bipedal walking balance is one of the core studies in both robotics and biomechanics. Although the recent developments of walking control on bipedal robots have brought the humanoid automation to a different level, the walking performance is still limited compared to human walking, which also restricts the related applications in biomechanics and rehabilitation. To mitigate the discrepancy between robotic walking and human walking, this dissertation is broken into three parts to develop the control methods to improve three important perspectives: predictive walking behavior, gait optimization, and stepping strategy. To improve the predictive walking behavior captured by the model predictive control (MPC) which is transitionally applied with the nonlinear tracking control in sequence, a quadratic program (QP)-based controller is proposed to unify center of mass (COM) planning using MPC and a nonlinear torque control with control Lyapunov function (CLF). For the gait optimization, we focus on the algorithms of trajectory optimization with direct collocation framework. We propose a robust trajectory optimization using step-time sampling for a simple walker under terrain uncertainties. Towards generating human-like walking gait with multi-domain (phases), we improve the optimization through contact with more accurate transcription method for level walking, and generalize the hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) gait optimization with modified contact conditions for walking on various terrains. The results are compared with human walking gaits, where the similar trends and the sources of discrepancies are identified. In the third part for stepping strategy, we perform step estimation based on capture point (CP) for different human movements, including single-step (balance) recovery, walking and walking with slip. The analysis provides the insights of the efficacy and limitation of CP-based step estimation for human gait

    Bipedal Hopping: Reduced-order Model Embedding via Optimization-based Control

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    This paper presents the design and validation of controlling hopping on the 3D bipedal robot Cassie. A spring-mass model is identified from the kinematics and compliance of the robot. The spring stiffness and damping are encapsulated by the leg length, thus actuating the leg length can create and control hopping behaviors. Trajectory optimization via direct collocation is performed on the spring-mass model to plan jumping and landing motions. The leg length trajectories are utilized as desired outputs to synthesize a control Lyapunov function based quadratic program (CLF-QP). Centroidal angular momentum, taking as an addition output in the CLF-QP, is also stabilized in the jumping phase to prevent whole body rotation in the underactuated flight phase. The solution to the CLF-QP is a nonlinear feedback control law that achieves dynamic jumping behaviors on bipedal robots with compliance. The framework presented in this paper is verified experimentally on the bipedal robot Cassie.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted by IROS 201

    Bipedal Walking Analysis, Control, and Applications Towards Human-Like Behavior

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    Realizing the essentials of bipedal walking balance is one of the core studies in both robotics and biomechanics. Although the recent developments of walking control on bipedal robots have brought the humanoid automation to a different level, the walking performance is still limited compared to human walking, which also restricts the related applications in biomechanics and rehabilitation. To mitigate the discrepancy between robotic walking and human walking, this dissertation is broken into three parts to develop the control methods to improve three important perspectives: predictive walking behavior, gait optimization, and stepping strategy. To improve the predictive walking behavior captured by the model predictive control (MPC) which is transitionally applied with the nonlinear tracking control in sequence, a quadratic program (QP)-based controller is proposed to unify center of mass (COM) planning using MPC and a nonlinear torque control with control Lyapunov function (CLF). For the gait optimization, we focus on the algorithms of trajectory optimization with direct collocation framework. We propose a robust trajectory optimization using step-time sampling for a simple walker under terrain uncertainties. Towards generating human-like walking gait with multi-domain (phases), we improve the optimization through contact with more accurate transcription method for level walking, and generalize the hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) gait optimization with modified contact conditions for walking on various terrains. The results are compared with human walking gaits, where the similar trends and the sources of discrepancies are identified. In the third part for stepping strategy, we perform step estimation based on capture point (CP) for different human movements, including single-step (balance) recovery, walking and walking with slip. The analysis provides the insights of the efficacy and limitation of CP-based step estimation for human gait

    Control Barrier Function Based Quadratic Programs with Application to Bipedal Robotic Walking

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    This thesis presents a methodology for the development of control barrier functions (CBFs) through a backstepping inspired approach. Given a set defined as the superlevel set of a function, h, the main result is a constructive means for generating control barrier functions that guarantee forward invariance of this set. In particular, if the function defining the set has relative degree n, an iterative methodology utilizing higher order derivatives of h provably results in a control barrier function that can be explicitly derived. To demonstrate these formal results, they are applied in the context of bipedal robotic walking. Physical constraints, e.g., joint limits, are represented by control barrier functions and unified with control objectives expressed through control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) via quadratic program (QP) based controllers. The end result is the generation of stable walking satisfying physical realizability constraints for a model of the bipedal robot AMBER2

    Dynamic Walking: Toward Agile and Efficient Bipedal Robots

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    Dynamic walking on bipedal robots has evolved from an idea in science fiction to a practical reality. This is due to continued progress in three key areas: a mathematical understanding of locomotion, the computational ability to encode this mathematics through optimization, and the hardware capable of realizing this understanding in practice. In this context, this review article outlines the end-to-end process of methods which have proven effective in the literature for achieving dynamic walking on bipedal robots. We begin by introducing mathematical models of locomotion, from reduced order models that capture essential walking behaviors to hybrid dynamical systems that encode the full order continuous dynamics along with discrete footstrike dynamics. These models form the basis for gait generation via (nonlinear) optimization problems. Finally, models and their generated gaits merge in the context of real-time control, wherein walking behaviors are translated to hardware. The concepts presented are illustrated throughout in simulation, and experimental instantiation on multiple walking platforms are highlighted to demonstrate the ability to realize dynamic walking on bipedal robots that is agile and efficient

    Preference-Based Learning for User-Guided HZD Gait Generation on Bipedal Walking Robots

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    This paper presents a framework that unifies control theory and machine learning in the setting of bipedal locomotion. Traditionally, gaits are generated through trajectory optimization methods and then realized experimentally -- a process that often requires extensive tuning due to differences between the models and hardware. In this work, the process of gait realization via hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) based optimization problems is formally combined with preference-based learning to systematically realize dynamically stable walking. Importantly, this learning approach does not require a carefully constructed reward function, but instead utilizes human pairwise preferences. The power of the proposed approach is demonstrated through two experiments on a planar biped AMBER-3M: the first with rigid point feet, and the second with induced model uncertainty through the addition of springs where the added compliance was not accounted for in the gait generation or in the controller. In both experiments, the framework achieves stable, robust, efficient, and natural walking in fewer than 50 iterations with no reliance on a simulation environment. These results demonstrate a promising step in the unification of control theory and learning
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