12 research outputs found

    Privacy by Design: From Technologies to Architectures (Position Paper)

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    Existing work on privacy by design mostly focus on technologies rather than methodologies and on components rather than architectures. In this paper, we advocate the idea that privacy by design should also be addressed at the architectural level and be associated with suitable methodologies. Among other benefits, architectural descriptions enable a more systematic exploration of the design space. In addition, because privacy is intrinsically a complex notion that can be in tension with other requirements, we believe that formal methods should play a key role in this area. After presenting our position, we provide some hints on how our approach can turn into practice based on ongoing work on a privacy by design environment

    Detecting and resolving redundancies in EP3P policies

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    Current regulatory requirements on data privacy make it increasingly important for enterprises to be able to verify and audit their compliance with their privacy policies. Traditionally, a privacy policy is written in a natural language. Such policies inherit the potential ambiguity, inconsistency and mis-interpretation of natural text. Hence, formal languages are emerging to allow a precise specification of enforceable privacy policies that can be verified. The EP3P language is one such formal language. An EP3P privacy policy of an enterprise consists of many rules. Given the semantics of the language, there may exist some rules in the ruleset which can never be used, these rules are referred to as redundant rules. Redundancies adversely affect privacy policies in several ways. Firstly, redundant rules reduce the efficiency of operations on privacy policies. Secondly, they may misdirect the policy auditor when determining the outcome of a policy. Therefore, in order to address these deficiencies it is important to identify and resolve redundancies. This thesis introduces the concept of minimal privacy policy - a policy that is free of redundancy. The essential component for maintaining the minimality of privacy policies is to determine the effects of the rules on each other. Hence, redundancy detection and resolution frameworks are proposed. Pair-wise redundancy detection is the central concept in these frameworks and it suggests a pair-wise comparison of the rules in order to detect redundancies. In addition, the thesis introduces a policy management tool that assists policy auditors in performing several operations on an EP3P privacy policy while maintaining its minimality. Formal results comparing alternative notions of redundancy, and how this would affect the tool, are also presented

    Privacy by Design: a Formal Framework for the Analysis of Architectural Choices (extended version)

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    The privacy by design approach has already been put into practice in different application areas. We believe that the next challenge today is to go beyond individual cases and to provide methodologies to explore the design space in a systematic way. As a first step in this direction, we focus in this report on the data minimization principle and consider different options using decentralized architectures in which actors do not necessarily trust each other. We propose a framework to express the parameters to be taken into account (the service to be performed, the actors involved, their respective requirements, etc.) and an inference system to derive properties such as the possibility for an actor to detect potential errors (or frauds) in the computation of a variable. This inference system can be used in the design phase to check if an architecture meets the requirements of the parties or to point out conflicting requirements.La dĂ©marche de protection de la vie privĂ©e par conception (ou "privacy by design") a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© mise en pratique dans diffĂ©rents domaines d'applications. Le prochain dĂ©fi en la matiĂšre est de dĂ©passer le traitement au cas par cas pour fournir des mĂ©thodes de conception plus systĂ©matiques. Dans ce rapport, nous proposons Ă  cet effet une mĂ©thode mettant en oeuvre le principe de minimisation des donnĂ©es. Elle permet d'analyser diffĂ©rents choix de conception reposant sur des architectures dĂ©centralisĂ©es dans lesquelles les acteurs ne s'accordent pas forcĂ©ment une totale confiance. Le cadre proposĂ© permet d'exprimer les paramĂštres Ă  prendre en compte (service Ă  assurer, acteurs impliquĂ©s, exigences en terme de protection des donnĂ©es ou d'accĂšs aux informations, etc.) et d'analyser les choix d'architectures Ă  l'aide d'un systĂšme d'infĂ©rence. Ce systĂšme peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© dans la phase de conception pour montrer qu'une architecture satisfait toutes les propriĂ©tĂ©s requises ou pour dĂ©tecter des exigences inconciliables

    Business Policy Modeling and Enforcement in Relational Database Systems

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    Database systems maintain integrity of the stored information by ensuring that modifications to the database comply with constraints designed by the administrators. As the number of users and applications sharing a common database increases, so does the complexity of the set of constraints that originate from higher level business processes. The lack of a systematic mechanism for integrating and reasoning about a diverse set of evolving and potentially interfering policies manifested as database level constraints makes corporate policy management within relational systems a chaotic process. In this thesis we present a systematic method of mapping a broad set of process centric business policies onto database level constraints. We exploit the observation that the state of a database represents the union of all the states of every ongoing business process and thus establish a bijective relationship between progression in individual business processes and changes in the database state space. We propose graphical notations that are equivalent to integrity constraints specified in linear temporal logic of the past. Furthermore we demonstrate how this notation can accommodate a wide array of workflow patterns, can allow for multiple policy makers to implement their own process centric constraints independently using their own logical policy models, and can model check these constraints within the database system to detect potential conflicting constraints across several different business processes. A major contribution of this thesis is that it bridges several different areas of research including database systems, temporal logics, model checking, and business workflow/policy management to propose an accessible method of integrating, enforcing, and reasoning about the consequences of process-centric constraints embedded in database systems. As a result, the task of ensuring that a database continuously complies with evolving business rules governed by hundreds of processes, which is traditionally handled by an army of database programmers regularly updating triggers and batch procedures, is made easier, more manageable, and more predictable

    Application of policy-based techniques to process-oriented IT Service Management

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    Unification in privacy policy evaluation - translating EPAL into Prolog

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    Méthodes formelles pour le respect de la vie privée par construction

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    Privacy by Design (PbD) is increasingly praised as a key approach to improving privacy protection. New information and communication technologies give rise to new business models and services. These services often rely on the exploitation of personal data for the purpose of customization. While privacy is more and more at risk, the growing view is that technologies themselves should be used to propose more privacy-friendly solutions. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) have been extensively studied, and many techniques have been proposed such as anonymizers or encryption mechanisms. However, PbD goes beyond the use of PETs. Indeed, the privacy requirements of a system should be taken into account from the early stages of the design because they can have a large impact on the overall architecture of the solution. The PbD approach can be summed up as ``prevent rather than cure''. A number of principles related to the protection of personal data and privacy have been enshrined in law and soft regulations. They involve notions such as data minimization, control of personal data by the subject, transparency of the data processing, or accountability. However, it is not clear how to translate these principles into technical features, and no method exists so far to support the design and verification of privacy compliant systems. This thesis proposes a systematic process to specify, design, and verify system architectures. This process helps designers to explore the design space in a systematic way. It is complemented by a formal framework in which confidentiality and integrity requirements can be expressed. Finally, a computer-aided engineering tool enables non-expert designers to perform formal verifications of the architectures. A case study illustrates the whole approach showing how these contributions complement each other and can be used in practice.Le respect de la vie privĂ©e par construction est de plus en plus mentionnĂ© comme une Ă©tape essentielle vers une meilleure protection de la vie privĂ©e. Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication donnent naissance Ă  de nouveaux modĂšles d'affaires et de services. Ces services reposent souvent sur l'exploitation de donnĂ©es personnelles Ă  des fins de personnalisation. Alors que les exigences de respect de la vie privĂ©e sont de plus en plus sous tension, il apparaĂźt que les technologies elles-mĂȘmes devraient ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour proposer des solutions davantage satisfaisantes. Les technologies amĂ©liorant le respect de la vie privĂ©e ont fait l'objet de recherches approfondies et diverses techniques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es telles que des anonymiseurs ou des mĂ©canismes de chiffrement Ă©voluĂ©s. Cependant, le respect de la vie privĂ©e par construction va plus loin que les technologies amĂ©liorant simplement son respect. En effet, les exigences en terme de protection des donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel doivent ĂȘtre prises en compte au plus tĂŽt lors du dĂ©veloppement d’un systĂšme car elles peuvent avoir un impact important sur l'ensemble de l'architecture de la solution. Cette approche peut donc ĂȘtre rĂ©sumĂ©e comme « prĂ©venir plutĂŽt que guĂ©rir ». Des principes gĂ©nĂ©raux ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s pour dĂ©finir des critĂšres rĂ©glementaires de respect de la vie privĂ©e. Ils impliquent des notions telles que la minimisation des donnĂ©es, le contrĂŽle par le sujet des donnĂ©es personnelles, la transparence des traitements ou encore la redevabilitĂ©. Ces principes ne sont cependant pas suffisamment prĂ©cis pour ĂȘtre directement traduits en fonctionnalitĂ©s techniques. De plus, aucune mĂ©thode n’a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e jusqu’ici pour aider Ă  la conception et Ă  la vĂ©rification de systĂšmes respectueux de la vie privĂ©e. Cette thĂšse propose une dĂ©marche de spĂ©cification, de conception et de vĂ©rification au niveau architectural. Cette dĂ©marche aide les concepteurs Ă  explorer l'espace de conception d'un systĂšme de maniĂšre systĂ©matique. Elle est complĂ©tĂ©e par un cadre formel prenant en compte les exigences de confidentialitĂ© et d’intĂ©gritĂ© des donnĂ©es. Enfin, un outil d’aide Ă  la conception permet aux concepteurs non-experts de vĂ©rifier formellement les architectures. Une Ă©tude de cas illustre l’ensemble de la dĂ©marche et montre comment ces diffĂ©rentes contributions se complĂštent pour ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es en pratique