14 research outputs found

    Protecting Memories against Soft Errors: The Case for Customizable Error Correction Codes

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    As technology scales, radiation induced soft errors create more complex error patterns in memories with a single particle corrupting several bits. This poses a challenge to the Error Correction Codes (ECCs) traditionally used to protect memories that can correct only single bit errors. During the last decade, a number of codes have been developed to correct the emerging error patterns, focusing initially on double adjacent errors and later on three bit burst errors. However, as the memory cells get smaller and smaller, the error patterns created by radiation will continue to change and thus new codes will be needed. In addition, the memory layout and the technology used may also make some patterns more likely than others. For example, in some memories, there maybe elements that separate blocks of bits in a word, making errors that affect two blocks less likely. Finally, for a given memory, depending on the data stored, some error patterns may be more critical than others. For example, if numbers are stored in the memory, in most cases, errors on the more significant bits have a larger impact. Therefore, for a given memory and application, to achieve optimal protection, we would like to have a code that corrects a given set of patterns. This is not possible today as there is a limited number of code choices available in terms of correctable error patterns and word lengths. However, most of the codes used to protect memories are linear block codes that have a regular structure and which design can be automated. In this paper, we propose the automation of error correction code design for memory protection. To that end, we introduce a software tool that given a word length and the error patterns that need to be corrected, produces a linear block code described by its parity check matrix and also the bit placement. The benefits of this automated design approach are illustrated with several case studies. Finally, the tool is made available so that designers can easily produce custom error correction codes for their specific needs.Jiaqiang Li and Liyi Xiao would like to acknowledge the support of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. HIT.KISTP.201404), Harbin science and innovation research special fund (2015RAXXJ003), and Special found for development of Shenzhen strategic emerging industries (JCYJ20150625142543456). Pedro Reviriego would like to acknowledge the support of the TEXEO project TEC2016-80339-R funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity and of the Madrid Community research project TAPIR-CM Grant No. P2018/TCS-4496

    Energy efficient enabling technologies for semantic video processing on mobile devices

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    Semantic object-based processing will play an increasingly important role in future multimedia systems due to the ubiquity of digital multimedia capture/playback technologies and increasing storage capacity. Although the object based paradigm has many undeniable benefits, numerous technical challenges remain before the applications becomes pervasive, particularly on computational constrained mobile devices. A fundamental issue is the ill-posed problem of semantic object segmentation. Furthermore, on battery powered mobile computing devices, the additional algorithmic complexity of semantic object based processing compared to conventional video processing is highly undesirable both from a real-time operation and battery life perspective. This thesis attempts to tackle these issues by firstly constraining the solution space and focusing on the human face as a primary semantic concept of use to users of mobile devices. A novel face detection algorithm is proposed, which from the outset was designed to be amenable to be offloaded from the host microprocessor to dedicated hardware, thereby providing real-time performance and reducing power consumption. The algorithm uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), whose topology and weights are evolved via a genetic algorithm (GA). The computational burden of the ANN evaluation is offloaded to a dedicated hardware accelerator, which is capable of processing any evolved network topology. Efficient arithmetic circuitry, which leverages modified Booth recoding, column compressors and carry save adders, is adopted throughout the design. To tackle the increased computational costs associated with object tracking or object based shape encoding, a novel energy efficient binary motion estimation architecture is proposed. Energy is reduced in the proposed motion estimation architecture by minimising the redundant operations inherent in the binary data. Both architectures are shown to compare favourable with the relevant prior art

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Design Techniques for Energy-Quality Scalable Digital Systems

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    Energy efficiency is one of the key design goals in modern computing. Increasingly complex tasks are being executed in mobile devices and Internet of Things end-nodes, which are expected to operate for long time intervals, in the orders of months or years, with the limited energy budgets provided by small form-factor batteries. Fortunately, many of such tasks are error resilient, meaning that they can toler- ate some relaxation in the accuracy, precision or reliability of internal operations, without a significant impact on the overall output quality. The error resilience of an application may derive from a number of factors. The processing of analog sensor inputs measuring quantities from the physical world may not always require maximum precision, as the amount of information that can be extracted is limited by the presence of external noise. Outputs destined for human consumption may also contain small or occasional errors, thanks to the limited capabilities of our vision and hearing systems. Finally, some computational patterns commonly found in domains such as statistics, machine learning and operational research, naturally tend to reduce or eliminate errors. Energy-Quality (EQ) scalable digital systems systematically trade off the quality of computations with energy efficiency, by relaxing the precision, the accuracy, or the reliability of internal software and hardware components in exchange for energy reductions. This design paradigm is believed to offer one of the most promising solutions to the impelling need for low-energy computing. Despite these high expectations, the current state-of-the-art in EQ scalable design suffers from important shortcomings. First, the great majority of techniques proposed in literature focus only on processing hardware and software components. Nonetheless, for many real devices, processing contributes only to a small portion of the total energy consumption, which is dominated by other components (e.g. I/O, memory or data transfers). Second, in order to fulfill its promises and become diffused in commercial devices, EQ scalable design needs to achieve industrial level maturity. This involves moving from purely academic research based on high-level models and theoretical assumptions to engineered flows compatible with existing industry standards. Third, the time-varying nature of error tolerance, both among different applications and within a single task, should become more central in the proposed design methods. This involves designing “dynamic” systems in which the precision or reliability of operations (and consequently their energy consumption) can be dynamically tuned at runtime, rather than “static” solutions, in which the output quality is fixed at design-time. This thesis introduces several new EQ scalable design techniques for digital systems that take the previous observations into account. Besides processing, the proposed methods apply the principles of EQ scalable design also to interconnects and peripherals, which are often relevant contributors to the total energy in sensor nodes and mobile systems respectively. Regardless of the target component, the presented techniques pay special attention to the accurate evaluation of benefits and overheads deriving from EQ scalability, using industrial-level models, and on the integration with existing standard tools and protocols. Moreover, all the works presented in this thesis allow the dynamic reconfiguration of output quality and energy consumption. More specifically, the contribution of this thesis is divided in three parts. In a first body of work, the design of EQ scalable modules for processing hardware data paths is considered. Three design flows are presented, targeting different technologies and exploiting different ways to achieve EQ scalability, i.e. timing-induced errors and precision reduction. These works are inspired by previous approaches from the literature, namely Reduced-Precision Redundancy and Dynamic Accuracy Scaling, which are re-thought to make them compatible with standard Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and flows, providing solutions to overcome their main limitations. The second part of the thesis investigates the application of EQ scalable design to serial interconnects, which are the de facto standard for data exchanges between processing hardware and sensors. In this context, two novel bus encodings are proposed, called Approximate Differential Encoding and Serial-T0, that exploit the statistical characteristics of data produced by sensors to reduce the energy consumption on the bus at the cost of controlled data approximations. The two techniques achieve different results for data of different origins, but share the common features of allowing runtime reconfiguration of the allowed error and being compatible with standard serial bus protocols. Finally, the last part of the manuscript is devoted to the application of EQ scalable design principles to displays, which are often among the most energy- hungry components in mobile systems. The two proposals in this context leverage the emissive nature of Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) displays to save energy by altering the displayed image, thus inducing an output quality reduction that depends on the amount of such alteration. The first technique implements an image-adaptive form of brightness scaling, whose outputs are optimized in terms of balance between power consumption and similarity with the input. The second approach achieves concurrent power reduction and image enhancement, by means of an adaptive polynomial transformation. Both solutions focus on minimizing the overheads associated with a real-time implementation of the transformations in software or hardware, so that these do not offset the savings in the display. For each of these three topics, results show that the aforementioned goal of building EQ scalable systems compatible with existing best practices and mature for being integrated in commercial devices can be effectively achieved. Moreover, they also show that very simple and similar principles can be applied to design EQ scalable versions of different system components (processing, peripherals and I/O), and to equip these components with knobs for the runtime reconfiguration of the energy versus quality tradeoff

    Towards Computational Efficiency of Next Generation Multimedia Systems

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    To address throughput demands of complex applications (like Multimedia), a next-generation system designer needs to co-design and co-optimize the hardware and software layers. Hardware/software knobs must be tuned in synergy to increase the throughput efficiency. This thesis provides such algorithmic and architectural solutions, while considering the new technology challenges (power-cap and memory aging). The goal is to maximize the throughput efficiency, under timing- and hardware-constraints

    Hardware Considerations for Signal Processing Systems: A Step Toward the Unconventional.

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    As we progress into the future, signal processing algorithms are becoming more computationally intensive and power hungry while the desire for mobile products and low power devices is also increasing. An integrated ASIC solution is one of the primary ways chip developers can improve performance and add functionality while keeping the power budget low. This work discusses ASIC hardware for both conventional and unconventional signal processing systems, and how integration, error resilience, emerging devices, and new algorithms can be leveraged by signal processing systems to further improve performance and enable new applications. Specifically this work presents three case studies: 1) a conventional and highly parallel mix signal cross-correlator ASIC for a weather satellite performing real-time synthetic aperture imaging, 2) an unconventional native stochastic computing architecture enabled by memristors, and 3) two unconventional sparse neural network ASICs for feature extraction and object classification. As improvements from technology scaling alone slow down, and the demand for energy efficient mobile electronics increases, such optimization techniques at the device, circuit, and system level will become more critical to advance signal processing capabilities in the future.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116685/1/knagphil_1.pd

    Hardware / Software Architectural and Technological Exploration for Energy-Efficient and Reliable Biomedical Devices

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    Nowadays, the ubiquity of smart appliances in our everyday lives is increasingly strengthening the links between humans and machines. Beyond making our lives easier and more convenient, smart devices are now playing an important role in personalized healthcare delivery. This technological breakthrough is particularly relevant in a world where population aging and unhealthy habits have made non-communicable diseases the first leading cause of death worldwide according to international public health organizations. In this context, smart health monitoring systems termed Wireless Body Sensor Nodes (WBSNs), represent a paradigm shift in the healthcare landscape by greatly lowering the cost of long-term monitoring of chronic diseases, as well as improving patients' lifestyles. WBSNs are able to autonomously acquire biological signals and embed on-node Digital Signal Processing (DSP) capabilities to deliver clinically-accurate health diagnoses in real-time, even outside of a hospital environment. Energy efficiency and reliability are fundamental requirements for WBSNs, since they must operate for extended periods of time, while relying on compact batteries. These constraints, in turn, impose carefully designed hardware and software architectures for hosting the execution of complex biomedical applications. In this thesis, I develop and explore novel solutions at the architectural and technological level of the integrated circuit design domain, to enhance the energy efficiency and reliability of current WBSNs. Firstly, following a top-down approach driven by the characteristics of biomedical algorithms, I perform an architectural exploration of a heterogeneous and reconfigurable computing platform devoted to bio-signal analysis. By interfacing a shared Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) accelerator, this domain-specific platform can achieve higher performance and energy savings, beyond the capabilities offered by a baseline multi-processor system. More precisely, I propose three CGRA architectures, each contributing differently to the maximization of the application parallelization. The proposed Single, Multi and Interleaved-Datapath CGRA designs allow the developed platform to achieve substantial energy savings of up to 37%, when executing complex biomedical applications, with respect to a multi-core-only platform. Secondly, I investigate how the modeling of technology reliability issues in logic and memory components can be exploited to adequately adjust the frequency and supply voltage of a circuit, with the aim of optimizing its computing performance and energy efficiency. To this end, I propose a novel framework for workload-dependent Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) impact analysis on biomedical application results quality. Remarkably, the framework is able to determine the range of safe circuit operating frequencies without introducing worst-case guard bands. Experiments highlight the possibility to safely raise the frequency up to 101% above the maximum obtained with the classical static timing analysis. Finally, through the study of several well-known biomedical algorithms, I propose an approach allowing energy savings by dynamically and unequally protecting an under-powered data memory in a new way compared to regular error protection schemes. This solution relies on the Dynamic eRror compEnsation And Masking (DREAM) technique that reduces by approximately 21% the energy consumed by traditional error correction codes


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    Addresses the Challenges Associated with System-on-Chip Integration Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration examines the current issues restricting chip-on-chip communication efficiency, and explores Network-on-chip (NoC), a promising alternative that equips designers with the capability to produce a scalable, reusable, and high-performance communication backbone by allowing for the integration of a large number of cores on a single system-on-chip (SoC). This book provides a basic overview of topics associated with NoC-based design: communication infrastructure design, communication methodology, evaluation framework, and mapping of applications onto NoC. It details the design and evaluation of different proposed NoC structures, low-power techniques, signal integrity and reliability issues, application mapping, testing, and future trends. Utilizing examples of chips that have been implemented in industry and academia, this text presents the full architectural design of components verified through implementation in industrial CAD tools. It describes NoC research and developments, incorporates theoretical proofs strengthening the analysis procedures, and includes algorithms used in NoC design and synthesis. In addition, it considers other upcoming NoC issues, such as low-power NoC design, signal integrity issues, NoC testing, reconfiguration, synthesis, and 3-D NoC design. This text comprises 12 chapters and covers: The evolution of NoC from SoC—its research and developmental challenges NoC protocols, elaborating flow control, available network topologies, routing mechanisms, fault tolerance, quality-of-service support, and the design of network interfaces The router design strategies followed in NoCs The evaluation mechanism of NoC architectures The application mapping strategies followed in NoCs Low-power design techniques specifically followed in NoCs The signal integrity and reliability issues of NoC The details of NoC testing strategies reported so far The problem of synthesizing application-specific NoCs Reconfigurable NoC design issues Direction of future research and development in the field of NoC Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration covers the basic topics, technology, and future trends relevant to NoC-based design, and can be used by engineers, students, and researchers and other industry professionals interested in computer architecture, embedded systems, and parallel/distributed systems