13 research outputs found

    How do Australian small and medium enterprises communicate their environmental improvement activities online?

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    There have been calls in the IS/eBusiness literature for research on &quot;green&quot; IS/IT in a Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) context. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) literature has neglected the issue of how SMEs can use websites to communicate their environmental improvement activities. This paper links these two previously separate disciplines by reporting on a content analysis of 443 Australian SME websites from four industry sectors to identify if and how they use websites to communicate their environmental improvement activities. The study found that 47 websites were communicating such activities in some form. A detailed analysis was undertaken of these 47 websites to identify emergent themes relating to how these SMEs were communicating their environmental improvement activities. These themes resulted in a reconceptualisation of the traditional &quot;4 Ps&quot; of marketing for online communication of environmental improvement activities by SMEs: profile; product; process; and prominence.<br /


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    E-business stage/maturity models for SMEs have been criticized for their predominantly technocentric and rather mechanistic character, not suited for this kind of firms. Based on a conceptual and qualitative research, the paper proposes an e-business development model to factor in the interaction sparked by the coming together of technology and organization. Given that e-business is distinguished by different levels of supplier/customer information exchanges, the model (tested in three small firms) envisages five digital and non digital interaction levels so that small business owners can better understand and evaluate the interplay of organization and technology in relation to business opportunities

    Uso de sitios web por las pymes comerciales del cantón Cuenca // Use of commercial websites by the SMEs in the city of Cuenca

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    La investigación, por una parte, determina el número de micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) activas del cantón Cuenca, a partir de utilizar los registros y base de datos de la Superintendencia de Compañías, Valores y Seguros y los criterios referenciales dispuestos por la Secretaría de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones. A partir de esta información, se utiliza la Clasificación Industrial Internacional Uniforme (CIIU) de todas las actividades económicas, para determinar el número de empresas que se dedican a la actividad comercial (Sección G). Con esta información, se realiza una investigación particular de cada empresa de este segmento para determinar qué porcentaje de estas mantienen un sitio web en línea, así como el uso que le dan al mismo. Los indicadores que se desprenden del estudio sirven como punto de partida para futuras investigaciones que registren la evolución del uso de páginas web en la ciudad de Cuenca, asimismo, la propuesta metodológica definida puede servir para estudios similares en otras ciudades y países. AbstractThis research checks the number of active small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the city of Cuenca using the records and database of the Superintendence of Companies, Appraisal and Insurance and the benchmarks set by the Secretariat of the Andean Community of Nations. Based on this information, we use the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) of all economic activities to determine the number of companies engaged in commercial activity (Section G). We performed a particular investigation of each company of this segment with this information to determine what percentage of these maintain an online website, as well as the use that they give to it. The indicators that emerge from the study serve as a starting point for future research that record the evolution of the use of web pages in the city of Cuenca. Moreover, similar studies in other cities and countries can use the methodological proposal offered in this study. 


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    Qualitative research relies primarily on qualitative data in form of texts. The method of content analysis (CA) represents a scientifically well-founded and effective solution for making valid inferences from varied sources of textual information. This paper investigates the use of CA in the context of high-quality IS research with a focus on the underlying research questions, data sources, and methodological characteristics. Building on that, distinctive patterns, trends through time, and potentials will be discussed and compared with a reference discipline (organizational research). The results indicate that the general application of CA in high-quality IS research has steadily increased. In this context, CA is used in a very wide range of ways to understand and explain complex phenomena. Furthermore, CA is frequently used to categorize primary data collections, derived, for example, from transcribed interviews or open-ended surveys, and to transform qualitative data into quantitative outcomes. Besides other methodological issues, the increasing application of computational approaches seems to distinguish the IS discipline. Finally, this paper should also serve as an introduction to CA, bring transparency with respect to the methodological characteristics, and inspire researchers to carry out further CAs in the context of IS research

    A review of studies on information systems and SMEs in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014)

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    This paper identifies novel approaches to future small and medium enterprise (SME) research from a review of articles, and then introduces the papers in this AJIS special section which evidence these approaches. More specifically, the paper makes an important contribution by reviewing 61 articles in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014) and introducing three new facets which are used to analyse research on SME adoption/use of IS (units of analysis, SME sizes and SME types) not considered in previous literature review studies. These facets provide the basis for proposing various future research opportunities. The editorial then introduces the four papers in this special section covering the research theme on SMEs, and highlights the contributions they make using the three facets

    A review of studies on information systems and SMEs in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014)

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    This paper identifies novel approaches to future small and medium enterprise (SME) research from a review of articles, and then introduces the papers in this AJIS special section which evidence these approaches. More specifically, the paper makes an important contribution by reviewing 61 articles in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014) and introducing three new facets which are used to analyse research on SME adoption/use of IS (units of analysis, SME sizes and SME types) not considered in previous literature review studies. These facets provide thebasis for proposing various future research opportunities. The editorial then introduces the four papers in this special section covering the research theme on SMEs, and highlights the contributions they make using the three facets

    Conceptualising how SMEs incorporate green content in their websites

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    This paper presents a framework on how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can proactively incorporate content relating to their ecological responsibility (or green) activities in their websites. SME studies offer limited guidance on, and conceptualisation of, how organisations can incorporate different types of content into their website designs. This paper addresses this problem by presenting the results of an exploratory, qualitative content analysis of Australian SME websites where emergent themes are interpreted using framing and legitimacy theories. It describes three dimensions (location, presentation, and specificity) which comprise the framework, under which the themes are grouped. The paper outlines how scholars can use the framework to develop models and carry out evaluations regarding how SMEs embed green content, and potentially other specific content types, in their websites. It also summarises how the framework can assist SMEs (or website developers serving them) make informed decisions regarding framing their websites as green, or de-emphasising this content, by paying attention to its location (e.g. homepage, navigation bars) and presentation (e.g. how paragraphs, images, etc are used) within webpages. The legitimacy or credibility of the green content can be enhanced using different types of specificity (e.g. statistics, detail of processes and actions, and third-party substantiation)

    Reaching the Diversity of Users' Understandings: A Methodological Renewal

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    "Nuoret jakavat paljon omia kuviaan sekä itseään koskevia tietoja netissä" tai "Suomalaiset käyttävät innokkaasti hintavertailusivuja ja keskustelupalstoja ostopäätöstensä tukena" ovat lainauksia, joiden kaltaisia voi nähdä tiedotusvälineissä jatkuvasti. Usein myös tieteellisissä keskusteluissa tietokoneen käyttäjiä kuvataan erilaisten ryhmien kautta. "Nuoret" tai "suomalaiset" eivät kuitenkaan voi todellisuudessa käyttää tietokonetta vaan tietokoneen käyttäjät ovat yksilöitä. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on selvittää, miten yksilöllisten käyttäjien moninaisia käsityksiä voidaan tutkia tietojärjestelmätieteessä. Käyttäjien erilaisten tulkintojen keräämiseen ja analysointiin on käytetty tulkinnallista tutkimusotetta, fenomenografiaa. Tietotekniikan käyttäjiä on tutkittu empiirisesti haastattelujen avulla sähköisen kaupan kontekstissa. Käyttäjät suhtautuvat tietotekniikkaan vaihtelevasti. Heidän ajattelemisensa yhtenä ryhmänä voi johtaa vääriin käsityksiin. Tutkimukseen liittyneissä käyttäjätesteissä ja haastatteluissa tuli esiin yksilöllisen ymmärryksen kirjo. Esimerkiksi yksityisyys sähköisessä kaupassa saattoi merkitä jollekin käyttäjälle vain uhkia vaikka yleisesti yksityisyys ja sen säilyttäminen nähdään myönteisenä asiana. Toisaalta virtuaalisista tuotemalleista puhuttaessa käyttäjä voi keskittyä pääasiassa teknologian mahdollisuuksiin, jolloin varsinaiset tuotteen ominaisuudet jäävät hänen ymmärtämyksessään vähemmälle huomiolle. Tutkimusten tulosten perusteella käytetyn tutkimusotteen avulla voidaan saavuttaa monitasoinen käsitys käyttäjien käsityksistä. Nousten askeleelta seuraavalle tutkija voi 1) raportoida yksilöiden käsityksiä, 2) esittää luokitteluja yksilöiden käsityksistä, 3) esittää kategorioita käyttäen käsitysten aspekteja ja 4) luoda ajatusmalleja. Kaikki askeleet voivat muodostaa merkityksellisiä tutkimustuloksia. Kun tutkija luo ajatusmalleja, kyseessä on mallin muodostaminen tutkittavasta ilmiöstä monitasoisella tavalla."Youngsters often share their own pictures and information about themselves in the Internet" or "To support their buying decisions, Finnish people eagerly use discussion groups and web pages for price comparisons" are quotations the like of which can again and again be seen in the media. Often also in the scientific discussions the users of computers are described through diverse groups. However, "youngsters" or "Finnish people" as such cannot use computers. The users of computers are individuals. The goal of this dissertation is to examine how individual users' diversity of understandings can be studied in the information systems science. An interpretative research approach called phenomenography has been used for collecting and analysing the diversity of users' interpretations. The users of information technology have been studied empirically in the context of e-commerce. The users have varied understandings of information technology. Thinking of users as a single group may lead to incorrect interpretations. The user tests and interviews included in this study show the diversity of individuals' understandings. For example, privacy in electronic commerce may mean to some users only threats, even though in general privacy and its protection are seen as something positive. Another example is that when discussing virtual prototypes of products the user can concentrate mainly on the possibilities of the presentation technology. In this situation the user bypasses the primary product features. The results of this study show that the research approach employed here has the advantage of reaching a multilevel understanding of users' conceptions. By moving from one level to another the researcher can: 1) report individuals' conceptions, 2) present classifications of individuals' conceptions, 3) present categorizations using aspects of conceptions, and 4) create forms of thought. All of these levels can comprise relevant research results. When the researcher creates forms of thought the result represents a model of the studied phenomenon in a multilevel fashion

    A importância das ferramentas de marketing digital na angariação de clientes internacionais nas pequenas e médias empresas da indústria têxtil e vestuário portuguesa

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    Mestrado em GestãoExame Público realizado em 15 de Abril de 2021Com o surgimento da Internet e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, tornou-se mais fácil interagir e comunicar com pessoas de diversas partes do mundo sem que estas estivessem presentes no mesmo local físico. Através da correta utilização de diferentes ferramentas do marketing digital, Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas em todo o mundo conseguem interagir e comunicar com os seus clientes de uma forma simplificada. Simultaneamente conseguem aceder a um maior conjunto de dados dos seus clientes que permitem, em muitos casos, aumentar a capacidade de resposta e análise das necessidades, conseguindo assim responder melhor às expectativas dos mesmos. Este estudo pretende determinar como e de que forma as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME’s) da Indústria Têxtil e Vestuário portuguesa que operam no segmento B2B, usam as ferramentas de marketing digital de forma a angariar novos clientes internacionais e a aumentar as suas exportações. Pretende também “medir” a importância e eficácia atribuída pelas organizações a cada uma das ferramentas de marketing digital, os obstáculos que estas enfrentam na utilização destas ferramentas, os objetivos pretendem atingir com a sua utilização, e que métricas utilizam para as avaliar. Reunidos e avaliados os resultados das entrevistas e dos questionários, foi possível concluir que as PME’s utilizam as ferramentas digitais e reconhecem a sua importância no papel da angariação de novos clientes internacionais. As ferramentas de marketing digital mais utilizadas são o Website, seguindo-se Social media e o Marketing de conteúdo. Quanto à importância dada a cada ferramenta de marketing digital, as consideradas mais importantes tanto como as mais eficazes foram o Mobile marketing, o Marketing de conteúdo, as Social media e o Search marketing. Os objetivos mais importantes na estratégia de marketing digital que as empresas pretendem atingir são: aumentar vendas (aquisição de novos clientes), geração de novos contactos comerciais, e retenção de clientes. Os principais obstáculos identificados pelas empresas que utilizam as ferramentas de marketing digital são: dificuldade na criação de conteúdos, baixo orçamento de marketing, e por fim, escasso suporte técnico. Quanto ao uso de métricas as organizações reconhecem a sua importância, no entanto ainda poucas organizações avaliam os resultados obtidos com a aplicação das ferramentas de marketing digital.With the emergence of the Internet and information and communication technologies, it has become easier to interact and communicate with people from different parts of the World without the necessity of physical presence on the same location. Through the correct use of different digital marketing tools, Small, Medium and Large Enterprises around the world can interact and communicate with their customers in an easier way. At the same time, they can access a larger set of data from their customers, which in many cases allows companies to increase their responsiveness and deeper analysis of their customers' needs, thus responding better to their customers' expectations. This study aims to determine how and in which way Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Portuguese Textile and Clothing Industry are operating in the B2B segment. Understand how they use digital marketing tools in order to attract new international customers and increase their exportations. This study also intended to "measure" the importance and effectiveness attributed by organizations to each one of the digital marketing tools, the obstacles they face in the use of these tools, the objectives they intend to achieve with their use, and what metrics they use to evaluate them. Having gathered and evaluated the results of the interviews and questionnaires, it was possible to conclude that SMEs use the digital tools and recognize their importance in the role of attracting new international clients. The most used digital marketing tools are the Website, followed by Social Media and Content Marketing. As for the importance given to each digital marketing tool, the most important were considered both as the most effective Mobile marketing, Content Marketing, Social media and Search marketing. The most important objectives in the digital marketing strategy that companies intend to achieve are: increase sales (acquisition of new customers), generation of new business contacts, and customer retention. The main obstacles faced by companies in using digital marketing tools are the difficulty in creating content, the low marketing budget, and finally little technical support. As for the use of metrics organizations recognize their importance, however few organizations still evaluate their digital marketing results

    An empirical investigation of factors affecting cloud computing adoption among SMEs in the North East of England

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    PhD ThesisThe growing adoption of cloud computing is changing the way business information systems are developed, scaled up, maintained and paid for. This not only applies to large organisations, but also increasingly to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). In particular, cloud computing promises to improve the reliability and scalability of IT systems, which allows SMEs to focus their limited resources on their core business and strategy. In the SME context, technology adoption and usage decisions are influenced by many factors. Despite the extensive literature, there is still limited research related to the factors which impact on SMEs' adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) innovations. By adopting the Technological, Organisational and Environmental (TOE) Model, this research project attempts to conceptualise cloud computing adoption and to enhance understanding of the range of factors affecting cloud computing adoption decision making in SMEs. This work utilises both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to meet the research objectives. This study proposes a conceptual framework of SMEs' adoption of cloud computing. Before carrying out a survey to test this model, a preliminary empirical study involving 15 SMEs in the North east of England was conducted in order to specify the factors that can be included within the developed conceptual framework. Our pilot study findings were fed into the second stage of our empirical study involving 184 SMEs in the North East of England. Among the factors examined, relative advantage, uncertainty, innovativeness, and external computing support were found to have significant influence on whether SMEs adopted cloud computing. These findings have important implications and great value to the research community, managers and ICT providers, in terms of formulating better strategies for cloud computing adoption. The research model in this study can improve their understanding of why some SMEs choose to adopt cloud computing services, while seemingly similar ones facing similar market conditions do no