7 research outputs found

    Critérios informacionais para elaboração de conteúdo instrucional para a web com base nos princípios de aprendizagem multimídia.

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    A tecnologia permite elaborar conteúdos instrucionais em diferentes suportes e formatos com o uso de áudios, textos, vídeos e animações, os quais influenciam distintamente na maneira como o ser humano interage com a informação e aprende. A compreensão dessas influências é importante para adaptar a tecnologia multimídia para melhorar a aprendizagem humana. A Teoria Cognitiva de Aprendizagem Multimídia de Richard Mayer apresenta princípios básicos para a elaboração de material instrucional multimídia visando a facilitar a aprendizagem, com base em como as pessoas aprendem. Estudos empíricos nas áreas de psicologia, educação, tecnologia e outras têm buscado validar os princípios da teoria e testar suas implicações no processo de aprendizagem. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar critérios informacionais, com base na análise sistemática de estudos empíricos sobre a consistência dos princípios preconizados pela Teoria Cognitiva de Aprendizagem Multimídia, que possam ser utilizados na elaboração e na adaptação de material instrucional multimídia na web, de modo a maximizar a aprendizagem e a transferência cognitiva de conhecimento especializado. A partir desses achados, material instrucional multimídia do programa Dia de Campo na TV é analisado e adaptações são sugeridas, para facilitar o processo de transferência de tecnologia e de conhecimento por meio da web. Por fim, uma lista de recomendações par asubsidiar a criação de novos conteúdos instrucionais é oferecida, a fim de ampliar a efetividade do uso de recursos multimídia na promoção da aprendizagem e na difusão coletiva de conhecimento especializado.Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Informação) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola de Comunicação, Rio de Janeiro

    고난이도 이러닝 콘텐츠에서 텍스트 또는 내레이션 제시 효과

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사범대학 교육학과(교육공학전공), 2021. 2. 임철일.인터넷 및 통신 기술 (ICT)의 발달로 인해 교육의 추세와 방식이 수년에 걸쳐 변화해 왔다. 이러한 컴퓨터 기술, 인터넷 기술의 발전과 이를 사용할 수 있는 사람들의 수가 증가함에 따라 e- 러닝은 가장 인기있는 학습 매체 중 하나가 되었다. 전자 학습-교육 목적으로 휴대폰, 태블릿, 노트북 및 기타 기술 도구와 같은 다양한 유형의 ICT를 사용하는 것으로 생각할 수 있으며 여러 학습 기술과 전략을 통합한다. e- 러닝은 교육에서 학습 경험을 풍부하게 하므로 교육에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 잠재력이 있다. 이러닝은 정보 사회의 발전과 함께 성장하고 있으며 이러한 발전에 따라 이러닝 콘텐츠가 전달되는 방식도 변화하고 있다. 또한 콘텐츠가 멀티미디어로 제공되는 경우 사람들은 순차적 방식이 아닌 텍스트, 그래픽 또는 오디오를 동시에 제공함으로써 효과적인 학습 경험을 가능하게 하므로 학습에 더 많이 참여할 가능성이 높다. 멀티미디어는 교육 분야에서 고유 한 이점을 제공하지만 다른 학습 프로그램과 마찬가지로 멀티미디어 학습 설계는 효과를 위해 중요하다. 그렇기 때문에 멀티미디어 준비 원칙을 고려하는 것이 중요하다. 이러한 디자인 원칙 중 모달리티 원칙은 다른 멀티미디어 디자인 원칙보다 더 광범위하게 연구되었다. 모달리티 원칙은 그림과 구두 텍스트에서 학습하는 것이 그림과 화면 텍스트에서 학습하는 것보다 더 효과적임을 시사한다. 이 원칙의 경험적 지원이 높지만 그 효과는 특정 조건으로 제한된다. 그 중에서도 이 연구는 어려운 정보에 초점을 맞추었다. 즉, 학습자에서 정보가 복잡하다면 내레이션을 사용하는 것보다 화면 텍스트가 더 나은 선택이다는 제안을 고려하여 모달리티 원칙이 검증되지 않았던 상황인 한 멀티미디어 콘텐츠에서 화면상의 텍스트와 내레이션을 사용하는 효과를 검증하였다. 본 연구는 통제 및 실험 집단에서 파일럿 테스트, 사전 지식 설문지 및 회상 검사를 사용하였다. 60 명의 참가자는 사진들과 내레이션만 제시된 멀티메디아 콘텐츠를 학습할 집단(통제집단) 과 또는 내레이션과 화면텍스트 제시된 멀티메디아 콘텐츠를 학습할 집단(실험집단)에 무작위로 배정되었다. 실험집단은 사진들과 함께 내레이션을 봤으나 정보가 어려운 부분에서 사진들과 함께 내레이션 대신 화면 텍스트로 학습하였다. 멀티미디어 콘텐츠인 교육 영상을 본 후 회상검사를 실시했습니다. 데이터 수집 후 그룹의 평균 점수를 비교하기 위해 독립 샘플 t검증을 수행했습니다. 회상검사를 데이터 분석에 따르면, 통계 결과는 정보가 어려울 때 멀티미디어 자료에 내레이션 대신 화면 텍스트를 제공하는 것이 내레이션 만 제공하는 것보다 정보를 기억할 때에 더 효과적임을 보여주었다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 점에서 의의가 있다. 첫째, 정보가 복잡 할 때 화면상 활용을 모색함으로써 본 연구는 멀티미디어 자료 설계에 대한 연구 기반의 성장에 기여한다. 이 연구에서 얻은 결과는 교육 설계자가 참고 자료로 사용할 수 있으며 긍정적인 학습 결과에 기여할 수 있기 때문이다. 둘째, 모달리티 원리의 다양한 상황을 검증할 필요가 있기 때문에 본 연구는 문헌에 기여한다. 마지막으로, 정보가 복잡 할 때 나레이션 대신 텍스트를 사용하는 것에 대한 조사가 많지 않기 때문에 동기, 학습 인식 등 학습 외에 다른 변수를 검증하는 측면에서 향후 연구의 기초 연구가 될 수 있기 때문에 현재 연구가 중요합니다.The trends and the ways of education have been changing over the years thanks to developments on the Internet and communication technology (ICT). These advancements in computer technology, Internet technology, and an increase in the number of people who can use them have made e-learning one of the most popular mediums of learning and it has been gaining popularity day-by-day. E-learning can be thought of as using different types of ICTs such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and other technological tools for educational purposes and it incorporates several learning technologies and strategies. E-learning enriches the learning experience in education, so it has the potential to affect education positively. E-learning is growing with the development of the information society and with these developments, the way how e-learning content is delivered has been changing too. Moreover, people are more likely to be engaged with learning if the content is presented as multimedia because it enables an effective learning experience by providing text, graphics, or audio simultaneously rather than in a sequential manner Multimedia offers unique advantages in the field of education however, as in any learning program, designing multimedia learning is important for effectiveness. That is why it is important to consider principles for preparing multimedia. Among those design principles, the modality principle has been more widely tested than any other principle of multimedia design. The modality principle suggests that learning from pictures and verbal text is more effective than learning from pictures and on-screen text. Although the modality principle has high empirical support, its effect is limited to certain conditions. Among those conditions, this research focused on difficult information. It was suggested that if the context of information is complicated for the learners then the printed text is a better option than using narration. Besides, among the circumstances that the modality principle has not been tested, it was suggested that there is a need to test the effect of using on-screen text and narration in one multimedia learning design. By taking these results into account, this study tested the use of printed-text and verbal text along with visuals when the content is difficult through conducting a recall test. This study used a pilot-test, prior knowledge questionnaire, and recall test on control and treatment groups. 60 participants were randomly assigned to either the narration-only group (NO) which is the control group or the narration-text group (NT) which is the treatment group. An instructional video was prepared for each treatment group. Participants in NO group received a self-paced, computer-based instructional video that includes narration only to explain the Artificial Intelligence and related concepts. The NT group received the same computer-based instructional video; however, the same explanation was presented as the narration. The narration part was removed, and the on-screen text was added when the incoming information is complicated. After they watched the instructional video, the recall test was conducted. After collecting data, independent samples t-test was conducted to compare the mean score of the groups. According to data analysis of recall test, the statistical results showed that providing on-screen text instead of narration in multimedia material when the information is difficult is more effective on recalling the information than providing the narration only. This study has significance due to the following reasons. Firstly, by exploring the use of on-screen when the information is convoluted, the present study contributes to the growing research base on the design of multimedia materials. The results obtained from this study can be used by instructional designers as a reference. and it can contribute to positive learning outcomes. Secondly, since there is a need for testing different circumstances of modality principle, this study makes contributions to literature. Finally, since there is no investigation about using text instead of narration when information is complicated, the present study is important because it can be a base study for future studies in terms of testing other variables besides learning such as motivation, learning perception, and, so on.I. INTRODUCTION 1 1. Background of the Study 1 1.1. Statement of the Problem 8 1.2. Needs of the Research 12 2. Research Questions 16 3. Definition of Terms 17 II. LITERATURE REVIEW 21 1. Theoretical Framework 21 1.1. Cognitive Load Theory 21 1.2. Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning 26 2. The Modality Principle 32 2.1. Evidence Studies for Modality Principle 33 III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 36 1. Overall Research Design 36 2. Materials and Instruments 38 2.1. Instructional Video 38 2.2. Instruments 43 2.2.1. Pilot Phase Process 44 2.2.2. Prior Knowledge Questionnaire 44 2.2.3. Recall Test 46 3. Participants 53 4. Data Analysis 54 4.1. Use of Prior Knowledge Questionnaire 57 4.2. Recall Test Analyses 58 IV. RESULTS 61 1. Prior Knowledge Questionnaire 61 2. Recall Test Analyses Results 61 3. Independent Samples T-test Results 63 4. Summary 64 V.DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION 67 1. Contributions of the Study 71 2. Implications of the Study 72 3. Limitations and Future Directions 74 4. Conclusions 76 REFERENCES 79 APPENDIX 99 국문초록 111Maste

    The effect of active reading software on saudi efl learners’ reading comprehension skills

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    The present study investigated the effects of technology-integrated instruction on reading comprehension skills of the undergraduate EFL learners at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. The experimental study utilized Active Reading Software (ARS) as a technological tool to examine its efficacy on reading comprehension at literal, interpretative, critical, and creative levels. The study also attempted to explore the influence of ARS instruction on learners’ attitudes towards learning reading comprehension. The variables of the study were analyzed and described based on a theoretical framework that included Schema theory, Rumelhalt (1980) and Meyer’s (2005) Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML). This study employed a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach following a quasi-experimental pretest posttest design for collecting the quantitative and qualitative data of the research. The study utilized 60 male participants studying English as a foreign language at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. Randomization procedure was used to cluster two intact groups into experimental and control groups. Quantitative data were obtained via reading achievement tests and questionnaire surveys while qualitative data were procured through semi-structured interviews. Analysis of quantitative data made use of statistical package SPSS 22, whereas qualitative data of the study were evaluated using thematic data analysis procedure. Findings of the study pointed out a significant difference in the mean scores of the experimental groups involved in the study in terms of reading achievement. The mean score of the experimental groups on reading posttest was higher than that of the control group. The conclusion was drawn from the findings that using ARS as a learning tool had significant impacts on learners’ reading achievement. The findings of this study demonstrated that ARS is an effective learning tool for enhancing reading comprehension skills since the ARS instruction focused on aspects that could improve learners’ comprehension skills. These aspects included using authentic learning materials, activation of prior or background knowledge, positive learning attitudes, interactive learning activities, individualized and stress- free learning environment. The results of the current study also showed that the participants in the experimental group performed better than the control group because they received the learning input in a conducive environment, which helped them improve their reading proficiency. In the ARS instruction, the learning materials were presented using dual-channel (auditory and visual). Thus, the nature of learning materials used in ARS reading sections and the mode of presentation have encouraged learners to involve actively in the learning process to construct meaningful information based on their prior knowledge. Furthermore, the findings also revealed positive attitudes of learners towards ARS in terms of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, user-friendly interface design and retention, all of which are factors that could contribute to technology acceptance and integration in the learning process. Therefore, the current study based on the findings suggests that the use of ARS as a learning tool can be effective in improving learners' reading comprehension skills and learners’ attitudes towards the adoption and integration of technology-based learning in language classes

    A Technology Solution to Over the Counter Drug Issues

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    Reading and comprehending the drug packaging information to guide the selection of an appropriate over-the-counter (OTC) drug is a common challenge given concerns of abuse and misuse, addiction, overmedication, and inability to select the drugs in cases where the guidance of a medical professional is not available. This research reviews data on OTC usage in the United States, reviews the process followed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the transition of drugs from prescription to nonprescription status, and highlights some risks and benefits of OTC medication. It reviews issues in OTC medication, including decision-making in selecting OTC medication, shows a relationship between health literacy and effective use of OTC medication, and covers readability and comprehensibility of the drug label as a concern in OTC drug acquisition and usage. It also reviews some studies on technology approaches in decision-making that supports the selection of OTC medication. The research proposes a technology artifact in the form of a mobile application that consumers would use to guide the selection of a drug by augmenting the drug package information with questions that a pharmacist would ask a customer looking for OTC medication. It also investigates whether the facts of medicine, as presented to a customer, cause information overload to an extent that hampers the selection of a drug, and whether the methods of information presentation differ in terms of knowledge retention, information overload, and perceived usability. The research also evaluates different multimedia methodologies in how they aid the understanding of drug label information to support the selection of an appropriate OTC drug. The study found greater knowledge retention and less information overload on users using the audio-based and video-based mobile apps than those who used text-based apps

    Concept Maps im Biologieunterricht: Kognitive und emotionale Wirkung von Trainingsmaßnahmen und visuellen Gestaltungsmerkmalen

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    Die Komplexität und die große Vielfalt von Systemelementen der im Biologieunterricht behandelten Lerninhalte, kann für Lernende eine große Herausforderung darstellen. Um sie dabei zu unterstützen, Zusammenhänge zu identifizieren und zu verstehen, werden graphische Lernmethoden zur Organisation und Darstellung von Wissen für den Biologieunterricht empfohlen. Concept Maps bilden Informationen über Begriffsnetze ab und stellen eine solche Lernmethode dar. Trotz ihrer einfachen syntaktischen Struktur können Concept Maps Lernende, die mit der Methode nicht vertraut sind jedoch überfordern und somit das Lernen behindern. Auf dem Forschungsgebiet besteht allerdings Unklarheit darüber, ob und in welchem Umfang das Erstellen (die Konstruktion) und Betrachten (die Rezeption) von Concept Maps trainiert werden muss. Neben einem Methodentraining könnte auch eine Anpassung der Gestaltung von Concept Maps das Lernen mit diesen unterstützen. Der Multimedia-Forschung zufolge könnte die Lernwirksamkeit auch durch den Einbezug von Bildelementen verbessert werden. Ein neuer Forschungszweig, nimmt an, dass spezifische Designmanipulationen, etwa menschliche Merkmale und die Verwendung bestimmter Farben und Formen (Emotional Design), den affektiven Zustand der Lernenden beeinflussen und das Lernen fördern. Mit dem Ziel, lernförderliche Bedingungen für die Anwendung von Concept Maps im Biologieunterricht zu identifizieren wurden in der vorliegenden Dissertation zwei Projekte durchgeführt, die sich zum einen der Relevanz von Concept Map-Trainingsmaßnahmen und zum anderen der Wirkung von Emotional Design-Abbildungen widmeten. Im Rahmen von Projekt 1 wurden zwei Concept Map-Trainingsmaßnahmen mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten (Rezeption oder Konstruktion) entwickelt und im Rahmen einer quasi-experimentellen Studie im 3x2-faktoriellen Design (N = 167) untersucht. Hierbei wurde ihre kognitive, metakognitive und emotionale Wirkung in einer den Traingsmaßnahmen nachgelagerten Lernphase, in der entweder durch die Rezeption oder die Konstruktion gelernt wurde, mit der einer Kurzeinführung zu Concept Maps verglichen. Zudem wurden die Blickbewegungscharakteristika (N = 52) von trainierten und untrainierten Lernenden mittels Eye-Tracking-Messungen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass ein Konstruktionstraining die Lernleistung und die Fähigkeit Concept Maps zu erstellen erhöhen kann und sich die in der Konstruktion gewonnene Expertise auf das Rezipieren von Concept Maps übertragen lässt. Der durch das Konstruktionstraining gewonnene Expertiseunterschied wurde auch im Rahmen von Blickbewegungsuntersuchungen beobachtet und trat unabhängig von der Struktur der Concept Maps, also sowohl bei hierarchisch als auch bei netzartig strukturierten Concept Maps, auf. Außerdem schätzten Lernende ihre eigenen Leistungen nach der Teilnahme an einem Konstruktionstraining realistischer ein, als nach der Teilnahme an einem Rezeptionstraining. Keine der Concept Map-Trainingsmaßnahmen führte hingegen dazu, dass Lernende mehr Freude bei der Verwendung von Concept Maps empfanden. In Projekt 2 wurde die Wirkung von Emotional Design-Concept Maps, mit Concept Maps in die neutrale Abbildungen integriert wurden und mit rein textbasierten Concept Maps verglichen. In einer experimentellen Studie (N = 249) wurde der Einfluss dieser unterschiedlich gestalteten Concept Maps auf kognitive und affektive Variablen untersucht. Eine lernförderliche Wirkung wurde nicht gefunden. Es konnte jedoch gezeigt werden, dass Emotional Design-Abbildungen in Concept Maps zu einer Abnahme der wahrgenommenen Aufgabenschwierigkeit und einer Reduktion des negativen Affekts führen. Die in den Concept Maps verwendeten Emotional Design-Abbildungen wurden zudem als angenehmer empfunden (höhere Valenz). Psychophysiologische Messungen (N = 42) ergaben, dass Lernende durch Emotional Design-Abbildungen nicht stärker aktiviert wurden oder diese mehr Aufmerksamkeit generierten als die anderen Concept Map-Designs. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse tragen nicht nur zu einem wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis-gewinn bei, sie ermöglichen auch die Ableitung schulpraktischer Implikationen in Bezug auf die Nutzung von Concept Maps im Biologieunterricht

    Understanding the role of the modality principle in multimedia learning environments

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    The modality principle was first addressed in 1989 by Mayer and Moreno. The modality principle asserts presenting words as speech, rather than on-screen text, is more effective for the learner. The modality principle states that learners are more successful with understanding information that uses narration than on-screen text because the on-screen text may produce a cognitive overload if it is accompanied by other visual elements. This overload may occur due to the learner needing to give attention to the visual graphic/image as well as provide visual attention to the on-screen text. However, if the on-screen text is narrated, the learner will be able to process this information with the auditory channel and thereby, not taxing the visual channel. Over the next fifteen years, additional studies were completed addressing the modality principle. Many of the studies provided additional data and support for the modality principle in multimedia learning environments. However, some studies began to show the modality principle’s impact had certain parameters and was impacting different groups, conditions and environments differently. Recently, fewer studies have been conducted, but those that have been completed are also showing additional modifications to the impact of the modality principle. With the results of the previous studies indicating the changing impact of the modality principle, it seemed apparent that a near replication of the earliest modality principle study would benefit current understandings among today’s learners. This replication is needed as the modality principle is impacting the field of education and corporations as they try to implement best practices for their students/clients. The early studies showing the predominately positive impact of the modality principle have recently been brought into question. Replicating the original study will provide data to either support, question and/or refine the original study. The current study replicated Mayer and Moreno’s study of 1989 in part, which was also addressed in Moreno’s study in 2006. Seventy-nine college students attending a Midwestern University participated in this study. The current study included the participants completing similar items that were presented in the original study: a pre-survey, a viewing of PowerPoint presentation, and an assessment. However, two variations of the original study were made. The first variation included changing the testing environment from a lab-like setting to the actual classroom of the participants (natural setting). The second variation was recognizing that the current participants, unlike the original group from nearly 15 years prior, would be experienced online learners who also had experience with multimedia formats and multimedia learning environments due the integration of technology into the classroom and daily life over the past 15 years. The results of the study showed that the modality principle was not an effective strategy for the group of low-experience content users. The results from the study show the retention and transfer of knowledge is not as effective for students who viewed the narrated PowerPoint presentation. In fact, students who viewed the PowerPoint presentation that only included the onscreen text, had more effective retention and transfer of knowledge.</p