884 research outputs found

    Otimização em GPU de bounding volume hierarchies para ray tracing

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Métodos de Ray Tracing são conhecidos por produzir imagens extremamente realistas ao custo de um alto esforço computacional. Pouco após terem surgido, percebeu-se que a maior parte do custo associado a estes métodos está relacionada a encontrar a intersecção entre o grande número de raios que precisam ser traçados e a geometria da cena. Estruturas de dados especiais que indexam e organizam a geometria foram propostas para acelerar estes cálculos, de forma que apenas um subconjunto da geometria precise ser verificado para encontrar as intersecções. Dentre elas, podemos destacar as Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH), que são estruturas usadas para agrupar objetos 3D hierarquicamente. Recentemente, uma grande quantidade de esforços foi aplicada para acelerar a construção destas estruturas e aumentar sua qualidade. Este trabalho apresenta um novo método para a construção de BVHs de alta qualidade em sistemas manycore. O método em questão é uma extensão do atual estado da arte na construção de BVHs em GPU, Treelet Restructuring Bounding Volume Hierarchy (TRBVH), e consiste em otimizar uma árvore já existente reorganizando subconjuntos de seus nós através de uma abordagem de agrupamento aglomerativo. A implementação deste método foi feita para a arquitetura Kepler utilizando CUDA e foi testada em dezesseis cenas que são comumente usadas para avaliar o desempenho de estruturas aceleradoras. É demonstrado que esta implementação é capaz de produzir árvores com qualidade comparável às geradas utilizando TRBVH para aquelas cenas, além de ser 30% mais rápidaAbstract: Ray tracing methods are well known for producing very realistic images at the expense of a high computational effort. Most of the cost associated with those methods comes from finding the intersection between the massive number of rays that need to be traced and the scene geometry. Special data structures were proposed to speed up those calculations by indexing and organizing the geometry so that only a subset of it has to be effectively checked for intersections. One such construct is the Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH), which is a tree-like structure used to group 3D objects hierarchically. Recently, a significant amount of effort has been put into accelerating the construction of those structures and increasing their quality. We present a new method for building high-quality BVHs on manycore systems. Our method is an extension of the current state-of-the-art on GPU BVH construction, Treelet Restructuring Bounding Volume Hierarchy (TRBVH), and consists of optimizing an already existing tree by rearranging subsets of its nodes using an agglomerative clustering approach. We implemented our solution for the NVIDIA Kepler architecture using CUDA and tested it on sixteen distinct scenes that are commonly used to evaluate the performance of acceleration structures. We show that our implementation is capable of producing trees whose quality is equivalent to the ones generated by TRBVH for those scenes, while being about 30% faster to do soMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationRay tracing is becoming more widely adopted in offline rendering systems due to its natural support for high quality lighting. Since quality is also a concern in most real time systems, we believe ray tracing would be a welcome change in the real time world, but is avoided due to insufficient performance. Since power consumption is one of the primary factors limiting the increase of processor performance, it must be addressed as a foremost concern in any future ray tracing system designs. This will require cooperating advances in both algorithms and architecture. In this dissertation I study ray tracing system designs from a data movement perspective, targeting the various memory resources that are the primary consumer of power on a modern processor. The result is high performance, low energy ray tracing architectures

    PZnet: Efficient 3D ConvNet Inference on Manycore CPUs

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    Convolutional nets have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy in many biomedical image analysis tasks. Many tasks within biomedical analysis domain involve analyzing volumetric (3D) data acquired by CT, MRI and Microscopy acquisition methods. To deploy convolutional nets in practical working systems, it is important to solve the efficient inference problem. Namely, one should be able to apply an already-trained convolutional network to many large images using limited computational resources. In this paper we present PZnet, a CPU-only engine that can be used to perform inference for a variety of 3D convolutional net architectures. PZNet outperforms MKL-based CPU implementations of PyTorch and Tensorflow by more than 3.5x for the popular U-net architecture. Moreover, for 3D convolutions with low featuremap numbers, cloud CPU inference with PZnet outperfroms cloud GPU inference in terms of cost efficiency

    Neural Intersection Function

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    The ray casting operation in the Monte Carlo ray tracing algorithm usually adopts a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) to accelerate the process of finding intersections to evaluate visibility. However, its characteristics are irregular, with divergence in memory access and branch execution, so it cannot achieve maximum efficiency on GPUs. This paper proposes a novel Neural Intersection Function based on a multilayer perceptron whose core operation contains only dense matrix multiplication with predictable memory access. Our method is the first solution integrating the neural network-based approach and BVH-based ray tracing pipeline into one unified rendering framework. We can evaluate the visibility and occlusion of secondary rays without traversing the most irregular and time-consuming part of the BVH and thus accelerate ray casting. The experiments show the proposed method can reduce the secondary ray casting time for direct illumination by up to 35% compared to a BVH-based implementation and still preserve the image quality

    Faster Ray Tracing through Hierarchy Cut Code

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    We propose a novel ray reordering technique to accelerate the ray tracing process by encoding and sorting rays prior to traversal. Instead of spatial coordinates, our method encodes rays according to the cuts of the hierarchical acceleration structure, which is called the hierarchy cut code. This approach can better adapt to the acceleration structure and obtain a more reliable encoding result. We also propose a compression scheme to decrease the sorting overhead by a shorter sorting key. In addition, based on the phenomenon of boundary drift, we theoretically explain the reason why existing reordering methods cannot achieve better performance by using longer sorting keys. The experiment demonstrates that our method can accelerate secondary ray tracing by up to 1.81 times, outperforming the existing methods. Such result proves the effectiveness of hierarchy cut code, and indicate that the reordering technique can achieve greater performance improvement, which worth further research

    Lichttransportsimulation auf Spezialhardware

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    It cannot be denied that the developments in computer hardware and in computer algorithms strongly influence each other, with new instructions added to help with video processing, encryption, and in many other areas. At the same time, the current cap on single threaded performance and wide availability of multi-threaded processors has increased the focus on parallel algorithms. Both influences are extremely prominent in computer graphics, where the gaming and movie industries always strive for the best possible performance on the current, as well as future, hardware. In this thesis we examine the hardware-algorithm synergies in the context of ray tracing and Monte-Carlo algorithms. First, we focus on the very basic element of all such algorithms - the casting of rays through a scene, and propose a dedicated hardware unit to accelerate this common operation. Then, we examine existing and novel implementations of many Monte-Carlo rendering algorithms on massively parallel hardware, as full hardware utilization is essential for peak performance. Lastly, we present an algorithm for tackling complex interreflections of glossy materials, which is designed to utilize both powerful processing units present in almost all current computers: the Centeral Processing Unit (CPU) and the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). These three pieces combined show that it is always important to look at hardware-algorithm mapping on all levels of abstraction: instruction, processor, and machine.Zweifelsohne beeinflussen sich Computerhardware und Computeralgorithmen gegenseitig in ihrer Entwicklung: Prozessoren bekommen neue Instruktionen, um zum Beispiel Videoverarbeitung, Verschlüsselung oder andere Anwendungen zu beschleunigen. Gleichzeitig verstärkt sich der Fokus auf parallele Algorithmen, bedingt durch die limitierte Leistung von für einzelne Threads und die inzwischen breite Verfügbarkeit von multi-threaded Prozessoren. Beide Einflüsse sind im Grafikbereich besonders stark , wo es z.B. für die Spiele- und Filmindustrie wichtig ist, die bestmögliche Leistung zu erreichen, sowohl auf derzeitiger und zukünftiger Hardware. In Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Synergie von Hardware und Algorithmen anhand von Ray-Tracing- und Monte-Carlo-Algorithmen. Zuerst betrachten wir einen grundlegenden Hardware-Bausteins für alle diese Algorithmen, die Strahlenverfolgung in einer Szene, und präsentieren eine spezielle Hardware-Einheit zur deren Beschleunigung. Anschließend untersuchen wir existierende und neue Implementierungen verschiedener MonteCarlo-Algorithmen auf massiv-paralleler Hardware, wobei die maximale Auslastung der Hardware im Fokus steht. Abschließend stellen wir dann einen Algorithmus zur Berechnung von komplexen Beleuchtungseffekten bei glänzenden Materialien vor, der versucht, die heute fast überall vorhandene Kombination aus Hauptprozessor (CPU) und Grafikprozessor (GPU) optimal auszunutzen. Zusammen zeigen diese drei Aspekte der Arbeit, wie wichtig es ist, Hardware und Algorithmen auf allen Ebenen gleichzeitig zu betrachten: Auf den Ebenen einzelner Instruktionen, eines Prozessors bzw. eines gesamten Systems