3,703 research outputs found

    Keeping Context In Mind: Automating Mobile App Access Control with User Interface Inspection

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    Recent studies observe that app foreground is the most striking component that influences the access control decisions in mobile platform, as users tend to deny permission requests lacking visible evidence. However, none of the existing permission models provides a systematic approach that can automatically answer the question: Is the resource access indicated by app foreground? In this work, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of COSMOS, a context-aware mediation system that bridges the semantic gap between foreground interaction and background access, in order to protect system integrity and user privacy. Specifically, COSMOS learns from a large set of apps with similar functionalities and user interfaces to construct generic models that detect the outliers at runtime. It can be further customized to satisfy specific user privacy preference by continuously evolving with user decisions. Experiments show that COSMOS achieves both high precision and high recall in detecting malicious requests. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of COSMOS in capturing specific user preferences using the decisions collected from 24 users and illustrate that COSMOS can be easily deployed on smartphones as a real-time guard with a very low performance overhead.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE INFOCOM'201

    Overcoming Language Dichotomies: Toward Effective Program Comprehension for Mobile App Development

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    Mobile devices and platforms have become an established target for modern software developers due to performant hardware and a large and growing user base numbering in the billions. Despite their popularity, the software development process for mobile apps comes with a set of unique, domain-specific challenges rooted in program comprehension. Many of these challenges stem from developer difficulties in reasoning about different representations of a program, a phenomenon we define as a "language dichotomy". In this paper, we reflect upon the various language dichotomies that contribute to open problems in program comprehension and development for mobile apps. Furthermore, to help guide the research community towards effective solutions for these problems, we provide a roadmap of directions for future work.Comment: Invited Keynote Paper for the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'18

    Stuck in the Permissions With You:Developer & User Perspectives on App Permissions & Their Privacy Ramifications

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    While the literature on permissions from the end-user perspective is rich, there is a lack of empirical research on why developers request permissions, their conceptualization of permissions, and how their perspectives compare with end-users’ perspectives. Our study aims to address these gaps using a mixed-methods approach.Through interviews with 19 app developers and a survey of 309 Android and iOS end-users, we found that both groups shared similar concerns about unnecessary permissions breaking trust, damaging the app’s reputation, and potentially allowing access to sensitive data. We also found that developer participants sometimes requested multiple permissions due to confusion about the scope of certain permissions or third-party library requirements. Additionally, most end-user participants believed they were responsible for granting a permission request, and it was their choice to do so, a belief shared by many developer participants. Our findings have implications for improving the permission ecosystem for both developers and end-users

    MiniScope: Automated UI Exploration and Privacy Inconsistency Detection of MiniApps via Two-phase Iterative Hybrid Analysis

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    The advent of MiniApps, operating within larger SuperApps, has revolutionized user experiences by offering a wide range of services without the need for individual app downloads. However, this convenience has raised significant privacy concerns, as these MiniApps often require access to sensitive data, potentially leading to privacy violations. Our research addresses the critical gaps in the analysis of MiniApps' privacy practices, especially focusing on WeChat MiniApps in the Android ecosystem. Despite existing privacy regulations and platform guidelines, there is a lack of effective mechanisms to safeguard user privacy fully. We introduce MiniScope, a novel two-phase hybrid analysis approach, specifically designed for the MiniApp environment. This approach overcomes the limitations of existing static analysis techniques by incorporating dynamic UI exploration for complete code coverage and accurate privacy practice identification. Our methodology includes modeling UI transition states, resolving cross-package callback control flows, and automated iterative UI exploration. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of MiniApps' privacy practices, addressing the unique challenges of sub-package loading and event-driven callbacks. Our empirical evaluation of over 120K MiniApps using MiniScope demonstrates its effectiveness in identifying privacy inconsistencies. The results reveal significant issues, with 5.7% of MiniApps over-collecting private data and 33.4% overclaiming data collection. These findings emphasize the urgent need for more precise privacy monitoring systems and highlight the responsibility of SuperApp operators to enforce stricter privacy measures

    Android security: analysis and applications

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    The Android mobile system is home to millions of apps that offer a wide range of functionalities. Users rely on Android apps in various facets of daily life, including critical, e.g., medical, settings. Generally, users trust that apps perform their stated purpose safely and accurately. However, despite the platform’s efforts to maintain a safe environment, apps routinely manage to evade scrutiny. This dissertation analyzes Android app behavior and has revealed several weakness: lapses in device authentication schemes, deceptive practices such as apps covering their traces, as well as behavioral and descriptive inaccuracies in medical apps. Examining a large corpus of applications has revealed that suspicious behavior is often the result of lax oversight, and can occur without an explicit intent to harm users. Nevertheless, flawed app behavior is present, and is especially problematic in apps that perform critical tasks. Additionally, manufacturer’s and app developer’s claims often do not mirror actual functionalities, e.g., as we reveal in our study of LG’s Knock Code authentication scheme, and as evidenced by the removal of Google Play medical apps due to overstated functionality claims. This dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) quantifying the security of LG’s Knock Code authentication method, (2) defining deceptive practices of self-hiding app behavior found in popular apps, (3) verifying abuses of device administrator features, (4) characterizing the medical app landscape found on Google Play, (5) detailing the claimed behaviors and conditions of medical apps using ICD codes and app descriptions, (6) verifying errors in medical score calculator app implementations, and (7) discerning how medical apps should be regulated within the jurisdiction of regulatory frameworks based on their behavior and data acquired from users


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    The open nature of Android ecosystem has naturally laid the foundation for a highly fragmented operating system. In fact, the official AOSP versions have been aggressively customized into thousands of system images by everyone in the customization chain, such as device manufacturers, vendors, carriers, etc. If not well thought-out, the customization process could result in serious security problems. This dissertation performs a systematic investigation of Android customization’ inconsistencies with regards to security aspects at various Android layers. It brings to light new vulnerabilities, never investigated before, caused by the under-regulated and complex Android customization. It first describes a novel vulnerability Hare and proves that it is security critical and extensive affecting devices from major vendors. A new tool is proposed to detect the Hare problem and to protect affected devices. This dissertation further discovers security configuration changes through a systematic differential analysis among custom devices from different vendors and demonstrates that they could lead to severe vulnerabilities if introduced unintentionally

    Discovering inconsistencies between requested permissions and application metadata by using deep learning

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by IEEE in 2020 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY), available online at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9308004 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Android gives us opportunity to extract meaningful information from metadata. From the security point of view, the missing important information in metadata of an application could be a sign of suspicious application, which could be directed for extensive analysis. Especially the usage of dangerous permissions is expected to be explained in app descriptions. The permission-to-description fidelity problem in the literature aims to discover such inconsistencies between the usage of permissions and descriptions. This study proposes a new method based on natural language processing and recurrent neural networks. The effect of user reviews on finding such inconsistencies is also investigated in addition to application descriptions. The experimental results show that high precision is obtained by the proposed solution, and the proposed method could be used for triage of Android applications