8 research outputs found

    'The Ghosts of Roller Disco', a Choreographed, Interactive Performance for Robotic Roller Skates

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    The project investigates how interactions with complex (biologically inspired swarming) behaviors of multiple robots are understood by human participants within a performative and dramaturgical system. Nonanthropomorphic robots in the form of roller skates are used in innovative ways by creating social formations from their movements, for example a leader and followers in a conga line. Synchronized audio signals and speech-like sonic structures are used in innovative ways by influencing and engaging the participant's interactions with the robots. Localization data of the robots in space is mapped to control the surround sound and lighting within the space. This is used to enhance audience immersion and engagement within the interactive performance work


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    Abstract: This study tries to identify the creative stages of SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya students in the creative process of making batik motifs. The creative process starts from manual and digital design, exploring features and how they manage TikTok content as a form of their online exhibition. Furthermore, this study also explores the technology of enchantment in the use of TikTok in an online batik motif exhibition conducted by students of SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya. This study used a qualitative method with a virtual ethnography approach through TikTok and participatory in SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya. The research is focused on April and May 2021, where the online exhibition is held. The results showed that using IoT and digital technology enabled students to transform from negative to positive on TikTok social media. TikTok is used as a space for students' creativity in doing critical thinking on segmentation, social media management, and how they display their work. In addition, the features in TikTok are natural necessities that make students more comfortable learning because they accommodate the needs of students as Gen Z, who do have intimacy with IoT and digital technology.   Keywords: enchantment of TikTok; Gen Z creativity place; SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya; batik motifs online exhibition     Abstrak: Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi tahapan kreatif siswa SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya dalam proses kreatif pembuatan motif batik. Proses kreatif dimulai dari membuat desain manual dan digital, mengeksplorasi fitur dan bagaimana siswa mengelola konten TikTok sebagai bentuk pameran online. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi pesona teknologi melalui penggunaan TikTok dalam pameran motif batik online yang dilakukan oleh siswa SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi virtual melalui TikTok dan partisipatif di SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada bulan April dan Mei 2021, waktu diadakannya pameran online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan IoT dan teknologi digital memungkinkan siswa untuk bertransformasi dari anggapan negatif menjadi positif dengan media sosial TikTok. TikTok digunakan sebagai wadah kreativitas siswa dalam melakukan pemikiran kritis tentang segmentasi, pengelolaan media sosial, dan bagaimana mereka menampilkan karyanya. Selain itu, fitur-fitur TikTok merupakan kebutuhan alami yang membuat siswa lebih nyaman belajar karena mengakomodir kebutuhan siswa sebagai Generasi Z yang memang memiliki keakraban dengan IoT dan teknologi digital.   Kata kunci: Pesona TikTok; tempat kreativitas Generasi Z; SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya; Pameran online motif bati


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    This study aimed to explore the problems in learning interactive art and culture at Junior High School level which was categorized as the millennial generation. The focus of this study laid in the interdisciplinary aspect of social media in multimodality of learning arts and culture. In order to reveal the opportunities and challenges of the use of social media in its development as a medium in interactive art and culture learning, as well as the students’ responses about it. This study used qualitative-analytic method. Data were obtained from observation conducted from January to June 2020 at junior high schools in Surabaya, East Java. The results showed that the learning involvement experienced by students had complexity and multimodality, including collaborative work, observing, and evaluating each other's work, and involvement in finding, identifying, and exploring trends related to delivery in social media as a medium for art and culture learning. This implied that this learning involvement was able to motivate students to be more actively involved in learning with a sense of joy; positioning artwork with others on social media; increasing the contextual and conceptual understanding in the learning materials and applying it as a process of actualizing aesthetic skills; and improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills

    Rapid Composition for a Multi-Device Networked Music Platform

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    In this paper we discuss the results of a workshop study for the HappyBrackets system – a development framework for creatively coding multi-device musical performances, sound installations and interactive media artworks – in which new users using the system are invited to create new multi- device music compositions in a rapid creative and collaborative hacking session. We consider the types of works made, the problems encountered and the methods used, including how some of the new features we have added to the system support exploratory creative search. We develop our observations into design principles that we speculate will better support more rapid creative exploration of multi-device creative musical compositions

    Texts and Co-texts of Digital Native Elementary School Art Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan sintesis perubahan konseptual dalam pembelajaran seni bagi siswa digital natives untuk merefleksikan praktik pembelajaran seni saat ini sehingga menjadi titik pijak dalam proses peningkatan ke depannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus terhadap pembelajaran seni bagi siswa digital natives di 3 sekolah dasaryang berada di Kabupaten Pacitan selama Mei 2020 hingga Mei 2021 dengan 100 siswa dan 50 guru. Penelitian ini mewacanakan objek material dan formal dalam pembelajaran seni menjadi teks dan ko-teks sebagai pandang dari semiotika pendidikan ruang kelas yang merupakan upaya sistematisasi berdasarkan elemen pembelajaran seni bagi digital natives. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan elemen pembelajaran seni sepertihalnya model pembelajaran, aspek keintiman antara guru dan siswa, serta ekosistem pembelajaran yang ada di dalamnya selalu berkembang dengan mempertimbangkan unsur entrainment. Dibutuhkan integrasi antara elemen pembelajaran untuk memenuhi prasyarat terjadinya resiliensi bagi siswa digital natives, antara lain: keintiman antara teks dan co- teks pembelajaran, kompetensi teks dan co-teks pembelajaran, dan entrainment dalam ekosistem pembelajaran berbasis kelas digital natives

    O uso do Instagram como rede de comércio eletrónico por PMEs retalhistas de vestuário

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing e EstratégiaAs redes sociais estão a alterar o futuro do comércio online. Estas plataformas, com diferentes caraterísticas e funcionalidades, permitem que os vendedores e os compradores comuniquem e negoceiem abertamente acerca dos produtos e serviços. O Instagram, através da sua popularidade e facilidade de operação, surge como plataforma de comércio social, em especial para as Pequenas e Médias Empresas. O Instagram é uma forma acessível para lançar o negócio e rapidamente alcançar um público-alvo vasto, assim como possibilita a troca de mensagens diretas entre fornecedor e consumidor. Logo, a aplicação permite promover marcas através de estratégias de marketing, mas também permite o desenvolvimento de uma relação entre ambas as partes. Contudo, esta relação necessita de ser construída numa base de confiança. Em especial nos negócios online, em que a incerteza e o risco são maiores, garantir que existe confiança é essencial para o cliente proceder à compra. É neste sentido que o atual estudo irá exercer a sua atuação. Visto que as prévias investigações se focaram principalmente na construção de confiança na perspetiva do consumidor, é importante averiguar quais os fatores que influenciam essa confiança e quais as estratégias de marketing que os vendedores seguem para garantir o estabelecimento dessa relação. Adicionalmente, como o setor de vestuário é uma das indústrias que mais se apoia no Instagram para o desenvolvimento de marcas e para a descoberta de novas tendências, o foco do estudo centrou-se nesta categoria. Para conseguir responder à pergunta de investigação com o maior rigor possível, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, através de entrevistas em profundidade, a proprietários de PMEs de vestuário no Instagram. De acordo com as descobertas na revisão de literatura, foram analisados com mais profundidade os conceitos de passa-a-palavra eletrónica, comunicação, qualidade de informação e segurança da transação, assim como a sua importância na construção de confiança. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que os conceitos mencionados são fundamentais na construção do relacionamento em causa, assim como quais as principais estratégias que mais resultados geram para os negócios. Adicionalmente, foi descoberto um novo conceito, relacionado com a partilha de informação pessoal dos vendedores, que vai impactar a edificação de confiança entre a loja no Instagram e os compradores. Os resultados encontrados podem orientar futuros negócios que planeiam estabelecer a sua loja no Instagram, de acordo com as estratégias delineadas no presente estudo.Social media are changing the future of online commerce. These platforms, with different characteristics and functionalities, allow sellers and buyers to communicate and openly negotiate products and services. Instagram, through its popularity and easy operability, emerges as a social commerce platform, specially to Small and Medium Enterprises. It’s an accessible way to launch businesses and quickly reach a wider target audience, while allowing, at the same time, the direct swap of messages between supplier and consumer. Therefore, the app can be used to promote brands through marketing strategies, but also to develop a relationship between both parts. However, this relationship needs to be built on a trust foundation. Specifically in online businesses where the uncertainty and the risks are bigger, making sure that trust exists is fundamental for the client to go through with the purchase. Therefore, the current study will focus on this matter. Considering previous investigations primarily focused on the consumer’s perspective on building trust, it’s relevant to find out the vendor’s point of view in which factors influence trust and which marketing strategies they use to establish that relationship. Farther, since the fashion industry is one of the main sectors that strongly relies on Instagram to develop brands and discover new trends, the current study focused in this category. To be able to reply to the research question with as much accuracy as possible, a qualitative analysis was made, through in-depth interviews, to the owners of fashion SMEs on Instagram. According to the information found in the literature revision, the following concepts, as well as their importance on the building of trust, were analyzed: electronic word-of-mouth; communication; information quality; transaction security. The research results reveled that the mentioned concepts are fundamental to build the relationship at hand, as well as the main strategies that can create much bigger results for businesses. Additionally, a brand-new concept – related to the sharing of buyer’s personal information – was found, which will impact the foundation of trust between Instagram stores and buyers. The results that were found can guide future businesses that plan to establish their store on Instagram, according to the marketing strategies that were defined in the present study

    Understanding media multiplicities

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable new forms of media artworks. ‘Media multiplicities’ are defined here as creative media experiences made up of multiples of interacting and coordinated devices. In this paper, we review the state of the art of multiplicitous media artworks and provide a systematic analysis of the novel affordances and different forms such artworks can take, specifically that they are spatial, scalable, scatterable and sensing. We consider the analysis of media multiplicities from the point of view of both user experience and creative production. We offer three primary axes through which a categorisation of multiplicitous media forms can be framed: substrate versus object; composed versus self-organised, and homogeneous versus heterogeneous. We also analyse how the number of elements in the multiplicities (from tens to tens of thousands and beyond) affects the qualities of the experience