3 research outputs found

    Технології автоматичного виправлення помилок безпеки в програмному забезпеченні

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    Обсяг роботи 96 сторінок, 24 ілюстрації, 23 таблиці, 88 джерел літератури. Об'єктом дослідження є вразливе програмне забезпечення, що містить помилки безпеки. Предметом дослідження є методи аналізу проміжного представлення коду, методи глибинного навчання для пошуку вразливостей та методи автоматичного виправлення помилок безпеки в коді програмного забезпечення. Методи дослідження - представлення початкового коду у вигляді абстрактного синтаксичного дерева, методи глибинного навчання, що дозволяють генерувати виправлення для помилок безпеки. Наукова новизна полягає в тому, що отримав подальший розвиток метод виправлення помилок безпеки в програмному забезпеченні написаному мовою програмування С/С++ на основі детермінованих правил шляхом додавання специфічних шаблонів, що автоматично трансформують абстрактне синтаксичне дерево виправляючи відповідну помилку безпеки. Також отримав подальший розвиток метод виправлення помилок безпеки на основі глибинного навчання шляхом попередньої обробки коду для підвищення точності завдяки видобуванню найбільш істотних ознак для помилки безпеки. Результати роботи викладені у третьому розділі, що демонструють роботу систем виправлення помилок безпеки на основі детермінованих шаблонів та на основі глибинного навчання. Результати роботи можуть бути використані виправлення специфічних помилок безпеки в початковому коді програмного забезпечення.The volume of work is 96 pages, 24 illustrations, 23 tables, 88 sources of literature. The object of the study is vulnerable software that contains security issues. The subject of the study is methods of analysis of the intermediate code representation, methods of deep learning to find vulnerabilities and methods of automatic patch generation for security issues in software. Research methods - presenting the source code in the form of an abstract syntax tree, deep learning methods that allow you to generate patches for security issues. The scientific novelty is that the method of correcting security errors in software written in C / C ++ programming language based on deterministic rules has been further developed by adding specific templates that automatically transform the abstract syntax tree by correcting the corresponding security error. A method of correcting security errors based on deep learning has also been further developed by pre-processing code to improve accuracy by extracting the most essential features for a security error. The results of the work are presented in Section 3, which demonstrates the performance of security-based path generation systems based on deterministic patterns and deep learning. The results of the work can be used to generate patches for specific security issues in the source code of the software

    Improving the Correctness of Automated Program Repair

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    Developers spend much of their time fixing bugs in software programs. Automated program repair (APR) techniques aim to alleviate the burden of bug fixing from developers by generating patches at the source-code level. Recently, Generate-and-Validate (G&V) APR techniques show great potential to repair general bugs in real-world applications. Recent evaluations show that G&V techniques repair 8–17.7% of the collected bugs from mature Java or C open-source projects. Despite the promising results, G&V techniques may generate many incorrect patches and are not able to repair every single bug. This thesis makes contributions to improve the correctness of APR by improving the quality assurance of the automatically-generated patches and generating more correct patches by leveraging human knowledge. First, this thesis investigates whether improving the test-suite-based validation can precisely identify incorrect patches that are generated by G&V, and whether it can help G&V generate more correct patches. The result of this investigation, Opad, which combines new fuzz-generated test cases and additional oracles (i.e., memory oracles), is proposed to identify incorrect patches and help G&V repair more bugs correctly. The evaluation of Opad shows that the improved test-suite-based validation identifies 75.2% incorrect patches from G&V techniques. With the integration of Opad, SPR, one of the most promising G&V techniques, repairs one additional bug. Second, this thesis proposes novel APR techniques to repair more bugs correctly, by leveraging human knowledge. Thus, APR techniques can repair new types of bugs that are not currently targeted by G&V APR techniques. Human knowledge in bug-fixing activities is noted in the forms such as commits of bug fixes, developers’ expertise, and documentation pages. Two techniques (APARE and Priv) are proposed to target two types of defects respectively: project-specific recurring bugs and vulnerability warnings by static analysis. APARE automatically learns fix patterns from historical bug fixes (i.e., originally crafted by developers), utilizes spectrum-based fault-localization technique to identify highly-likely faulty methods, and applies the learned fix patterns to generate patches for developers to review. The key innovation of APARE is to utilize a percentage semantic-aware matching algorithm between fix patterns and faulty locations. For the 20 recurring bugs, APARE generates 34 method fixes, 24 of which (70.6%) are correct; 83.3% (20 out of 24) are identical to the fixes generated by developers. In addition, APARE complements current repair systems by generating 20 high-quality method fixes that RSRepair and PAR cannot generate. Priv is a multi-stage remediation system specifically designed for static-analysis security-testing (SAST) techniques. The prototype is built and evaluated on a commercial SAST product. The first stage of Priv is to prioritize workloads of fixing vulnerability warnings based on shared fix locations. The likely fix locations are suggested based on a set of rules. The rules are concluded and developed through the collaboration with two security experts. The second stage of Priv provides additional essential information for improving the efficiency of diagnosis and fixing. Priv offers two types of additional information: identifying true database/attribute-related warnings, and providing customized fix suggestions per warning. The evaluation shows that Priv suggests identical fix locations to the ones suggested by developers for 50–100% of the evaluated vulnerability findings. Priv identifies up to 2170 actionable vulnerability findings for the evaluated six projects. The manual examination confirms that Priv can generate patches of high-quality for many of the evaluated vulnerability warnings