8 research outputs found

    Strategy for scalable scenarios modeling and calculation in early software reliability engineering

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    System scenarios derived from requirements specification play an important role in the early software reliability engineering. A great deal of research effort has been devoted to predict reliability of a system at early design stages. The existing approaches are unable to handle scalability and calculation of scenarios reliability for large systems. This paper proposes modeling of scenarios in a scalable way by using a scenario language that describes system scenarios in a compact and concise manner which can results in a reduced number of scenarios. Furthermore, it proposes a calculation strategy to achieve better traceability of scenarios, and avoid computational complexity. The scenarios are pragmatically modeled and translated to finite state machines, where each state machine represents the behaviour of component instance within the scenario. The probability of failure of each component exhibited in the scenario is calculated separately based on the finite state machines. Finally, the reliability of the whole scenario is calculated based on the components’ behaviour models and their failure information using modified mathematical formula. In this paper, an example related to a case study of an automated railcar system is used to verify and validate the proposed strategy for scalability of system modeling

    Debugging Techniques for Locating Defects in Software Architectures

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    The explicit design of the architecture for a software product is a well established part of development projects. As the software architecture descriptions are becoming larger and more complex, there is more likelihood of defects being present in the software architecture. Studies have shown that a defect in the software architecture that has propagated to the development phase is very expensive to fix. To prevent such propagation of defects, this research proposes to provide debugging support for software architecture design. Debugging is commonly used in programming languages to effectively find the cause of a failure and locate the error to provide a fix. The same should be accomplished in software architectures to debug architecture failures. Without debugging support, the software architect is unable to quickly locate and determine the source of an error. In our work, we define a process for debugging software architecture and provide analysis techniques to locate defects in a software architecture that fails to meet functional and non-functional requirements. We have implemented the techniques and provide an evaluation of the techniques based on examples using an industry standard architecture definition language, Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL)

    System Level Performance Evaluation of Distributed Embedded Systems

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    In order to evaluate the feasibility of the distributed embedded systems in different application domains at an early phase, the System Level Performance Evaluation (SLPE) must provide reliable estimates of the nonfunctional properties of the system such as end-to-end delays and packet losses rate. The values of these non-functional properties depend not only on the application layer of the OSI model but also on the technologies residing at the MAC, transport and Physical layers. Therefore, the system level performance evaluation methodology must provide functionally accurate models of the protocols and technologies operating at these layers. After conducting a state of the art survey, it was found that the existing approaches for SLPE are either specialized for a particular domain of systems or apply a particular model of computation (MOC) for modeling the communication and synchronization between the different components of a distributed application. Therefore, these approaches abstract the functionalities of the data-link, Transport and MAC layers by the highly abstract message passing methods employed by the different models of computation. On the other hand, network simulators such as OMNeT++, ns-2 and Opnet do not provide the models for platform components of devices such as processors and memories and totally abstract the application processing by delays obtained via traffic generators. Therefore the system designer is not able to determine the potential impact of an application in terms of utilization of the platform used by the device. Hence, for a system level performance evaluation approach to estimate both the platform utilization and the non-functional properties which are a consequence of the lower layers of OSI models (such as end-to-end delays), it must provide the tools for automatic workload extraction of application workload models at various levels of refinement and functionally correct models of lower layers of OSI model (Transport MAC and Physical layers). Since ABSOLUT is not restricted to a particular domain and also does not depend on any MOC, therefore it was selected for the extension to a system level performance evaluation approach for distributed embedded systems. The models of data-link and Transport layer protocols and automatic workload generation of system calls was not available in ABSOLUT performance evaluation methodology. The, thesis describes the design and modelling of these OSI model layers and automatic workload generation tool for system calls. The tools and models integrated to ABSOLUT methodology were used in a number of case studies. The accuracy of the protocols was compared to network simulators and real systems. The results were 88% accurate for user space code of the application layer and provide an improvement of over 50% as compared to manual models for external libraries and system calls. The ABSOLUT physical layer models were found to be 99.8% accurate when compared to analytical models. The MAC and transport layer models were found to be 70-80% accurate when compared with the same scenarios simulated by ns-2 and OMNeT++ simulators. The bit error rates, frame error probability and packet loss rates show close correlation with the analytical methods .i.e., over 99%, 92% and 80% respectively. Therefore the results of ABSOLUT framework for application layer outperform the results of performance evaluation approaches which employ virtual systems and at the same time provide as accurate estimates of the end-to-end delays and packet loss rate as network simulators. The results of the network simulators also vary in absolute values but they follow the same trend. Therefore, the extensions made to ABSOLUT allow the system designer to identify the potential bottlenecks in the system at different OSI model layers and evaluate the non-functional properties with a high level of accuracy. Also, if the system designer wants to focus entirely on the application layer, different models of computations can be easily instantiated on top of extended ABSOLUT framework to achieve higher simulation speeds as described in the thesis

    Checking and Measuring the Architectural Structural Conformance of Object-Oriented Systems

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    Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modeling Approaches

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    Over the past decade, a number of architecture description languages (ADLs) have been proposed to facilitate modeling and analysis of software architecture. While each claims to have various benefits, to date, there have been few studies to assess the relative merits of these approaches. In this paper, we describe our experience using two ADLs to model a system initially described in UML, and compare their effectiveness in identifying system design flaws. We also describe the techniques we used for extracting architectural models from a UML system description

    Submitted for publication. Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modeling Approaches

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    Over the past decade a number of architecture description languages (ADLs) have been proposed to facilitate modeling and analysis of software architecture. While each claims to have various benefits, to date there have been few studies to assess the relative merits of these approaches. In this paper we describe our experience using two ADLs to model a system initially described in UML, and compare their effectiveness in identifying system design flaws. We also use this experience to shed light on techniques for extracting architectural models from a UML system description. 1