4 research outputs found

    Analysis of the transition to new technologies in wealth management in Iran

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    Wealthtech or financialtechnology of wealth management helps investors to make better decisions about when and how to invest; and seeks to shift savings and investments to the capital market and balanced the money and capital markets. This study examines the transition of wealthtech in Iran. Transition refers to the process of creating and replacing a new technology and its acceptance by the community. For the analysis of the transition, the multi-level perspective analytical framework was used and the interactions of actors and institutions with technology at different levels are analyzed. The transition to wealthtech has been studied through a qualitative and narrative research method, and data have been collected through the study of regulations and policy documents, as well as press interviews and press reports published in fintech media. 252 reports were reviewed, of which 118 reports were related to the discussion and the opinions of 36 experts were analyzed. With the studies, the functions of the financial system of wealth management were identified. By analyzing the behavior of actors who performing the functions against technological developments and institutional changes, the typology of the transition was determined as reconfiguration path. The reconfiguration path follows the innovation overflow pattern and caused changing the architecture of the regime. In the end, the public release of information and informing to citizens should also be followed Simultaneously with the provision of conditions for providing innovative services. Through the simultaneous reinforcement of the supply side and the demand side, the optimal transition will be possible

    Plan de desarrollo de la aplicaci贸n Easy Bonds que permitir谩 facilitar el financiamiento y mejorar las oportunidades de inversi贸n conectando a microempresarios e inversionistas en el Per煤

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    El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo poder realizar de una manera bastante pr谩ctica c贸mo se puede implementar una idea de emprendimiento en el mundo real. Es decir, que sea viable financieramente, que pueda vender productos y que sea atractivo para los clientes. Este proyecto se llevar谩 a cabo de manera completa, desde una necesidad en la sociedad, hasta una soluci贸n para la necesidad y luego llevar esa necesidad hasta un punto donde ambas partes puedan tener un beneficio. La propuesta de emprendimiento que se presentar谩 se llamar谩 Easy Bonds. Ser谩 una aplicaci贸n dedicada a unir a los inversionistas con los microempresarios peruanos. La viabilidad de Easy Bonds fue estudiada de manera exhaustiva; comenzando con el problema que se quiere solucionar, c贸mo las tasas de inter茅s altas para las microempresas, luego se analiza el modelo de negocios, el proceso de venta y el plan financiero. Todo lo que deber铆a tener un emprendimiento ha sido evaluado de manera cuantitativa y cualitativa con sustentos v谩lidos La conclusi贸n de este trabajo, despu茅s de realizar entrevistas, focus groups, encuestas, proyecciones financieras e investigaciones en fuentes secundarias; es que Easy Bonds es un negocio posible de crear, viable financieramente e interesante para posibles clientes.The objective of this research work is to carry out in a very practical way how an entrepreneurial idea can be implemented in the real world. In other words, the start-up is financially viable, it can sell products, and it is attractive to customers. This project will be carried out in a comprehensive manner, from a need in society to a solution for the need and then to bring that need to a point where both parties can benefit in some way. The entrepreneurship proposal to be presented will be called Easy Bonds. It鈥檚 an application dedicated to being the middle man between Peruvian micro-enterprises and Peruvian investors. The viability of Easy Bonds has been extensively studied; Starting from the problem to be solved, such as the high-interest rates for microenterprises in Peru, then the business model, the sales process, and the financial plan are analyzed. Everything that an enterprise should require has been evaluated in a quantitative and qualitative way with valid support. The conclusion of this entire project, after conducting interviews, focus groups, surveys, financial projections, and research in secondary sources; is that Easy Bonds is a possible business to create, financially viable and interesting for potential customers.Trabajo de investigaci贸