10,432 research outputs found

    Disentangling Twitter’s Adoption and Use (Dis)Continuance: A Theoretical and Empirical Amalgamation of Uses and Gratifications and Diffusion of Innovations

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    Drawing on Uses and Gratifications (UG) Theory and Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT), this study aimed to augment an exploration of individual user needs based on UG constructs with an analysis of the material characteristics of the innovation based on DIT constructs to provide a comprehensive explanation of people‘s motivations underlying various Twitter usage levels and frequencies. Whereas previous literature on Social Network Sites (SNS) have explored individuals‘ motivations underlying initial adoption, the equally interesting and relevant question of use (dis-) continuance has so far been largely overlooked. To fill this void in the literature, this study compares active users that have continued to use Twitter and inactive users that initially adopted, yet discontinued usage of Twitter. This study provides insights into different usage levels and frequencies through an investigation of 1) users‘ perceptions of the medium, 2) users‘ expected outcomes associated with the medium‘s use, and 3) the role and effect of mobile access. An analysis of 130 surveys with Partial Least Squares (PLS) and R2 partitioning revealed that an understanding of adoption and use (dis-) continuance of Twitter requires us to account for both user-related motivations (UG) and perceived characteristics of the medium (DIT), as combining UG and DIT increased explanatory power (R2) for the overall sample. Furthermore, our findings showed that inactive users‘ initial adoption and subsequent discontinuance was solely impacted by user-related needs, (i.e. UG constructs), whereas active users‘ continued use was largely motivated by technology characteristics, (i.e. DIT constructs). Finally, our study revealed significant differences between active and inactive users in terms of the devices and platform used for accessing Twitter, with active users reporting a significantly higher use of mobile devices. Based on these findings, we discuss contributions and implications for future research and practice

    How do older adults communicate with the UK public sector? : Comparing online communication channels

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    Copyright and all rights therein are retained by the authors. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and conditions invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be re-posted without the explicit permission of the copyright holdersGovernments around the world are moving away from conventional ways of face to face communication to a more digital approach when delivering services to their citizens. This includes using the internet as both a communication tool and an information source to improve efficiency in their services. However, not all the citizens are making use of these changes, especially the older adults. Therefore, this research-in-progress paper aims to investigate and identify the factors that encourage older adults to continue using a particular communication channel when interacting with the government. In addition, future directions, limitations and conclusions are also provided within this paper. The implication of this study to academia is viewed to be the development of an extended framework that allows an understanding of continuance intention of online communication tools usage. Equally, this framework will benefit industry by informing providers of communication channels to the government to be aware of the factors that influence older adults’ choices when interacting with the government. For policymakers this research will identify the communication channels that promote interaction with citizensFinal Published versio

    Exploring Mobile Social Networking Sites Continuance Intention from the Perspective of Network Externalities and Mobile Value

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    Key shifts in the nature and characteristics of technology have led to evolutions in social media usage. For the first time in history, the internet is being accessed from more mobile devices than desktop computers. This revolution is especially felt among social networking sites, many of whom have presciently developed and released mobile applications of their platforms. Drawing from the Perceived Value Theory, Network Externalities and the Expectation Confirmation Theory of IS Continuance, we tested a model that sought to explain the effect of Network Externalities on Perceived Value and in turn Continuance Intention. Data was collected from 452 students from a university in Ghana and analyzed using the Partial Least Square approach to Structural Equation Modeling. Results from the current study showed that Referent Network Size and Perceived Complementarity had significant effects on both Utilitarian and Hedonic Value as well as Satisfaction. Hedonic Value, Utilitarian Value and Satisfaction in turn were found to be significant predictors of Continuance Intention. In all, the model accounted for 58.0% of the variance in continuance intention. The implications and limitations of the current study are discussed, and directions for future research proposed

    An Empirical Examination of Continuance Intention of Social Network Sites

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    Social network sites (SNSs) have drawn extensive attention among scholars and practitioners. In this study, we aim at explaining the continuance of SNSs. Specifically, we propose and empirically test a research model of continuance intention to use SNSs. We also examine the relative impacts of SNS-specific motivation factors and social factors derived from the SNS environment on continuance intention to use SNSs. Building upon expectation disconfirmation theory (EDT), our research model was empirically tested with 204 Facebook users through an online survey. While prior studies focus mostly on the SNS-specific motivations, our results demonstrated that social factors derived from the SNS environment play a dominant role in explaining the continuance intention to use SNSs. In particular, this study suggested that perceived critical mass, social presence, and social norms are influential and major factors that determine continuance intention. We believe that this study provides significant contributions to both researchers and practitioners in the context of SNSs

    Understanding the Effect of Tie Strength on Continuance Intention of Second-Generation Mobile Instant Messaging Services

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    Facilitated by the widespread adoption of smartphones, applications (apps) on smartphones such as WeChat and WhatsApp have seen rapid and explosive growth. These apps are generally referred to as second-generation mobile instant messaging (SMIM) services. Unlike first-generation mobile instant messaging (FMIM) services (e.g. Short Message Service), SMIM services typically support multimedia contents and are embedded within social networks, which may have a bearing on the post-adoption behaviour of users in particular. However, prior studies on the post-adoption usage of SMIM services have a limited understanding of the effects of social network. Network tie strength, as a configuration of social network, has an important impact on users in SMIM services. In order to explore the effects of social network on users’ continued usage intention in SMIM services, we propose and empirically test an integrated model by identifying the antecedents such as tie strength, satisfaction, and perceived critical mass. This study contributes to existing IS post-adoption literature by understanding and capturing the role of social network (i.e. tie strength) in SMIM services. Implications for theory and practice are discussed

    The context and content related determinants of professional social networking site usage – A perceived value perspective

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    Previous studies of organisational or recreational use of social networking sites (SNSs) are unable to fully explain a setting where work and play aspects combine, as in the case of professional SNS. This thesis aims at complementing the current research on SNS usage determinants by including the parallel roles of individual and professional self in using a professional SNS, a topic still academically sparse. This thesis applies the perceived value concept as a multidimensional determinant of SNS usage. Previous research has confirmed the relevance of perceived value in studying SNS continuance. In this study, perceived value is framed using context-content and individual-professional value scales for explaining the continuous usage of professional SNS. Theory on perceived consumption value (individual self) is complemented with social capital theory and the concept of resource pooling (professional self). Data from LinkedIn usage is then collected from users of different professional life stage. The research model and hypotheses are tested using PLS-SEM method. The key findings of this study both complement and confirm previous SNS research. First, the results indicate that the bridging social capital is a major contextual determinant of professional SNS usage whereas bonding social capital bears no clear significance. This is opposing to what previous literature on recreational SNS has claimed. Second, the hedonic value seems to be a stronger determinant of professional SNS usage than utilitarian value – something not expected in the case of professional service, but parallel to what has been found on recreational SNS. The perceived value approach brings a new perspective to SNS research and the robust empirical results verify the applicability of the individual-professional as well as the context-content scale of perceived value. The framework also shows substantial predictive capability which demonstrates its relevance for subsequent research

    The role of utilitarian and hedonic aspects in the continuance intention to use social mobile apps

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the main factors that determine users’ continuance intention to use social mobile Apps, considering two utilitarian (i.e., perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) variables and a hedonic (i.e., perceived enjoyment) variable. As social mobile Apps may be utilitarian or hedonic, we aim to evaluate possible differences in the significance of the aforementioned antecedent factors in utilitarian Apps (i.e., TripAdvisor) and hedonic Apps (i.e., Instagram). The data were collected from an international sample of users; the Partial Least Squares method was applied to analyze the research model, using SMARTPLS 3.0. To analyze the moderating effects, a multi-group PLS analysis was carried out to compare the differences between the path relationships in the two Apps. The results show that continuance intention to use is explained by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, satisfaction and user experience (control variable), and the impact of utilitarian variables is generally greater for utilitarian Apps, whereas the impact of perceived enjoyment is higher for hedonic Apps. This study contributes to the general body of knowledge about mobile Apps by providing a comprehensive theoretical foundation and practical implications that illuminate the continuance use of social mobile Apps

    Towards a Decomposed Expectation Confirmation Model of IT Continuance: The Role of Usability

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    We propose a decomposed expectation confirmation model of IT continuance by 1) decomposing user expectation and confirmation into two dimensions of usefulness and usability, 2) conceptualizing the role of usability in IT continuance research, and 3) exploring changes in user perceptions of usability and usefulness over time and their impacts on user satisfaction and continuance intention. We tested the proposed research model using longitudinal data that we collected in two points in time six months apart from 125 users of the LinkedIn professional social networking site (pSNS). The results show that 1) perceived usability, usability confirmation, perceived usefulness, and usefulness confirmation determined user satisfaction with pSNS and 2) perceived usability along with satisfaction predicted continuance intention, whereas perceived usefulness had no effect. This study contributes IT continuance research by 1) proposing and empirically validating a decomposed model of IT continuance and 2) by bringing in usability as a core construct of interest for IT continuance research

    A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system

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    Franque, F. B., Oliveira, T., Tam, C., & Santini, F. D. O. (2021). A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system. Internet Research, 31(1), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-03-2019-0103Purpose: This study aims to describe, synthesise and clarify the findings of published studies on individual continuance intention to use an information system (IS), considering the fact that the number of studies in the continuance intention context are growing exponentially and cover several different subjects. Design/methodology/approach: The research uses meta- and weight analysis by taking 115 empirical studies from continuance intention to use an IS. The data are presented in different views using significant and non-significant relationships from all the studies. Furthermore, it uses hierarchical linear meta-analysis to analyse potential moderators that can influence continuance intention. Findings: The results reveal that affective commitment, attitude, satisfaction, hedonic value and flow are the best predictors of continuance intention to use an IS. Sample size, individualism, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation moderate the relationship of perceived usefulness on continuance intention. Power distance, masculinity and indulgence moderate relationship satisfaction on continuance intention. Practical implications: The results reveal that continuance intention to use an IS has been studied in different countries, with different cultures; therefore, IS providers should have diversified managing strategies, to ensure the satisfaction of users and long-term usage of their IS. Originality/value: The study provides a systematic overview of the most relevant variables used in the literature, including a temporal analysis of the theoretical models, highlighting the evolution of the constructs and presents a moderation analysis.authorsversionpublishe

    Understanding Twitter Usage: What Drive People Continue to Tweet

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    In this study, we proposed a research model to investigate the factors influencing users’ continuance intention to use Twitter. Building on the uses and gratification framework, we have proposed four types of gratifications for Twitter usage, including content gratification, technology gratification, process gratification, and social gratification. We conducted an online survey and collected 124 responses. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares. Our results showed that content gratifications and new technology gratification are the two key types of gratifications affecting the continuance intention to use Twitter. We conclude with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications. We believe that this study will provide important insights for future research on Twitter
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