26 research outputs found

    Gradient Derivation for Learnable Parameters in Graph Attention Networks

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    This work provides a comprehensive derivation of the parameter gradients for GATv2 [4], a widely used implementation of Graph Attention Networks (GATs). GATs have proven to be powerful frameworks for processing graph-structured data and, hence, have been used in a range of applications. However, the achieved performance by these attempts has been found to be inconsistent across different datasets and the reasons for this remains an open research question. As the gradient flow provides valuable insights into the training dynamics of statistically learning models, this work obtains the gradients for the trainable model parameters of GATv2. The gradient derivations supplement the efforts of [2], where potential pitfalls of GATv2 are investigated

    MQENet: A Mesh Quality Evaluation Neural Network Based on Dynamic Graph Attention

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    With the development of computational fluid dynamics, the requirements for the fluid simulation accuracy in industrial applications have also increased. The quality of the generated mesh directly affects the simulation accuracy. However, previous mesh quality metrics and models cannot evaluate meshes comprehensively and objectively. To this end, we propose MQENet, a structured mesh quality evaluation neural network based on dynamic graph attention. MQENet treats the mesh evaluation task as a graph classification task for classifying the quality of the input structured mesh. To make graphs generated from structured meshes more informative, MQENet introduces two novel structured mesh preprocessing algorithms. These two algorithms can also improve the conversion efficiency of structured mesh data. Experimental results on the benchmark structured mesh dataset NACA-Market show the effectiveness of MQENet in the mesh quality evaluation task

    Path Integral Based Convolution and Pooling for Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) extends the functionality of traditional neural networks to graph-structured data. Similar to CNNs, an optimized design of graph convolution and pooling is key to success. Borrowing ideas from physics, we propose a path integral based graph neural networks (PAN) for classification and regression tasks on graphs. Specifically, we consider a convolution operation that involves every path linking the message sender and receiver with learnable weights depending on the path length, which corresponds to the maximal entropy random walk. It generalizes the graph Laplacian to a new transition matrix we call maximal entropy transition (MET) matrix derived from a path integral formalism. Importantly, the diagonal entries of the MET matrix are directly related to the subgraph centrality, thus providing a natural and adaptive pooling mechanism. PAN provides a versatile framework that can be tailored for different graph data with varying sizes and structures. We can view most existing GNN architectures as special cases of PAN. Experimental results show that PAN achieves state-of-the-art performance on various graph classification/regression tasks, including a new benchmark dataset from statistical mechanics we propose to boost applications of GNN in physical sciences.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.1099

    Automated Data Augmentations for Graph Classification

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    Data augmentations are effective in improving the invariance of learning machines. We argue that the corechallenge of data augmentations lies in designing data transformations that preserve labels. This is relativelystraightforward for images, but much more challenging for graphs. In this work, we propose GraphAug, a novelautomated data augmentation method aiming at computing label-invariant augmentations for graph classification.Instead of using uniform transformations as in existing studies, GraphAug uses an automated augmentationmodel to avoid compromising critical label-related information of the graph, thereby producing label-invariantaugmentations at most times. To ensure label-invariance, we develop a training method based on reinforcementlearning to maximize an estimated label-invariance probability. Comprehensive experiments show that GraphAugoutperforms previous graph augmentation methods on various graph classification tasks

    Adaptive-Step Graph Meta-Learner for Few-Shot Graph Classification

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    Graph classification aims to extract accurate information from graph-structured data for classification and is becoming more and more important in graph learning community. Although Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been successfully applied to graph classification tasks, most of them overlook the scarcity of labeled graph data in many applications. For example, in bioinformatics, obtaining protein graph labels usually needs laborious experiments. Recently, few-shot learning has been explored to alleviate this problem with only given a few labeled graph samples of test classes. The shared sub-structures between training classes and test classes are essential in few-shot graph classification. Exiting methods assume that the test classes belong to the same set of super-classes clustered from training classes. However, according to our observations, the label spaces of training classes and test classes usually do not overlap in real-world scenario. As a result, the existing methods don't well capture the local structures of unseen test classes. To overcome the limitation, in this paper, we propose a direct method to capture the sub-structures with well initialized meta-learner within a few adaptation steps. More specifically, (1) we propose a novel framework consisting of a graph meta-learner, which uses GNNs based modules for fast adaptation on graph data, and a step controller for the robustness and generalization of meta-learner; (2) we provide quantitative analysis for the framework and give a graph-dependent upper bound of the generalization error based on our framework; (3) the extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our framework gets state-of-the-art results on several few-shot graph classification tasks compared to baselines

    Haar Graph Pooling

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    Deep Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are useful models for graph classification and graph-based regression tasks. In these tasks, graph pooling is a critical ingredient by which GNNs adapt to input graphs of varying size and structure. We propose a new graph pooling operation based on compressive Haar transforms -- HaarPooling. HaarPooling implements a cascade of pooling operations; it is computed by following a sequence of clusterings of the input graph. A HaarPooling layer transforms a given input graph to an output graph with a smaller node number and the same feature dimension; the compressive Haar transform filters out fine detail information in the Haar wavelet domain. In this way, all the HaarPooling layers together synthesize the features of any given input graph into a feature vector of uniform size. Such transforms provide a sparse characterization of the data and preserve the structure information of the input graph. GNNs implemented with standard graph convolution layers and HaarPooling layers achieve state of the art performance on diverse graph classification and regression problems.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables; Published in ICML202