364 research outputs found

    Self-navigation with compressed sensing for 2D translational motion correction in free-breathing coronary MRI:a feasibility study

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    PURPOSE: Respiratory motion correction remains a challenge in coronary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and current techniques, such as navigator gating, suffer from sub-optimal scan efficiency and ease-of-use. To overcome these limitations, an image-based self-navigation technique is proposed that uses "sub-images" and compressed sensing (CS) to obtain translational motion correction in 2D. The method was preliminarily implemented as a 2D technique and tested for feasibility for targeted coronary imaging. METHODS: During a 2D segmented radial k-space data acquisition, heavily undersampled sub-images were reconstructed from the readouts collected during each cardiac cycle. These sub-images may then be used for respiratory self-navigation. Alternatively, a CS reconstruction may be used to create these sub-images, so as to partially compensate for the heavy undersampling. Both approaches were quantitatively assessed using simulations and in vivo studies, and the resulting self-navigation strategies were then compared to conventional navigator gating. RESULTS: Sub-images reconstructed using CS showed a lower artifact level than sub-images reconstructed without CS. As a result, the final image quality was significantly better when using CS-assisted self-navigation as opposed to the non-CS approach. Moreover, while both self-navigation techniques led to a 69% scan time reduction (as compared to navigator gating), there was no significant difference in image quality between the CS-assisted self-navigation technique and conventional navigator gating, despite the significant decrease in scan time. CONCLUSIONS: CS-assisted self-navigation using 2D translational motion correction demonstrated feasibility of producing coronary MRA data with image quality comparable to that obtained with conventional navigator gating, and does so without the use of additional acquisitions or motion modeling, while still allowing for 100% scan efficiency and an improved ease-of-use. In conclusion, compressed sensing may become a critical adjunct for 2D translational motion correction in free-breathing cardiac imaging with high spatial resolution. An expansion to modern 3D approaches is now warranted

    Development of whole-heart myocardial perfusion magnetic resonance imaging

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    Myocardial perfusion imaging is of huge importance for the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD), one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, as it can provide non-invasive detection at the early stages of the disease. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can assess myocardial perfusion by capturing the rst-pass perfusion (FPP) of a gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA), which is now a well-established technique and compares well with other modalities. However, current MRI methods are restricted by their limited coverage of the left ventricle. Interest has therefore grown in 3D volumetric \whole-heart" FPP by MRI, although many challenges currently limit this. For this thesis, myocardial perfusion assessment in general, and 3D whole-heart FPP in particular, were reviewed in depth, alongside MRI techniques important for achieving 3D FPP. From this, a 3D `stack-of-stars' (SOS) FPP sequence was developed with the aim of addressing some current limitations. These included the breath-hold requirement during GBCA rst-pass, long 3D shot durations corrupted by cardiac motion, and a propensity for artefacts in FPP. Parallel imaging and compressed sensing were investigated for accelerating whole-heart FPP, with modi cations presented to potentially improve robustness to free-breathing. Novel sequences were developed that were capable of individually improving some current sequence limits, including spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, although with some sacri ces. A nal 3D SOS FPP technique was developed and tested at stress during free-breathing examinations of CAD patients and healthy volunteers. This enabled the rst known detection of an inducible perfusion defect with a free-breathing, compressed sensing, 3D FPP sequence; however, further investigation into the diagnostic performance is required. Simulations were performed to analyse potential artefacts in 3D FPP, as well as to examine ways towards further optimisation of 3D SOS FPP. The nal chapter discusses some limitations of the work and proposes opportunities for further investigation.Open Acces

    Accelerating cardiovascular MRI

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    Motion-Corrected Simultaneous Cardiac PET-MR Imaging

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    Non-Rigid Groupwise Registration for Motion Estimation and Compensation in Compressed Sensing Reconstruc- tion of Breath-Hold Cardiac Cine MRI

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    Purpose: Compressed sensing methods with motion estimation and compensation techniques have been proposed for the reconstruction of accelerated dynamic MRI. However, artifacts that naturally arise in compressed sensing reconstruction procedures hinder the estimation of motion from reconstructed images, especially at high acceleration factors. This work introduces a robust groupwise non-rigid motion estimation technique applied to the compressed sensing reconstruction of dynamic cardiac cine MRI sequences. Theory and Methods: A spatio-temporal regularized, groupwise, non-rigid registration method based on a B-splines deformation model and a least squares metric is used to estimate and to compensate the movement of the heart in breath-hold cine acquisitions and to obtain a quasi-static sequence with highly sparse representation in temporally transformed domains. Results: Short axis in vivo datasets are used for validation, both original multi-coil as well as DICOM data. Fully sampled data were retrospectively undersampled with various acceleration factors and reconstructions were compared with the two well-known methods k-t FOCUSS and MASTeR. The proposed method achieves higher signal to error ratio and structure similarity index for medium to high acceleration factors. Conclusions: Reconstruction methods based on groupwise registration show higher quality recon- structions for cardiac cine images than the pairwise counterparts tested