32 research outputs found

    Undecidable relativizations of algebras of relations.

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    In this paper we show that relativized versions of relation set algebras and cylindric set algebras have undecidable equational theories if we include coordinatewise versions of the counting operations into the similarity type. We apply these results to the guarded fragment of first-order logic

    First Order Theories of Some Lattices of Open Sets

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    We show that the first order theory of the lattice of open sets in some natural topological spaces is mm-equivalent to second order arithmetic. We also show that for many natural computable metric spaces and computable domains the first order theory of the lattice of effectively open sets is undecidable. Moreover, for several important spaces (e.g., Rn\mathbb{R}^n, n≥1n\geq1, and the domain PωP\omega) this theory is mm-equivalent to first order arithmetic

    Methods for relativizing properties of codes

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    The usual setting for information transmission systems assumes that all words over the source alphabet need to be encoded. The demands on encodings of messages with respect to decodability, error-detection, etc. are thus relative to the whole set of words. In reality, depending on the information source, far fewer messages are transmitted, all belonging to some specific language. Hence the original demands on encodings can be weakened, if only the words in that language are to be considered. This leads one to relativize the properties of encodings or codes to the language at hand. We analyse methods of relativization in this sense. It seems there are four equally convincing notions of relativization. We compare those. Each of them has their own merits for specific code properties. We clarify the differences between the four approaches. We also consider the decidability of relativized properties. If P is a property defining a class of codes and L is a language, one asks, for a given language C, whether C satisfies P relative to L. We show that in the realm of regular languages this question is mostly decidable

    Crisp bi-G\"{o}del modal logic and its paraconsistent expansion

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    In this paper, we provide a Hilbert-style axiomatisation for the crisp bi-G\"{o}del modal logic \KbiG. We prove its completeness w.r.t.\ crisp Kripke models where formulas at each state are evaluated over the standard bi-G\"{o}del algebra on [0,1][0,1]. We also consider a paraconsistent expansion of \KbiG with a De Morgan negation ¬\neg which we dub \KGsquare. We devise a Hilbert-style calculus for this logic and, as a~con\-se\-quence of a~conservative translation from \KbiG to \KGsquare, prove its completeness w.r.t.\ crisp Kripke models with two valuations over [0,1][0,1] connected via ¬\neg. For these two logics, we establish that their decidability and validity are PSPACE\mathsf{PSPACE}-complete. We also study the semantical properties of \KbiG and \KGsquare. In particular, we show that Glivenko theorem holds only in finitely branching frames. We also explore the classes of formulas that define the same classes of frames both in K\mathbf{K} (the classical modal logic) and the crisp G\"{o}del modal logic \KG^c. We show that, among others, all Sahlqvist formulas and all formulas ϕ→χ\phi\rightarrow\chi where ϕ\phi and χ\chi are monotone, define the same classes of frames in K\mathbf{K} and \KG^c