9 research outputs found

    Значимость социального одобрения для подростков в условиях социальных сетей

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    В статье представлена эмпирическая аргументация изучения способов социального одобрения в социальных сетях на примере изучения группы подростков. Рассмотрены ключевые способы социального одобрения в социальных сетях и описано их смысловое содержани

    Значимость социального одобрения для подростков в условиях социальных сетей

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    В статье представлена эмпирическая аргументация изучения способов социального одобрения в социальных сетях на примере изучения группы подростков. Рассмотрены ключевые способы социального одобрения в социальных сетях и описано их смысловое содержание. Эмпирически изучены и аргументированы основные цели обращения подростков к социальным сетям. Эмпирически изучена и аргументирована потребность подростков в социальном одобрении. Эмпирически изучена и аргументирована субъективная значимость социального одобрения в социальных сетях для подростков. Установлено, что социальное одобрение в социальных сетях выражается через элементы социального одобрения социальных сетей. Социальное одобрение в социальных сетях, выражающееся в лайках, репостах, комментариях и подписках. Установлено, что социальное одобрение в социальных сетях имеет высокую субъективную значимость для подростков. Социальное одобрение в социальных сетях субъективно ценно для преобладающего большинства подростков, и позв

    Значимость социального одобрения для подростков в условиях социальных сетей

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    В статье представлена эмпирическая аргументация изучения способов социального одобрения в социальных сетях на примере изучения группы подростков

    OSS popularity: understanding the relationship between user-developer interaction, market potential and development stage

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    Following the growing interest and concerns regarding the open source software (OSS) phenomenon among academics and practitioners, many studies have been conducted to understand the factors that influence OSS success. However, research has primarily explored such factors in the context of well-known projects, such as Linux and Apache. Yet, lesser-known projects must be examined to gain a more complete understanding. Accordingly, this paper focuses on lesser-known projects to examine three factors that influence OSS popularity: user-developer interaction, market potential and development stage. Specifically, we develop an empirical model of OSS popularity and test our hypotheses on data from 657 open source projects. The findings show that the combination of the three factors has a positive effect on OSS popularity. Moreover, in contrast to previous research, the results reveal that exchanges among users and developers have a stronger influence on OSS popularity than bug-related activities. Overall, this research provides a novel way to measure OSS popularity for lesser-known projects and offers organizations a better understanding of OSS

    The Impact of Anonymous Peripheral Contributions on Open Source Software Development

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    Online peer production communities such as open source software (OSS) projects attract both identified and anonymous peripheral contributions (APC) (e.g., defect reports, feature requests, or forum posts). While we can attribute identified peripheral contributions (IPC) to specific individuals and OSS projects need them to succeed, one cannot trace back anonymous peripheral contributions (APC), and they can have both positive and negative ramifications for project development. Open platforms and managers face a challenging design choice in deciding whether to allow APC and for which tasks or what type of projects. We examine the impact that the ratio between APC and IPC has on OSS project performance. Our results suggest that the OSS projects perform the best when they contain a uniform anonymity level (i.e., they contain predominantly APC or predominantly IPC). However, our results also suggest that OSS projects have lower performance when the ratio between APC and IPC nears one (i.e., they contain close to the same number of APC and IPC). Furthermore, our results suggest that these results differ depending on the type of application that a project develops. Our study contributes to the ongoing debate about the implications of anonymity for online communities and informs managers about the effect that anonymous contributions have on their projects

    Exploring the link between free and open source software and the collaborative economy: A Delphi-based scenario for the year 2025

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    Despite the growth experienced by the Collaborative Economy in recent years, there are still unexplored gaps within this phenomenon. One of the areas of study with scarce literature is linked with the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies based on collaborative environments, such as Free and Open Source Software, on the spread of the Collaborative Economy. Some questions are raised, such as: (1) To what extent do organizations linked with Collaborative Economy make use of Free and Open Source Software?, (2) What are the incentives that motivate the implementation of Free and Open Source Software in Collaborative Economy companies?, (3) What use do Collaborative Economy companies give to Free and Open Source Software?, and (4) Is there a greater use of Free and Open Source Software expected for the coming years among these organizations? To answer these questions, a study based on the Delphi method has been designed. To this end, a panel of 15 high-level experts in the field was formed. From the consensus of the experts, a significant role for Free and Open Source Software in the different collaborative components and industries is evident, with the current levels practically being maintained by the year 2025.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Uncovering the relationship between OSS user support networks and OSS popularity

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    The open source model of software development has become an attractive alternative to the traditional proprietary approach. However, the incomplete understanding of the phenomenon has continued to prompt researchers to investigate factors that could increase the use and popularity of open source software (OSS). While a key antecedent for OSS use highlighted in the previous literature is the software quality, we propose that effective online user support is also necessary to increase its popularity. As an understudied area, this paper seeks to understand the role of online user support networks in facilitating OSS use. Based on the network embeddedness theory, it suggests that properties of the user support network i.e., variation in structural and junctional embeddedness, measured as the in-degree and betweenness centralizations respectively, would affect OSS popularity in terms of the number of active users and downloads of the software. Testing on a sample of 176 OSS projects from Sourceforge.net, we showed that a negative quadratic relationship exists between the variation in structural embeddedness of the OSS user support network and the software popularity. Further, as hypothesized, the variation in junctional embeddedness was found to positively impact the OSS popularity. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed

    La educación como elemento dinamizador en la implantación de sistemas de información de código abierto en las organizaciones

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    Programa de Doctorado en Administración y Dirección de EmpresasLínea de Investigación: Sistemas de InformaciónClave Programa: DAECódigo Línea: 106Los Sistemas de Código Abierto (Open Source Software, en adelante OSS), se pueden definir, en una primera aproximación, como aquellos sistemas que permiten el acceso al código fuente con la intención de incrementar la flexibilidad de los sistemas de información. En el ámbito de la investigación, OSS cuenta con un amplio cuerpo científico. Son numerosos los trabajos que tratan de profundizar en diversos aspectos del OSS, especialmente desde la vertiente tecnológica. Sin embargo, son muchos los tópicos relacionados con el OSS que todavía cuenta con recorrido científico ante la escasez de evidencia científica. Nos estamos refiriendo, por ejemplo, a un extenso grupo de aspectos relacionados con el contexto de las organizaciones, tanto aquellos vinculados a dimensiones propias de los usuarios, como los que se encuentran más cercanos al espectro de la dirección. Tomando como punto de partida esta realidad científica, la presente tesis doctoral pone el foco en la discusión de la implantación en las organizaciones de soluciones basadas en el OSS, teniendo como eje vertebrador el influjo de la formación reglada sobre esta tecnología. Así pues, el objetivo principal es analizar la relación que existe entre la formación reglada recibida sobre soluciones tecnológicas basadas en OSS y su posterior impacto en las organizaciones. En concreto, esta tesis doctoral se centra en la formación sobre el OSS incluida en el sistema público de educación andaluza y su relación con sus posteriores implicaciones en el tejido empresarial andaluz. En particular, este objetivo general se articula en cuatro objetivos específicos: 1. Analizar el impacto en la intención de uso de soluciones tecnológicas basadas en OSS en usuarios finales que están recibiendo alguna formación reglada sobre este tipo de tecnología en diferentes etapas educativas. 2. Identificar y analizar los determinantes motivacionales del comportamiento de los estudiantes hacia el uso del OSS una vez concluido su periodo formativo. 3. Analizar la percepción gerencial hacia los determinantes motivacionales de los usuarios del OSS después de recibir una formación específica, así como determinar un escenario previsible sobre la implantación de sistemas OSS en las organizaciones. 4. Analizar la motivación de los docentes para contribuir al desarrollo de proyectos de OSS en el ámbito educativo.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketin

    La santé des écosystèmes logiciels à code source ouvert : une revue de littérature systématique

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    Un logiciel à code source ouvert (LCSO) ou Open Source Software est un logiciel dont le code source est accessible et modifiable par quiconque, et dont la licence assure que ce code demeure dans le domaine public. Le développement des LCSO a connu une montée fulgurante au cours des deux dernières décennies. Étant considérés comme un élément clé de l’écosystème logiciel à code source ouvert (ECLSO), les projets de LCSO abondent et deviennent de plus en plus essentiels et indispensables pour les systèmes utilisés par plusieurs organisations à l’échelle mondiale. L’évolution rapide de la recherche sur les ECLSO a permis de nombreuses contributions significatives. Cependant, cette croissance suscite des interrogations et interpelle la communauté des chercheurs et praticiens en ce qui concerne la santé de ces ECLSO. Qu’adviendrait-il s’ils se dégradaient ou cessaient d'exister ? Dans le but de mieux comprendre comment ce domaine a été abordé dans littérature, nous avons effectué une revue de littérature systématique descriptive afin d’avoir un aperçu des études qui ont été faites dans ce domaine. Au total, 98 articles ont été retenus dans notre échantillon et les résultats de notre analyse de ces articles montrent que la recherche dans ce domaine est encore immature. Il n’existe pas encore de consensus quant à la définition de la santé, ni à celle de l’écosystème logiciel, ni d’outils adéquats pour appuyer l’évaluation de la santé des ELCSO. Notre étude a révélé qu’aucun auteur n’a réellement défini ce que c’est que la « santé d’un ELCSO ». Néanmoins, certains aspects de la santé ont été étudiés pour divers composants d’un ELCSO. Notre revue de littérature permet de souligner que le domaine offre de réelles opportunités pour des recherches futures.Open Source Software (OSS) is software whose source code is accessible and modifiable by anyone, and whose license ensures that this code remains in the public domain. The development of OSSs has skyrocketed over the past two decades. As a key component of the Open Source Software (OSS) ecosystem, OSS projects abound and become increasingly essential and indispensable for various systems used most organizations worldwide. The rapid evolution of OSS ecosystem research has resulted in many significant contributions. However, this growth raises questions and challenges the community of researchers and practitioners as far as health of these OSS ecosystem is concerned. What would happen if they deteriorated or ceased to exist? To better understand how researchers addressed this area, we conducted a descriptive systematic literature review to gain insight into the studies that have been done in this area. In total, 98 articles were selected in our sample and the results of our analysis of these articles show that research in this area is still immature. There is still no consensus on the definition of health, the software ecosystem, nor adequate tools to support the health assessment of the ELCSO. Our study revealed that no author has really defined the "health of an OSS ecosystem". Although some aspects of health have been studied for various components of an OSS ecosystem, our literature review highlights that the field offers real opportunities for future research