2 research outputs found

    How past decisions affect future behavior on ecoinnovation: An empirical study

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Peir贸 Signes, Angel, Segarra-O帽a, Marival. (2018). How past decisions affect future behavior on ecoinnovation: An empirical study.Business Strategy and the Environment, 27, 8, 1233-1244. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2071, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2071. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving[EN] The environment is increasingly gaining importance for citizens and society and, therefore, for consumers. Eco-innovation is a direct path for reducing the impact of production while providing companies with a source of competitive advantage. The automotive industry and its supply chain have a great impact on the environment, but no research has been developed on how the orientation toward the environment is evolving for the automotive industry and how future performance may be affected by current decisions. The aim of this paper is to bridge this gap by analyzing the eco-innovative dynamism of the automobile industry. To do this, we use a panel analysis to see the point at which past behavior influences future decisions. The partial least square method is used to analyze the eco-innovative dynamism of the automobile industry. We analyze a data set based on 159 responses of Spanish companies that belong to the automobile sector. Results show that environmental orientation drivers do not evolve over a short period while in the longer term there is an evolution. We prove that carryover effects have a great impact on the future behavior of the firms, showing that the evolution of organizations' environmental behavior is a long-range consideration. Managerial implications arise from this paper's conclusions, as the decision-making process is clarified.Peir贸 Signes, A.; Segarra-O帽a, M. (2018). How past decisions affect future behavior on ecoinnovation: An empirical study. Business Strategy and the Environment. 27(8):1233-1244. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2071S1233124427

    Dise帽o de un Sistema de Gesti贸n Ambiental basado en la norma ISO 14001:2015 para la Divisi贸n Industrial de Auto Mercado

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    Proyecto de Graduaci贸n (Licenciatura en Ingenier铆a Ambiental) Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Qu铆mica, 2021Esta tesis cumple con el Objetivo 11: Lograr que las ciudades y los asentamientos humanos sean inclusivos, seguros, resilientes y sostenibles. Meta 6: Reducir el impacto ambiental negativo per capita de las ciudades, incluso prestando especial atenci贸n a la calidad del aire y la gesti贸n de los desechos municipales y de otro tipo.La industria alimentaria es una de las m谩s contaminantes para el ambiente a nivel mundial, ya que genera impactos como la contaminaci贸n del aire, suelo y agua, un alto consumo de recursos energ铆a y agua, adem谩s de la gran generaci贸n de residuos s贸lidos. Sin embargo, actualmente la sociedad y la econom铆a est谩n m谩s preocupadas por el ambiente, por lo que todas las industrias y organizaciones se est谩n enfrentado a una presi贸n creciente para garantizar que sus acciones tengan un menor impacto ambiental. Por esto, la Divisi贸n Industrial de Auto Mercado S.A, Auto Deli, se une a las muchas organizaciones que buscan tomar acciones para minimizar sus huellas ambientales. Auto Deli al ser una planta procesadora de alimentos, cumple con las caracter铆sticas de inocuidad requeridas y cuenta con la norma de Buenas Pr谩cticas de Manufactura (BPM) otorgada por INTECO. Sin embargo, no cuenta con un Sistema de Gesti贸n Ambiental (SGA) que le permita controlar sus impactos ambientales, por lo que se realiz贸; un diagn贸stico de la gesti贸n ambiental que se posee la organizaci贸n, identificaci贸n de los Aspectos Ambientales Significativos (AAS), adem谩s de la creaci贸n de un Plan de Control para estos aspectos y una gu铆a para el dise帽o e implementaci贸n del SGA que sea adecuado para la planta. A partir de lo anterior, se obtuvo; que la organizaci贸n contaba con un 61% de incumplimiento a los requisitos de la norma ISO 14001, la identificaci贸n de 11 AAS tanto en la producci贸n como en 谩reas administrativas y el procedimiento para la identificaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de los Aspectos Ambientales (AA). Adem谩s, se proponen 12 indicadores para el control de los AAS.Food manufacturing is one of the most environmentally polluting industries worldwide, including air pollution, excessive energy and water consumption, and massive solid waste production. Therefore, they face economic and social pressure to reduce the environmental impacts that their actions and processes incurred. The Industrial Division of Auto Mercado S.A., Auto Deli, has joined many organizations that seek to minimize their carbon footprint. Auto Deli is a food manufacturing industry that meets the required safety measures and characteristics of the certificate Buenas Pr谩cticas de Manufactura (BPM) granted by INTECO. However, the plant does not count with an Environmental Management System (EMS) for measuring its environmental impacts. Thus, a diagnosis was made to evaluate its current environmental management status and identify its significant environmental aspects (SEA). Additionally, a monitoring plan was implemented along with a guide that details the design and implementation of the EMS that best suits the plant鈥檚 needs. Results showed that the organization had a 61% non-compliance rate with the ISO 14001:2015 standards and eleven significant aspects requiring attention in production and administrative areas. Consequently, a procedure for correctly identifying and evaluating the significant aspects was proposed based on twelve indicators to ensure accurate monitoring of the SEA