35 research outputs found

    Unconditionally Reliable Message Transmission in Directed Hypergraphs

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    We study the problem of unconditionally reliable message transmission (URMT), where two non-faulty players, the sender S and the receiver R are part of a synchronous network modeled as a directed hypergraph, a part of which may be under the influence of an adversary having unbounded computing power. S intends to transmit a message mm to R, such that R should correctly obtain S\u27s message with probability at least (1−δ)(1-\delta) for arbitrarily small δ>0\delta > 0. However, unlike most of the literature on this problem, we assume the adversary modeling the faults is threshold mixed, and can corrupt different set of nodes in Byzantine, passive and fail-stop fashion simultaneously. The main contribution of this work is the complete characterization of URMT in directed hypergraph tolerating such an adversary. Working out a direct characterization of URMT over directed hypergraphs tolerating threshold mixed adversary is highly un-intuitive. So we first propose a novel technique, which takes as input a directed hypergraph and a threshold mixed adversary on that hypergraph and outputs a corresponding digraph, along with a non-threshold mixed adversary, such that URMT over the hypergraph tolerating the threshold mixed adversary is possible iff a special type of URMT is possible over the obtained digraph, tolerating the corresponding non-threshold mixed adversary}. Thus characterization of URMT over directed hypergraph tolerating threshold mixed adversary reduces to characterizing special type of a URMT over arbitrary digraph tolerating non-threshold mixed adversary. We then characterize URMT in arbitrary digraphs tolerating non-threshold mixed adversary and modify it to obtain the characterization for special type of URMT over digraphs tolerating non-threshold mixed adversary. This completes the characterization of URMT over the original hypergraph. Surprisingly, our results indicate that even passive corruption, in collusion with active faults, substantially affects the reliability of URMT protocols! This is interesting because it is a general belief that passive corruption (eavesdropping) does not affect reliable communication

    Making Code Voting Secure against Insider Threats using Unconditionally Secure MIX Schemes and Human PSMT Protocols

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    Code voting was introduced by Chaum as a solution for using a possibly infected-by-malware device to cast a vote in an electronic voting application. Chaum's work on code voting assumed voting codes are physically delivered to voters using the mail system, implicitly requiring to trust the mail system. This is not necessarily a valid assumption to make - especially if the mail system cannot be trusted. When conspiring with the recipient of the cast ballots, privacy is broken. It is clear to the public that when it comes to privacy, computers and "secure" communication over the Internet cannot fully be trusted. This emphasizes the importance of using: (1) Unconditional security for secure network communication. (2) Reduce reliance on untrusted computers. In this paper we explore how to remove the mail system trust assumption in code voting. We use PSMT protocols (SCN 2012) where with the help of visual aids, humans can carry out mod  10\mod 10 addition correctly with a 99\% degree of accuracy. We introduce an unconditionally secure MIX based on the combinatorics of set systems. Given that end users of our proposed voting scheme construction are humans we \emph{cannot use} classical Secure Multi Party Computation protocols. Our solutions are for both single and multi-seat elections achieving: \begin{enumerate}[i)] \item An anonymous and perfectly secure communication network secure against a tt-bounded passive adversary used to deliver voting, \item The end step of the protocol can be handled by a human to evade the threat of malware. \end{enumerate} We do not focus on active adversaries

    Unconditionally Reliable Message Transmission in Directed Neighbour Networks

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    The problem of unconditionally reliable message transmission (URMT) is to design a protocol which when run by players in a network enables a sender S to deliver a message to a receiver R with high probability, even when some players in the network are under the control of an unbounded adversary. Renault and Tomala [JoC2008] gave a characterization of undirected neighbour networks over which URMT tolerating Byzantine adversary is possible. In this paper, we generalize their result to the case of directed networks

    Unconditionally Reliable and Secure Message Transmission in Undirected Synchronous Networks: Possibility, Feasibility and Optimality

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    We study the interplay of network connectivity and the issues related to the ‘possibility’, ‘feasibility’ and ‘optimality’ for unconditionally reliable message transmission (URMT) and unconditionally secure message transmission (USMT) in an undirected synchronous network, under the influence of an adaptive mixed adversary having unbounded computing power, who can corrupt some of the nodes in the network in Byzantine, omission, fail-stop and passive fashion respectively. We consider two types of adversary, namely threshold and non-threshold. One of the important conclusions we arrive at from our study is that allowing a negligible error probability significantly helps in the ‘possibility’, ‘feasibility’ and ‘optimality’ of both reliable and secure message transmission protocols. To design our protocols, we propose several new techniques which are of independent interest

    Secure Message Transmission In Asynchronous Directed Networks

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    We study the problem of information-theoretically secure message transmission (SMT) in asynchronous directed networks. In line with the literature, the distrust and failures of the network is captured via a computationally unbounded Byzantine adversary that may corrupt some subset of nodes. We give a characterization of networks over which SMT from sender S to receiver R is possible in both the well-known settings, namely perfect SMT (PSMT) and unconditional SMT (USMT). We distinguish between two variants of USMT: one in which R can output an incorrect message (with small probability) and another in which R never outputs a wrong message, but may choose to abort (with small probability). We also provide efficient protocols for an important class of networks

    Statistically Reliable and Secure Message Transmission in Directed Networks

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    Consider the following problem: a sender S and a receiver R are part of a directed synchronous network and connected through intermediate nodes. Specifically, there exists n node disjoint paths, also called as wires, which are directed from S to R and u wires, which are directed from R to S. Moreover, the wires from S to R are disjoint from the wires directed from R to S. There exists a centralized, static adversary who has unbounded computing power and who can control at most t wires between S and R in Byzantine fashion. S has a message m^S, which we wants to send to R. The challenge is to design a protocol, such that after interacting in phases as per the protocol, R should correctly output m^R = m^S, except with error probability 2^{-\Omega(\kappa)}, where \kappa is the error parameter. This problem is called as statistically reliable message transmission (SRMT). The problem of statistically secure message transmission (SSMT) has an additional requirement that at the end of the protocol, m^S should be information theoretically secure. Desmedt et.al have given the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of SRMT and SSMT protocols in the above settings. They also presented an SSMT protocol, satisfying their characterization. Desmedt et.al claimed that their protocol is efficient and has polynomial computational and communication complexity. However, we show that it is not so. That is, we specify an adversary strategy, which may cause the protocol to have exponential computational and communication complexity. We then present new and efficient SRMT and SSMT protocols, satisfying the characterization of Desmedt et.al Finally we show that the our proposed protocols are communication optimal by deriving lower bound on the communication complexity of SRMT and SSMT protocols. As far our knowledge is concerned, our protocols are the first communication optimal SRMT and SSMT protocols in directed networks

    Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Tolerating Mixed Adversary

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    In this paper, we study the issues related to the possibility, feasibility and optimality for perfectly secure message transmission (PSMT) in an undirected synchronous network, under the influence of a mixed adversary having unbounded computing power, who can corrupt some of the nodes in the network in Byzantine, fail-stop and passive fashion respectively. Specifically, we answer the following questions: (a) Possibility: Given a network and a mixed adversary, what are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of any PSMT protocol over the network tolerating the adversary? (b) Feasibility: Once the existence of a protocol is ensured, then does there exist a polynomial time and efficient protocol on the given network? (c) Optimality: Given a message of specific length, what is the minimum communication complexity (lower bound) needed by any PSMT protocol to transmit the message and how to design a polynomial time protocol whose total communication complexity matches the lower bound on the communication complexity? We answer the above questions by considering two different types of mixed adversary, namely static mixed adversary and mobile mixed adversary. Intuitively, it is more difficult to tolerate a mobile mixed adversary (who can corrupt different set of nodes during different stages of the protocol) in comparison to its static counter part (who corrupts the same set of nodes throughout the protocol). However, surprisingly, we show that the connectivity requirement in the network and lower bound on communication complexity of PSMT protocols is same against both static and mobile mixed adversary. To design our protocols against static and mobile mixed adversary, we use several new techniques, which are of independent interest

    Secure message transmission in the general adversary model

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    The problem of secure message transmission (SMT), due to its importance in both practice and theory, has been studied extensively. Given a communication network in which a sender S and a receiver R are indirectly connected by unreliable and distrusted channels, the aim of SMT is to enable messages to be transmitted from S to R with a reasonably high level of privacy and reliability. SMT must be achieved in the presence of a Byzantine adversary who has unlimited computational power and can corrupt the transmission. In the general adversary model, the adversary is characterized by an adversary structure. We study two diff�erent measures of security: perfect (PSMT) and almost perfect (APSMT). Moreover, reliable (but not private) message transmission (RMT) are considered as a specifi�c part of SMT. In this thesis, we study RMT, APSMT and PSMT in two di�fferent network settings: point-to-point and multicast. To prepare the study of SMT in these two network settings, we present some ideas and observations on secret sharing schemes (SSSs), generalized linear codes and critical paths. First, we prove that the error-correcting capability of an almost perfect SSS is the same as a perfect SSS. Next, we regard general access structures as linear codes, and introduce some new properties that allow us to construct pseudo-basis for efficient PSMT protocol design. In addition, we de�fine adversary structures over "critical paths", and observe their properties. Having these new developments, the contributions on SMT in the aforementioned two network settings can be presented as follows. The results on SMT in point-to-point networks are obtained in three aspects. First, we show a Guessing Attack on some existing PSMT protocols. This attack is critically important to the design of PSMT protocols in asymmetric networks. Second, we determine necessary and sufficient conditions for di�fferent levels of RMT and APSMT. In particular, by applying the result on almost perfect SSS, we show that relaxing the requirement of privacy does not weaken the minimal network connectivity. Our �final contribution in the point-to-point model is to give the �first ever efficient, constant round PSMT protocols in the general adversary model. These protocols are designed using linear codes and critical paths, and they signifi�cantly improve some previous results in terms of communication complexity and round complexity. Regarding SMT in multicast networks, we solve a problem that has been open for over a decade. That is, we show the necessary and sufficient conditions for all levels of SMT in di�fferent adversary models. First, we give an Extended Characterization of the network graphs based on our observation on the eavesdropping and separating activities of the adversary. Next, we determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for SMT in the general adversary model with the new Extended Characterization. Finally, we apply the results to the threshold adversary model to completely solve the problem of SMT in general multicast network graphs

    Protocols for Reliable and Secure Message Transmission

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    Consider the following problem: a sender S and a receiver R are part of an unreliable, connected, distributed network. The distrust in the network is modelled by an entity called adversary, who has unbounded computing power and who can corrupt some of the nodes of the network (excluding S and R)in a variety of ways. S wishes to send to R a message m that consists of \ell elements, where \ell \geq 1, selected uniformly from a finite field F. The challenge is to design a protocol, such that after interacting with S as per the protocol, R should output m without any error (perfect reliability). Moreover, this hold irrespective of the disruptive actions done by the adversary. This problem is called reliable message transmission or RMT in short. The problem of secure message transmission or SMT in short requires an additional constraint that the adversary should not get any information about the message what so ever in information theoretic sense (perfect secrecy). Security against an adversary with infinite computing power is also known as non-cryptographic or information theoretic or Shannon security and this is the strongest notion of security. Notice that since the adversary has unbounded computing power, we cannot solve RMT and SMT problem by using classical cryptographic primitives such as public key cryptography, digital signatures, authentication schemes, etc as the security of all these primitives holds good only against an adversary having polynomially bounded computing power. RMT and SMT problem can be studied in various network models and adversarial settings. We may use the following parameters to describe different settings/models for studying RMT/SMT: \begin{enumerate} \item Type of Underlying Network --- Undirected Graph, Directed Graph, Hypergraph. \item Type of Communication --- Synchronous, Asynchronous. \item Adversary capacity --- Threshold Static, Threshold Mobile, Non-threshold Static, Non-threshold Mobile. \item Type of Faults --- Fail-stop, Passive, Byzantine, Mixed. \end{enumerate} Irrespective of the settings in which RMT/SMT is studied, the following issues are common: \begin{enumerate} \item Possibility: What are the necessary and sufficient structural conditions to be satisfied by the underlying network for the existence of any RMT/SMT protocol, tolerating a given type of adversary? \item Feasibility: Once the existence of a RMT/SMT protocol in a network is ascertained, the next natural question is, does there exist an efficient protocol on the given network? \item Optimality: Given a message of specific length, what is the minimum communication complexity (lower bound) needed by any RMT/SMT protocol to transmit the message and how to design a polynomial time RMT/SMT protocol whose total communication complexity matches the lower bound on the communication complexity (optimal protocol)? \end{enumerate} In this dissertation, we look into the above issues in several network models and adversarial settings. This thesis reports several new/improved/efficient/optimal solutions, gives affirmative/negative answers to several significant open problems and last but not the least, provides first solutions to several newly formulated problems