43 research outputs found

    Unconditional Uniqueness of the cubic Gross-Pitaevskii Hierarchy with Low Regularity

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    In this paper, we establish the unconditional uniqueness of solutions to the cubic Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy on Rd\mathbb{R}^d in a low regularity Sobolev type space. More precisely, we reduce the regularity ss down to the currently known regularity requirement for unconditional uniqueness of solutions to the cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (s≥d6s\ge\frac{d}{6} if d=1,2d=1,2 and s>sc=d−22s>s_c=\frac{d-2}{2} if d≥3d\ge 3). In such a way, we extend the recent work of Chen-Hainzl-Pavlovi\'c-Seiringer.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Randomization and the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy

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    We study the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy on the spatial domain T3\mathbb{T}^3. By using an appropriate randomization of the Fourier coefficients in the collision operator, we prove an averaged form of the main estimate which is used in order to contract the Duhamel terms that occur in the study of the hierarchy. In the averaged estimate, we do not need to integrate in the time variable. An averaged spacetime estimate for this range of regularity exponents then follows as a direct corollary. The range of regularity exponents that we obtain is α>34\alpha>\frac{3}{4}. It was shown in our previous joint work with Gressman that the range α>1\alpha>1 is sharp in the corresponding deterministic spacetime estimate. This is in contrast to the non-periodic setting, which was studied by Klainerman and Machedon, in which the spacetime estimate is known to hold whenever α≥1\alpha \geq 1. The goal of our paper is to extend the range of α\alpha in this class of estimates in a \emph{probabilistic sense}. We use the new estimate and the ideas from its proof in order to study randomized forms of the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy. More precisely, we consider hierarchies similar to the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy, but in which the collision operator has been randomized. For these hierarchies, we show convergence to zero in low regularity Sobolev spaces of Duhamel expansions of fixed deterministic density matrices. We believe that the study of the randomized collision operators could be the first step in the understanding of a nonlinear form of randomization.Comment: 51 pages. Revised versio

    The Rigorous Derivation of the 2D Cubic Focusing NLS from Quantum Many-body Evolution

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    We consider a 2D time-dependent quantum system of NN-bosons with harmonic external confining and \emph{attractive} interparticle interaction in the Gross-Pitaevskii scaling. We derive stability of matter type estimates showing that the kk-th power of the energy controls the H1H^{1} Sobolev norm of the solution over kk-particles. This estimate is new and more difficult for attractive interactions than repulsive interactions. For the proof, we use a version of the finite-dimensional quantum di Finetti theorem from [49]. A high particle-number averaging effect is at play in the proof, which is not needed for the corresponding estimate in the repulsive case. This a priori bound allows us to prove that the corresponding BBGKY hierarchy converges to the GP limit as was done in many previous works treating the case of repulsive interactions. As a result, we obtain that the \emph{focusing} nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation is the mean-field limit of the 2D time-dependent quantum many-body system with attractive interatomic interaction and asymptotically factorized initial data. An assumption on the size of the L1L^{1}-norm of the interatomic interaction potential is needed that corresponds to the sharp constant in the 2D Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality though the inequality is not directly relevant because we are dealing with a trace instead of a power

    On the uniqueness of solutions to the periodic 3D Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy

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    In this paper, we present a uniqueness result for solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy on the three-dimensional torus, under the assumption of an a priori spacetime bound. We show that this a priori bound is satisfied for factorized solutions to the hierarchy which come from solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In this way, we obtain a periodic analogue of the uniqueness result on R3\mathbb{R}^3 previously proved by Klainerman and Machedon, except that, in the periodic setting, we need to assume additional regularity. In particular, we need to work in the Sobolev class HαH^{\alpha} for α>1\alpha>1. By constructing a specific counterexample, we show that, on T3\mathbb{T}^3, the existing techniques don't apply in the endpoint case α=1\alpha=1. This is in contrast to the known results in the non-periodic setting, where the these techniques are known to hold for all α≥1\alpha \geq 1. In our analysis, we give a detailed study of the crucial spacetime estimate associated to the free evolution operator. In this step of the proof, our methods rely on lattice point counting techniques based on the concept of the determinant of a lattice. This method allows us to obtain improved bounds on the number of lattice points which lie in the intersection of a plane and a set of radius RR, depending on the number-theoretic properties of the normal vector to the plane. We are hence able to obtain a sharp range of admissible Sobolev exponents for which the spacetime estimate holds.Comment: 42 page