26,980 research outputs found

    Dispersive response of atoms trapped near the surface of an optical nanofiber with applications to quantum nondemolition measurement and spin squeezing

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    We study the strong coupling between photons and atoms that can be achieved in an optical nanofiber geometry when the interaction is dispersive. While the Purcell enhancement factor for spontaneous emission into the guided mode does not reach the strong-coupling regime for individual atoms, one can obtain high cooperativity for ensembles of a few thousand atoms due to the tight confinement of the guided modes and constructive interference over the entire chain of trapped atoms. We calculate the dyadic Green's function, which determines the scattering of light by atoms in the presence of the fiber, and thus the phase shift and polarization rotation induced on the guided light by the trapped atoms. The Green's function is related to a full Heisenberg-Langevin treatment of the dispersive response of the quantized field to tensor polarizable atoms. We apply our formalism to quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement of the atoms via polarimetry. We study shot-noise-limited detection of atom number for atoms in a completely mixed spin state and the squeezing of projection noise for atoms in clock states. Compared with squeezing of atomic ensembles in free space, we capitalize on unique features that arise in the nanofiber geometry including anisotropy of both the intensity and polarization of the guided modes. We use a first principles stochastic master equation to model the squeezing as function of time in the presence of decoherence due to optical pumping. We find a peak metrological squeezing of ~5 dB is achievable with current technology for ~2500 atoms trapped 180 nm from the surface of a nanofiber with radius a=225 nm.Comment: To be appeared on PR

    Quantitative Robust Uncertainty Principles and Optimally Sparse Decompositions

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    We develop a robust uncertainty principle for finite signals in C^N which states that for almost all subsets T,W of {0,...,N-1} such that |T|+|W| ~ (log N)^(-1/2) N, there is no sigal f supported on T whose discrete Fourier transform is supported on W. In fact, we can make the above uncertainty principle quantitative in the sense that if f is supported on T, then only a small percentage of the energy (less than half, say) of its Fourier transform is concentrated on W. As an application of this robust uncertainty principle (QRUP), we consider the problem of decomposing a signal into a sparse superposition of spikes and complex sinusoids. We show that if a generic signal f has a decomposition using spike and frequency locations in T and W respectively, and obeying |T| + |W| <= C (\log N)^{-1/2} N, then this is the unique sparsest possible decomposition (all other decompositions have more non-zero terms). In addition, if |T| + |W| <= C (\log N)^{-1} N, then this sparsest decomposition can be found by solving a convex optimization problem.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Band offsets and stability of BeTe/ZnSe (100) heterojunctions

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    We present ab-initio studies of band offsets, formation energy, and stability of (100) heterojunctions between (Zn,Be)(Se,Te) zincblende compounds, and in particular of the lattice-matched BeTe/ZnSe interface. Equal band offsets are found at Be/Se and Zn/Te abrupt interfaces, as well as at mixed interfaces, in agreement with the established understanding of band offsets at isovalent heterojunctions. Thermodynamical arguments suggest that islands of non-nominal composition may form at the interface, causing offset variations over about 0.8 eV depending on growth conditions. Our findings reconcile recent experiments on BeTe/ZnSe with the accepted theoretical description.Comment: RevTeX 5 pages, 3 embedded figure

    Sparsity and `Something Else': An Approach to Encrypted Image Folding

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    A property of sparse representations in relation to their capacity for information storage is discussed. It is shown that this feature can be used for an application that we term Encrypted Image Folding. The proposed procedure is realizable through any suitable transformation. In particular, in this paper we illustrate the approach by recourse to the Discrete Cosine Transform and a combination of redundant Cosine and Dirac dictionaries. The main advantage of the proposed technique is that both storage and encryption can be achieved simultaneously using simple processing steps.Comment: Revised manuscript- Software for implementing the Encrypted Image Folding proposed in this paper is available on http://www.nonlinear-approx.info
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