5 research outputs found

    CLARREO: Reference Inter-Calibration on Orbit With Reflected Solar Spectrometer

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    The CLARREO approach for reference intercalibration is based on obtaining coincident highly accurate spectral reflectance and reflected radiance measurements, and establish an on-orbit reference for existing Earth viewing reflected solar radiation sensors: CERES and VIIRS on JPSS satellites, AVHRR and follow-on imagers on MetOp, and imagers on GEO platforms. The mission goal is to be able to provide CLARREO RS reference observations that are matched in space, time, and viewing angles with measurements from the aforementioned instruments, with sampling sufficient to overcome the random error sources from imperfect data matching and instrument noise. The intercalibration method is to monitor over time changes in targeted sensor response function parameters: effective offset, gain, nonlinearity, spectral degradation, and sensitivity to polarization of optics

    CLARREO Approach for Reference Intercalibration of Reflected Solar Sensors: On-Orbit Data Matching and Sampling

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    The implementation of the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) mission was recommended by the National Research Council in 2007 to provide an on-orbit intercalibration standard with accuracy of 0.3% (k = 2) for relevant Earth observing sensors. The goal of reference intercalibration, as established in the Decadal Survey, is to enable rigorous high-accuracy observations of critical climate change parameters, including reflected broadband radiation [Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)], cloud properties [Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)], and changes in surface albedo, including snow and ice albedo feedback. In this paper, we describe the CLARREO approach for performing intercalibration on orbit in the reflected solar (RS) wavelength domain. It is based on providing highly accurate spectral reflectance and reflected radiance measurements from the CLARREO Reflected Solar Spectrometer (RSS) to establish an on-orbit reference for existing sensors, namely, CERES and VIIRS on Joint Polar Satellite System satellites, Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer and follow-on imagers on MetOp, Landsat imagers, and imagers on geostationary platforms. One of two fundamental CLARREO mission goals is to provide sufficient sampling of high-accuracy observations that are matched in time, space, and viewing angles with measurements made by existing instruments, to a degree that overcomes the random error sources from imperfect data matching and instrument noise. The data matching is achieved through CLARREO RSS pointing operations on orbit that align its line of sight with the intercalibrated sensor. These operations must be planned in advance; therefore, intercalibration events must be predicted by orbital modeling. If two competing opportunities are identified, one target sensor must be given priority over the other. The intercalibration method is to monitor changes in targeted sensor response function parameters: effective offset, gain, nonlinearity, optics spectral response, and sensitivity to polarization. In this paper, we use existing satellite data and orbital simulationmethods to determinemission requirements for CLARREO, its instrument pointing ability, methodology, and needed intercalibration sampling and data matching for accurate intercalibration of RS radiation sensors on orbit

    Multi-View Polarimetric Scattering Cloud Tomography and Retrieval of Droplet Size

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    Tomography aims to recover a three-dimensional (3D) density map of a medium or an object. In medical imaging, it is extensively used for diagnostics via X-ray computed tomography (CT). We define and derive a tomography of cloud droplet distributions via passive remote sensing. We use multi-view polarimetric images to fit a 3D polarized radiative transfer (RT) forward model. Our motivation is 3D volumetric probing of vertically-developed convectively-driven clouds that are ill-served by current methods in operational passive remote sensing. Current techniques are based on strictly 1D RT modeling and applied to a single cloudy pixel, where cloud geometry defaults to that of a plane-parallel slab. Incident unpolarized sunlight, once scattered by cloud-droplets, changes its polarization state according to droplet size. Therefore, polarimetric measurements in the rainbow and glory angular regions can be used to infer the droplet size distribution. This work defines and derives a framework for a full 3D tomography of cloud droplets for both their mass concentration in space and their distribution across a range of sizes. This 3D retrieval of key microphysical properties is made tractable by our novel approach that involves a restructuring and differentiation of an open-source polarized 3D RT code to accommodate a special two-step optimization technique. Physically-realistic synthetic clouds are used to demonstrate the methodology with rigorous uncertainty quantification