79 research outputs found

    Virtual Internationalization in Higher Education

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    Digital media and information and communication technology (ICT) are being used more and more in international contexts at universities. In her English-language dissertation, the author examines how this technological potential can be used strategically to expand internationalization. The data basis of the thesis is a content analysis of contributions to international conferences on university internationalization, online and distance learning, university management and research, and ICT and internationalization. The selected abstracts were analyzed based on the model of "Comprehensive Internationalization" (CI). From the results, the author outlines a model for Virtual Internationalization (VI) that considers curricula, international cooperation, and distance learning as well as the roles of university strategy, administration, management, and teaching staff. The highly topical dissertation closes a gap in university research and offers universities valuable starting points in research and practice of internationalization.Digitale Medien und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) werden mehr und mehr in internationalen Kontexten an Hochschulen eingesetzt. Wie dieses technologische Potenzial strategisch fĂŒr den Ausbau von Internationalisierung eingesetzt werden kann, untersucht die Autorin in ihrer englischsprachigen Dissertation. Die Datenbasis der Arbeit bildet eine Inhaltsanalyse von BeitrĂ€gen zu internationalen Konferenzen zur Hochschul-Internationalisierung, zu Online- und Fernstudium, Hochschulmanagement und -forschung sowie zu den Themen IKT und Internationalisierung. Die ausgewĂ€hlten Abstracts wurden auf Grundlage des Modells der "Comprehensive Internationalization" (CI) analysiert. Aus den Ergebnissen skizziert die Autorin ein Modell fĂŒr Virtuelle Internationalisierung (VI), das Curricula, internationale Kooperationen und den Bereich Fernstudium ebenso berĂŒcksichtigt wie die Rollen von Hochschulstrategie, Administration, Management und Lehrpersonal. Die hochaktuelle Dissertation schließt eine LĂŒcke in der Hochschulforschung und bietet Hochschulen wertvolle Ansatzpunkte in Forschung und Praxis der Internationalisierung

    Virtual Internationalization in Higher Education

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    Digital media and information and communication technology (ICT) are being used more and more in international contexts at universities. In her English-language dissertation, Elisa Bruhn examines how this technological potential can be used strategically to expand internationalization. The data basis of the thesis is a content analysis of contributions to international conferences on university internationalization, online and distance learning, university management and research, and ICT and internationalization. The selected abstracts were analyzed based on the model of "Comprehensive Internationalization" (CI). From the results, Bruhn outlines a model for Virtual Internationalization (VI) that considers curricula, international cooperation, and distance learning as well as the roles of university strategy, administration, management, and teaching staff. The highly topical dissertation closes a gap in university research and offers universities valuable starting points in research and practice of internationalization. Digitale Medien und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) werden mehr und mehr in internationalen Kontexten an Hochschulen eingesetzt. Wie dieses technologische Potenzial strategisch fĂŒr den Ausbau von Internationalisierung eingesetzt werden kann, untersucht Elisa Bruhn in ihrer englischsprachigen Dissertation. Die Datenbasis der Arbeit bildet eine Inhaltsanalyse von BeitrĂ€gen zu internationalen Konferenzen zur Hochschul-Internationalisierung, zu Online- und Fernstudium, Hochschulmanagement und -forschung sowie zu den Themen IKT und Internationalisierung. Die ausgewĂ€hlten Abstracts wurden auf Grundlage des Modells der "Comprehensive Internationalization" (CI) analysiert. Aus den Ergebnissen skizziert Bruhn ein Modell fĂŒr Virtuelle Internationalisierung (VI), das Curricula, internationale Kooperationen und den Bereich Fernstudium ebenso berĂŒcksichtigt wie die Rollen von Hochschulstrategie, Administration, Management und Lehrpersonal. Die hochaktuelle Dissertation schließt eine LĂŒcke in der Hochschulforschung und bietet Hochschulen wertvolle Ansatzpunkte in Forschung und Praxis der Internationalisierung

    The maturing of the MOOC: literature review of massive open online courses and other forms of online distance learning

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    This survey of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Online Distance Learning (ODL) literature aims to capture the state of knowledge and opinion about MOOCs and ODL, how they are evolving, and to identify issues that are important, whether consensual or controversial. Abstract: This report updates our knowledge on the development and impact of massive open online courses on learners and institutions at further education and higher education level. The study assessed available literature from various sources, including academic research articles and formal comprehensive reviews; blog posts; commentary and journalistic coverage. It concludes that massive open online courses are likely to become a standard element of university education with new teaching and learning methods that provide revenue and lower costs. A major challenge is finding suitable business models

    Inclusive Learning and Teaching in a Digital World

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    Introducing learning and teaching platforms based on digital technology has been an on-going process for more than a decade now all across Asia and Europe. Within the two regions, the initiative in introducing digital technology to teaching and learning has been discussed at the supra-national level in the case of Europe, while governments and HEIs in Asia seem to individually plan and implement the policy respectively at its own pace. With diverse contexts and backgrounds of countries in Asia, policies at the national and institutional level can be examined primarily based on the specific contexts of each country’s educational systems and orientations. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly changed the scenario and pace of implementing digital technology in teaching and learning in these regions. These changes were exponential. It was inevitable for every country and its respective education institutions to consider the way in which teaching and learning can be delivered and provided through digital and on-line technology. As mentioned by the OECD, “One change likely to remain after the pandemic ends is the intensified use of digital technologies in the delivery and management of higher education” (Weko & Morley, 2020)
