5,960 research outputs found

    Discrete Imaging Models for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography using Radially Symmetric Expansion Functions

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    Optoacoustic tomography (OAT), also known as photoacoustic tomography, is an emerging computed biomedical imaging modality that exploits optical contrast and ultrasonic detection principles. Iterative image reconstruction algorithms that are based on discrete imaging models are actively being developed for OAT due to their ability to improve image quality by incorporating accurate models of the imaging physics, instrument response, and measurement noise. In this work, we investigate the use of discrete imaging models based on Kaiser-Bessel window functions for iterative image reconstruction in OAT. A closed-form expression for the pressure produced by a Kaiser-Bessel function is calculated, which facilitates accurate computation of the system matrix. Computer-simulation and experimental studies are employed to demonstrate the potential advantages of Kaiser-Bessel function-based iterative image reconstruction in OAT

    Spatiotemporal Antialiasing in Photoacoustic Computed Tomography

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    Photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) based on a full-ring ultrasonic transducer array is widely used for small animal wholebody and human organ imaging, thanks to its high in-plane resolution and full-view fidelity. However, spatial aliasing in full-ring geometry PACT has not been studied in detail. If the spatial Nyquist criterion is not met, aliasing in spatial sampling causes artifacts in reconstructed images, even when the temporal Nyquist criterion has been satisfied. In this work, we clarified the source of spatial aliasing through spatiotemporal analysis. We demonstrated that the combination of spatial interpolation and temporal filtering can effectively mitigate artifacts caused by aliasing in either image reconstruction or spatial sampling, and we validated this method by both numerical simulations and in vivo experiments

    Simulation of ultrasonic imaging with linear arrays in causal absorptive media

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    Rigorous and efficient numerical methods are presented for simulation of acoustic propagation in a medium where the absorption is described by relaxation processes. It is shown how FFT-based algorithms can be used to simulate ultrasound images in pulse-echo mode. General expressions are obtained for the complex wavenumber in a relaxing medium. A fit to measurements in biological media shows the appropriateness of the model. The wavenumber is applied to three FFT-based extrapolation operators, which are implemented in a weak form to reduce spatial aliasing. The influence of the absorptive medium on the quality of images obtained with a linear array transducer is demonstrated. It is shown that, for moderately absorbing media, the absorption has a large influence on the images, whereas the dispersion has a negligible effect on the images.\ud \u

    Synthetic vascular ultrasound imaging through coupled fluid-structure interaction and ultrasound simulations

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    Although ultrasonic imaging is commonly applied in cardiovascular research and clinical practice, current blood flow and vessel wall imaging methods are still hampered by several limitations. We developed a simulation environment integrating ultrasound (US) and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations, allowing construction of synthetic US-images based on physiologically realistic behavior of an artery. An in-house code was developed to strongly couple the flow solver Fluent and structural solver Abaqus using an Interface Quasi-Newton technique. A distensible tube, representing the common carotid artery (length 5cm, inner diameter 6 mm, thickness 1 mm), was simulated. A mass flow inlet boundary condition, based on flow measured in a healthy subject, was applied. A downstream pressure condition, based on a non-invasively measured pressure waveform, was used. US-simulations were performed with Field II, allowing to model realistic transducers and scan sequences as used in clinical vascular imaging. To this end, scatterers were "seeded" in the fluid and structural domain and propagated during the simulated scan procedure based on flow and structural displacement fields from FSI. Simulations yielded raw ultrasound (RF) data, which were processed for arterial wall distension and shear rate imaging. Our simulations demonstrated that (i) the wall distension application is sensitive to measurement location (highest distension found when tracking the intima-lumen transition); (ii) strong reflections between tissue transitions can potentially cloud a correct measurement; (iii) maximum shear rate was underestimated during the complete cardiac cycle, with largest discrepancy during peak systole; (iv) due to difficulties measuring near-wall velocities with US, shear rate reached its maximal value at a distance from the wall (0.812 mm for anterior and 0.689 mm for posterior side). We conclude that our FSI-US simulation environment provides realistic RF-signals which can be processed into ultrasound-derived medical images and measurements

    High frame-rate cardiac ultrasound imaging with deep learning

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    Cardiac ultrasound imaging requires a high frame rate in order to capture rapid motion. This can be achieved by multi-line acquisition (MLA), where several narrow-focused received lines are obtained from each wide-focused transmitted line. This shortens the acquisition time at the expense of introducing block artifacts. In this paper, we propose a data-driven learning-based approach to improve the MLA image quality. We train an end-to-end convolutional neural network on pairs of real ultrasound cardiac data, acquired through MLA and the corresponding single-line acquisition (SLA). The network achieves a significant improvement in image quality for both 55- and 77-line MLA resulting in a decorrelation measure similar to that of SLA while having the frame rate of MLA.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of MICCAI, 201

    Assessing the Viability of Complex Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) with a Spatially Distributed Sensor Array for Imaging of River Bed Morphology: a Proof of Concept (Study)

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    This report was produced as part of a NERC funded ‘Connect A’ project to establish a new collaborative partnership between the University of Worcester (UW) and Q-par Angus Ltd. The project aim was to assess the potential of using complex Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) to image river bed morphology. An assessment of the viability of sensors inserted vertically into the channel margins to provide real-time or near real-time monitoring of bed morphology is reported. Funding has enabled UW to carry out a literature review of the use of EIT and existing methods used for river bed surveys, and outline the requirements of potential end-users. Q-par Angus has led technical developments and assessed the viability of EIT for this purpose. EIT is one of a suite of tomographic imaging techniques and has already been used as an imaging tool for medical analysis, industrial processing and geophysical site survey work. The method uses electrodes placed on the margins or boundary of the entity being imaged, and a current is applied to some and measured on the remaining ones. Tomographic reconstruction uses algorithms to estimate the distribution of conductivity within the object and produce an image of this distribution from impedance measurements. The advantages of the use of EIT lie with the inherent simplicity, low cost and portability of the hardware, the high speed of data acquisition for real-time or near real-time monitoring, robust sensors, and the object being monitored is done so in a non-invasive manner. The need for sophisticated image reconstruction algorithms, and providing images with adequate spatial resolution are key challenges. A literature review of the use of EIT suggests that to date, despite its many other applications, to the best of our knowledge only one study has utilised EIT for river survey work (Sambuelli et al 2002). The Sambuelli (2002) study supported the notion that EIT may provide an innovative way of describing river bed morphology in a cost effective way. However this study used an invasive sensor array, and therefore the potential for using EIT in a non-invasive way in a river environment is still to be tested. A review of existing methods to monitor river bed morphology indicates that a plethora of techniques have been applied by a range of disciplines including fluvial geomorphology, ecology and engineering. However, none provide non-invasive, low costs assessments in real-time or near real-time. Therefore, EIT has the potential to meet the requirements of end users that no existing technique can accomplish. Work led by Q-par Angus Ltd. has assessed the technical requirements of the proposed approach, including probe design and deployment, sensor array parameters, data acquisition, image reconstruction and test procedure. Consequently, the success of this collaboration, literature review, identification of the proposed approach and potential applications of this technique have encouraged the authors to seek further funding to test, develop and market this approach through the development of a new environmental sensor

    Assessing the performance of ultrafast vector flow imaging in the neonatal heart via multiphysics modeling and In vitro experiments

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    Ultrafast vector flow imaging would benefit newborn patients with congenital heart disorders, but still requires thorough validation before translation to clinical practice. This paper investigates 2-D speckle tracking (ST) of intraventricular blood flow in neonates when transmitting diverging waves at ultrafast frame rate. Computational and in vitro studies enabled us to quantify the performance and identify artifacts related to the flow and the imaging sequence. First, synthetic ultrasound images of a neonate's left ventricular flow pattern were obtained with the ultrasound simulator Field II by propagating point scatterers according to 3-D intraventricular flow fields obtained with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Noncompounded diverging waves (opening angle of 60 degrees) were transmitted at a pulse repetition frequency of 9 kHz. ST of the B-mode data provided 2-D flow estimates at 180 Hz, which were compared with the CFD flow field. We demonstrated that the diastolic inflow jet showed a strong bias in the lateral velocity estimates at the edges of the jet, as confirmed by additional in vitro tests on a jet flow phantom. Furthermore, ST performance was highly dependent on the cardiac phase with low flows (< 5 cm/s), high spatial flow gradients, and out-of-plane flow as deteriorating factors. Despite the observed artifacts, a good overall performance of 2-D ST was obtained with a median magnitude underestimation and angular deviation of, respectively, 28% and 13.5 degrees during systole and 16% and 10.5 degrees during diastole

    A method for delineation of bone surfaces in photoacoustic computed tomography of the finger

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    Photoacoustic imaging of interphalangeal peripheral joints is of interest in the context of using the synovial membrane as a surrogate marker of rheumatoid arthritis. Previous work has shown that ultrasound produced by absorption of light at the epidermis reflects on the bone surfaces within the finger. When the reflected signals are backprojected in the region of interest, artifacts are produced, confounding interpretation of the images. In this work, we present an approach where the photoacoustic signals known to originate from the epidermis, are treated as virtual ultrasound transmitters, and a separate reconstruction is performed as in ultrasound reflection imaging. This allows us to identify the bone surfaces. Further, the identification of the joint space is important as this provides a landmark to localize a region-of-interest in seeking the inflamed synovial membrane. The ability to delineate bone surfaces allows us not only to identify the artifacts, but also to identify the interphalangeal joint space without recourse to new US hardware or a new measurement. We test the approach on phantoms and on a healthy human finger