701 research outputs found

    Learning to automatically detect features for mobile robots using second-order Hidden Markov Models

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    In this paper, we propose a new method based on Hidden Markov Models to interpret temporal sequences of sensor data from mobile robots to automatically detect features. Hidden Markov Models have been used for a long time in pattern recognition, especially in speech recognition. Their main advantages over other methods (such as neural networks) are their ability to model noisy temporal signals of variable length. We show in this paper that this approach is well suited for interpretation of temporal sequences of mobile-robot sensor data. We present two distinct experiments and results: the first one in an indoor environment where a mobile robot learns to detect features like open doors or T-intersections, the second one in an outdoor environment where a different mobile robot has to identify situations like climbing a hill or crossing a rock.Comment: 200

    Objekt-Manipulation und Steuerung der Greifkraft durch Verwendung von Taktilen Sensoren

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    This dissertation describes a new type of tactile sensor and an improved version of the dynamic tactile sensing approach that can provide a regularly updated and accurate estimate of minimum applied forces for use in the control of gripper manipulation. The pre-slip sensing algorithm is proposed and implemented into two-finger robot gripper. An algorithm that can discriminate between types of contact surface and recognize objects at the contact stage is also proposed. A technique for recognizing objects using tactile sensor arrays, and a method based on the quadric surface parameter for classifying grasped objects is described. Tactile arrays can recognize surface types on contact, making it possible for a tactile system to recognize translation, rotation, and scaling of an object independently.Diese Dissertation beschreibt eine neue Art von taktilen Sensoren und einen verbesserten Ansatz zur dynamischen Erfassung von taktilen daten, der in regelmäßigen Zeitabständen eine genaue Bewertung der minimalen Greifkraft liefert, die zur Steuerung des Greifers nötig ist. Ein Berechnungsverfahren zur Voraussage des Schlupfs, das in einen Zwei-Finger-Greifarm eines Roboters eingebaut wurde, wird vorgestellt. Auch ein Algorithmus zur Unterscheidung von verschiedenen Oberflächenarten und zur Erkennung von Objektformen bei der Berührung wird vorgestellt. Ein Verfahren zur Objekterkennung mit Hilfe einer Matrix aus taktilen Sensoren und eine Methode zur Klassifikation ergriffener Objekte, basierend auf den Daten einer rechteckigen Oberfläche, werden beschrieben. Mit Hilfe dieser Matrix können unter schiedliche Arten von Oberflächen bei Berührung erkannt werden, was es für das Tastsystem möglich macht, Verschiebung, Drehung und Größe eines Objektes unabhängig voneinander zu erkennen

    Selected Papers from the 5th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications

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    This Special Issue comprises selected papers from the proceedings of the 5th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, held on 15–30 November 2018, on sciforum.net, an online platform for hosting scholarly e-conferences and discussion groups. In this 5th edition of the electronic conference, contributors were invited to provide papers and presentations from the field of sensors and applications at large, resulting in a wide variety of excellent submissions and topic areas. Papers which attracted the most interest on the web or that provided a particularly innovative contribution were selected for publication in this collection. These peer-reviewed papers are published with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results, developments, and applications. We hope this conference series will grow rapidly in the future and become recognized as a new way and venue by which to (electronically) present new developments related to the field of sensors and their applications

    Microfabricated tactile sensors for biomedical applications: a review

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    During the last decades, tactile sensors based on different sensing principles have been developed due to the growing interest in robotics and, mainly, in medical applications. Several technological solutions have been employed to design tactile sensors; in particular, solutions based on microfabrication present several attractive features. Microfabrication technologies allow for developing miniaturized sensors with good performance in terms of metrological properties (e.g., accuracy, sensitivity, low power consumption, and frequency response). Small size and good metrological properties heighten the potential role of tactile sensors in medicine, making them especially attractive to be integrated in smart interfaces and microsurgical tools. This paper provides an overview of microfabricated tactile sensors, focusing on the mean principles of sensing, i.e., piezoresistive, piezoelectric and capacitive sensors. These sensors are employed for measuring contact properties, in particular force and pressure, in three main medical fields, i.e., prosthetics and artificial skin, minimal access surgery and smart interfaces for biomechanical analysis. The working principles and the metrological properties of the most promising tactile, microfabricated sensors are analyzed, together with their application in medicine. Finally, the new emerging technologies in these fields are briefly described

    Ultrasonic-Based Environmental Perception for Mobile 5G-Oriented XR Applications

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    One of the sectors that is expected to significantly benefit from 5G network deployment is eXtended Reality (XR). Besides the very high bandwidth, reliability, and Quality of Service (QoS) to be delivered to end users, XR also requires accurate environmental perception for safety reasons: this is fundamental when a user, wearing XR equipment, is immersed in a “virtual” world, but moves in a “real” environment. To overcome this limitation (especially when using low-cost XR equipments, such as cardboards worn by the end user), it is possible to exploit the potentialities offered by Internet of Things (IoT) nodes with sensing/actuating capabilities. In this paper, we rely on ultrasonic sensor-based IoT systems to perceive the surrounding environment and to provide “side information” to XR systems, then performing a preliminary experimental characterization campaign with different ultrasonic IoT system configurations worn by the end user. The combination of the information flows associated with XR and IoT components is enabled by 5G technology. An illustrative experimental scenario, relative to a “Tourism 4.0” IoT-aided VR application deployed by Vodafone in Milan, Italy, is presented

    Biomechanical Modeling and Inverse Problem Based Elasticity Imaging for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

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    Early detection of prostate cancer plays an important role in successful prostate cancer treatment. This requires screening the prostate periodically after the age of 50. If screening tests lead to prostate cancer suspicion, prostate needle biopsy is administered which is still considered as the clinical gold standard for prostate cancer diagnosis. Given that needle biopsy is invasive and is associated with issues including discomfort and infection, it is desirable to develop a prostate cancer diagnosis system that has high sensitivity and specificity for early detection with a potential to improve needle biopsy outcome. Given the complexity and variability of prostate cancer pathologies, many research groups have been pursuing multi-parametric imaging approach as no single modality imaging technique has proven to be adequate. While imaging additional tissue properties increases the chance of reliable prostate cancer detection and diagnosis, selecting an additional property needs to be done carefully by considering clinical acceptability and cost. Clinical acceptability entails ease with respect to both operating by the radiologist and patient comfort. In this work, effective tissue biomechanics based diagnostic techniques are proposed for prostate cancer assessment with the aim of early detection and minimizing the numbers of prostate biopsies. The techniques take advantage of the low cost, widely available and well established TRUS imaging method. The proposed techniques include novel elastography methods which were formulated based on an inverse finite element frame work. Conventional finite element analysis is known to have high computational complexity, hence computation time demanding. This renders the proposed elastography methods not suitable for real-time applications. To address this issue, an accelerated finite element method was proposed which proved to be suitable for prostate elasticity reconstruction. In this method, accurate finite element analysis of a large number of prostates undergoing TRUS probe loadings was performed. Geometry input and displacement and stress fields output obtained from the analysis were used to train a neural network mapping function to be used for elastopgraphy imaging of prostate cancer patients. The last part of the research presented in this thesis tackles an issue with the current 3D TRUS prostate needle biopsy. Current 3D TRUS prostate needle biopsy systems require registering preoperative 3D TRUS to intra-operative 2D TRUS images. Such image registration is time-consuming while its real-time implementation is yet to be developed. To bypass this registration step, concept of a robotic system was proposed which can reliably determine the preoperative TRUS probe position relative to the prostate to place at the same position relative to the prostate intra-operatively. For this purpose, a contact pressure feedback system is proposed to ensure similar prostate deformation during 3D and 2D image acquisition in order to bypass the registration step

    Progress in Probe-Based Sensing Techniques for In Vivo Diagnosis

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    Advancements in robotic surgery help to improve the endoluminal diagnosis and treatment with minimally invasive or non-invasive intervention in a precise and safe manner. Miniaturized probe-based sensors can be used to obtain information about endoluminal anatomy, and they can be integrated with medical robots to augment the convenience of robotic operations. The tremendous benefit of having this physiological information during the intervention has led to the development of a variety of in vivo sensing technologies over the past decades. In this paper, we review the probe-based sensing techniques for the in vivo physical and biochemical sensing in China in recent years, especially on in vivo force sensing, temperature sensing, optical coherence tomography/photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging, chemical sensing, and biomarker sensing

    Tactile Sensing System for Lung Tumour Localization during Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Video-assisted thoracoscopie surgery (VATS) is becoming a prevalent method for lung cancer treatment. However, VATS suffers from the inability to accurately relay haptic information to the surgeon, often making tumour localization difficult. This limitation was addressed by the design of a tactile sensing system (TSS) consisting of a probe with a tactile sensor and interfacing visualization software. In this thesis, TSS performance was tested to determine the feasibility of implementing the system in VATS. This was accomplished through a series of ex vivo experiments in which the tactile sensor was calibrated and the visualization software was modified to provide haptic information visually to the user, and TSS performance was compared using human and robot palpation methods, and conventional VATS instruments. It was concluded that the device offers the possibility of providing to the surgeon the haptic information lost during surgery, thereby mitigating one of the current limitations of VATS

    Haptic assessment of tissue stiffness in locating and identifying gynaecological cancer in human tissue

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    Gynaecological surgeons are not able to gather adequate tissue feedback during minimal access surgery for cancer treatment. This can result in failure to locate tumour boundaries and to ensure these are completely resected within tumour-free resection margins. Surgeons achieve significantly better surgical and oncological outcomes if they can identify the precise location of a gynaecological tumour. Indeed, the true nature of tumour, whether benign or cancerous, is often not known prior to surgery. If more details were available in relation to the characteristics that differentiate gynaecological cancer in tumours, this would enable more accurate diagnosis and help in the planning of surgery. HYPOTHESIS: Haptic technology has the potential to enhance the surgeon’s degree of perception during minimal access surgery. Alteration in tissue stiffness in gynaecological tumours, thought to be associated with the accelerated multiplication of cancer cells, should allow their location to be identified and help in determining the likelihood of malignancy. METHOD: Setting: (i) Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital (ii) Dept of Informatics (King's College London).Permission from the National Research Ethics Committee and Research & Development (R&D) approval were sought from the National Health Service. The Phantom Omni, capable of 3D motion tracking, attached to a nano-17 force sensor, was used to capture real-time position data and force data. Uniaxial indentation palpation behaviour was used. The indentation depth was calculated using the displacement of the probe from the surface to the deepest point for each contact. The tissue stiffness (TS) was then calculated.The haptic probe was tested first on silicone models with embedded nodules mimicking tumour(s). This was followed by assessing TS ex-vivo using a haptic probe on fresh human gynaecological organs that had been removed in surgery. Tissue stiffness maps were generated in real time using the haptic device by converting stiffness values into RGB values. Surgeons also manually palpated and recorded the site of the tumour. Histology was used as the gold standard for location and cancer diagnosis. Manual palpation and haptic data were compared for accuracy on tumour location. The tissue stiffness calculated by the haptic probe was compared in cancer and control specimens. Several data analysis techniques were applied to derive results.CONTRIBUTIONS: Haptic indentation probe was tested for the first time on fresh human gynaecological organs to locate cancer in a clinical setting. We are the first one to evaluate the accuracy of cancer diagnosis in human gynaecological organs with a force sensing haptic indentation probe measuring tissue stiffness
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