20 research outputs found

    PL-EVIO: Robust Monocular Event-based Visual Inertial Odometry with Point and Line Features

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    Event cameras are motion-activated sensors that capture pixel-level illumination changes instead of the intensity image with a fixed frame rate. Compared with the standard cameras, it can provide reliable visual perception during high-speed motions and in high dynamic range scenarios. However, event cameras output only a little information or even noise when the relative motion between the camera and the scene is limited, such as in a still state. While standard cameras can provide rich perception information in most scenarios, especially in good lighting conditions. These two cameras are exactly complementary. In this paper, we proposed a robust, high-accurate, and real-time optimization-based monocular event-based visual-inertial odometry (VIO) method with event-corner features, line-based event features, and point-based image features. The proposed method offers to leverage the point-based features in the nature scene and line-based features in the human-made scene to provide more additional structure or constraints information through well-design feature management. Experiments in the public benchmark datasets show that our method can achieve superior performance compared with the state-of-the-art image-based or event-based VIO. Finally, we used our method to demonstrate an onboard closed-loop autonomous quadrotor flight and large-scale outdoor experiments. Videos of the evaluations are presented on our project website: https://b23.tv/OE3QM6

    ESVIO: Event-based Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry

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    Event cameras that asynchronously output low-latency event streams provide great opportunities for state estimation under challenging situations. Despite event-based visual odometry having been extensively studied in recent years, most of them are based on monocular and few research on stereo event vision. In this paper, we present ESVIO, the first event-based stereo visual-inertial odometry, which leverages the complementary advantages of event streams, standard images and inertial measurements. Our proposed pipeline achieves temporal tracking and instantaneous matching between consecutive stereo event streams, thereby obtaining robust state estimation. In addition, the motion compensation method is designed to emphasize the edge of scenes by warping each event to reference moments with IMU and ESVIO back-end. We validate that both ESIO (purely event-based) and ESVIO (event with image-aided) have superior performance compared with other image-based and event-based baseline methods on public and self-collected datasets. Furthermore, we use our pipeline to perform onboard quadrotor flights under low-light environments. A real-world large-scale experiment is also conducted to demonstrate long-term effectiveness. We highlight that this work is a real-time, accurate system that is aimed at robust state estimation under challenging environments

    Event-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Comprehensive Survey

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    In recent decades, visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) has gained significant interest in both academia and industry. It estimates camera motion and reconstructs the environment concurrently using visual sensors on a moving robot. However, conventional cameras are limited by hardware, including motion blur and low dynamic range, which can negatively impact performance in challenging scenarios like high-speed motion and high dynamic range illumination. Recent studies have demonstrated that event cameras, a new type of bio-inspired visual sensor, offer advantages such as high temporal resolution, dynamic range, low power consumption, and low latency. This paper presents a timely and comprehensive review of event-based vSLAM algorithms that exploit the benefits of asynchronous and irregular event streams for localization and mapping tasks. The review covers the working principle of event cameras and various event representations for preprocessing event data. It also categorizes event-based vSLAM methods into four main categories: feature-based, direct, motion-compensation, and deep learning methods, with detailed discussions and practical guidance for each approach. Furthermore, the paper evaluates the state-of-the-art methods on various benchmarks, highlighting current challenges and future opportunities in this emerging research area. A public repository will be maintained to keep track of the rapid developments in this field at {\url{https://github.com/kun150kun/ESLAM-survey}}

    Deep Event Visual Odometry

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    Event cameras offer the exciting possibility of tracking the camera's pose during high-speed motion and in adverse lighting conditions. Despite this promise, existing event-based monocular visual odometry (VO) approaches demonstrate limited performance on recent benchmarks. To address this limitation, some methods resort to additional sensors such as IMUs, stereo event cameras, or frame-based cameras. Nonetheless, these additional sensors limit the application of event cameras in real-world devices since they increase cost and complicate system requirements. Moreover, relying on a frame-based camera makes the system susceptible to motion blur and HDR. To remove the dependency on additional sensors and to push the limits of using only a single event camera, we present Deep Event VO (DEVO), the first monocular event-only system with strong performance on a large number of real-world benchmarks. DEVO sparsely tracks selected event patches over time. A key component of DEVO is a novel deep patch selection mechanism tailored to event data. We significantly decrease the pose tracking error on seven real-world benchmarks by up to 97% compared to event-only methods and often surpass or are close to stereo or inertial methods. Code is available at https://github.com/tum-vision/DEVOComment: Accepted by 3DV 202

    Event-aided Direct Sparse Odometry

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    We introduce EDS, a direct monocular visual odometry using events and frames. Our algorithm leverages the event generation model to track the camera motion in the blind time between frames. The method formulates a direct probabilistic approach of observed brightness increments. Per-pixel brightness increments are predicted using a sparse number of selected 3D points and are compared to the events via the brightness increment error to estimate camera motion. The method recovers a semi-dense 3D map using photometric bundle adjustment. EDS is the first method to perform 6-DOF VO using events and frames with a direct approach. By design, it overcomes the problem of changing appearance in indirect methods. We also show that, for a target error performance, EDS can work at lower frame rates than state-of-the-art frame-based VO solutions. This opens the door to low-power motion-tracking applications where frames are sparingly triggered "on demand" and our method tracks the motion in between. We release code and datasets to the public.Comment: 16 pages, 14 Figures, Page: https://rpg.ifi.uzh.ch/ed

    Event-Based Visual Odometry on Non-Holonomic Ground Vehicles

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    Despite the promise of superior performance under challenging conditions, event-based motion estimation remains a hard problem owing to the difficulty of extracting and tracking stable features from event streams. In order to robustify the estimation, it is generally believed that fusion with other sensors is a requirement. In this work, we demonstrate reliable, purely event-based visual odometry on planar ground vehicles by employing the constrained non-holonomic motion model of Ackermann steering platforms. We extend single feature n-linearities for regular frame-based cameras to the case of quasi time-continuous event-tracks, and achieve a polynomial form via variable degree Taylor expansions. Robust averaging over multiple event tracks is simply achieved via histogram voting. As demonstrated on both simulated and real data, our algorithm achieves accurate and robust estimates of the vehicle's instantaneous rotational velocity, and thus results that are comparable to the delta rotations obtained by frame-based sensors under normal conditions. We furthermore significantly outperform the more traditional alternatives in challenging illumination scenarios. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/gowanting/NHEVO}.Comment: Accepted by 3DV 202

    Learning to Segment Dynamic Objects using SLAM Outliers

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    We present a method to automatically learn to segment dynamic objects using SLAM outliers. It requires only one monocular sequence per dynamic object for training and consists in localizing dynamic objects using SLAM outliers, creating their masks, and using these masks to train a semantic segmentation network. We integrate the trained network in ORB-SLAM 2 and LDSO. At runtime we remove features on dynamic objects, making the SLAM unaffected by them. We also propose a new stereo dataset and new metrics to evaluate SLAM robustness. Our dataset includes consensus inversions, i.e., situations where the SLAM uses more features on dynamic objects that on the static background. Consensus inversions are challenging for SLAM as they may cause major SLAM failures. Our approach performs better than the State-of-the-Art on the TUM RGB-D dataset in monocular mode and on our dataset in both monocular and stereo modes.Comment: Accepted to ICPR 202