16 research outputs found

    Dari Samudra untuk Dunia: Penominasian Arsip Tsunami Samudera Hindia sebagai Memory of The World (Mow) UNESCO

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    oai:jurnal.ugm.ac.id:article/22714Pada 2016, Indonesia menominasikan Arsip Tsunami Samudera Hindia sebagai Memory of the World UNESCO. Peristiwa Tsunami Samudera Hindia pada 2004 merupakan salah satu bencana yang terdahsyat dan mematikan di sepanjang sejarah umat manusia. Peristiwa ini terekam dalam Arsip Tsunami Samudera Hindia yang merupakan warisan dokumenter yang memiliki nilai pembelajaran bagi masyarakat dunia tentang bencana, kemanusiaan, dan pengembangan teknologi penanggulangan bencana

    From a Divided Library in a Divided City to One Library in Two Houses: A Centennial for a Great European Research Library Reunited and Restored

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    The Berlin State Library—Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation probably suffered more from the vicissitudes of the twentieth century than any other German cultural institution. It experienced the destruction of the building and the evacuation and loss of collections.  Like Berlin, it was divided after World War II and was reunited after Berlin was reunited.  In 2018, the library marks a century since the establishment of the Prussian State Library.  But the legacy of the past century remains.  Significant collections are still held in Eastern European libraries and the library must undertake the restitution of books acquired directly or indirectly through Nazi persecution.  This article draws upon resources written in German and English to present the story of an important library that was under duress for much of the twentieth century.  It discusses the impact of different historical eras on the library as a cultural institution and on the documentary heritage embodied in the library's rich collections.  Although problems caused by these events remain, with reunification and restoration, the library is once again serving international scholarship and preserving an important part of the world's documentary heritage

    Academic heritage at LERU universities

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    Special book on academic heritage at LERU universities. It is a special, commemorative volume to mark LERU’s 20th anniversary existence in 2022

    Documentation du patrimoine de l'assemblage de fossiles du site de Kromdraai contenant des hominines (Afrique du Sud) : techniques de numérisation 3D, analyse spatiale quantitative et estimation de volume

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    Cette thèse explore l'utilisation de données multi-échelles pour modéliser une représentation tridimensionnelle (3D) et générer un registre numérique complet d'un assemblage de fossiles contenant des hominines à partir de l'unité lithostratigraphique P à Kromdraai situé dans le " berceau de l'humanité " classé au patrimoine mondial par l'UNESCO (Province de Gauteng, Afrique du Sud). Les objectifs principaux de cette recherche sont d'illustrer en 3D la progression temporelle et spatiale des fouilles de Kromdraai sur la période 2014-2018, d'analyse la distribution spatiale des vestiges d'homininés et de faune, comme des outils, et finalement, de fournir une documentation sur le patrimoine archéologique de Kromdraai. Nous avons réalisé une analyse multi-scalaire du site, avec l'application de méthodes de photogrammétrie terrestre et aérienne. Conformément aux principes et directives de la gestion du patrimoine archéologique mandatés par les agences internationales telles que l'UNESCO, nous présentons également un protocole de documentation du patrimoine. Nous avons utilisé des technologies de capture de données 3D pour numériser le site de Kromdraai et ses éléments archéologiques découverts entre 2014 et 2018 lors des fouilles. Cette recherche présente une technique originale développée pour la visualisation et la quantification des sédiments volumiques prélevés sur le site à chaque période de fouille par chaque fouilleur. Les estimations de volume calculées à l'aide de la photogrammétrie 3D fournissent un contexte temporel et spatial des sédiments prélevés lors des fouilles successives, et permettent un repositionnement virtuel et plus précis des vestiges découverts ex situ. De plus, nous avons mis en place une modélisation des métadonnées pour démontrer l'utilisation d'un système de gestion de base de données 4D pour la fusion, l'organisation et la diffusion de l'ensemble des données du site de Kromdraai et le partage de la propriété intellectuelle. Nous introduisons également l'une des premières approches statistiques de la modélisation spatiale 3D dans un site Plio-Pléistocène porteurs d'hominines en en Afrique du Sud. En mettant en œuvre des méthodes classiques de tests statistiques telles le partitionnement de données spatiales 3D, nous avons étudié les modèles de l'assemblage de fossiles dans l'unité P, ainsi qu'un échantillon de 810 spécimens catalogués entre 2014 et 2018. Le regroupement de bovidés, de carnivores, d'homininés et de primates non humains a révélé un modèle de distribution spatiale non uniforme des fossiles in situ. Cette recherche présente des méthodes précieuses qui peuvent être appliquées à d'autres sites fossiles contenant des hominines dans le berceau de l'humanité. Ces méthodes peuvent être appliquées pour documenter une fouille archéologique et reconstruire un site en 3D, ainsi que pour documenter des informations patrimoniales. Nos résultats permettent d'améliorer l'interprétation des assemblages fossiles à l'aide d'analyses basées sur des modèles 3D au sein d'un assemblage contenant des hominines.This thesis uses multi-scalar data to create a three-dimensional (3D) representation and, to generate a complete digital record of the early hominin-bearing fossil assemblage from the lithostratigraphic Unit P at Kromdraai in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site (Gauteng Province, South Africa). The main purposes of this research were to illustrate in 3D the temporal and spatial progression of the excavations at Kromdraai since 2014, to investigate the spatial distribution of the hominin, faunal assemblages and artefacts, and ultimately, to provide an archive documenting the archaeological heritage of Kromdraai. We provided a multi-scalar analysis of various aspects of the study site, with the application of methods such as multi-image land and aerial photogrammetry. In alignment with the principles and guidelines for the management of archaeological heritage mandated by international agencies such as UNESCO, we also present a protocol for heritage documentation. We used 3D data capture technologies to record the Kromdraai site and the archaeological evidence discovered between 2014 and 2018 from its main excavation. This research presents an original technique developed for the quantification and visualization of the volume sediments removed from the site during each excavation period. Volume estimations computed using 3D photogrammetry and digitization, provided a temporal and spatial context to the volume and location of material removed by each excavator and, a more precise and virtual repositioning of the fossil material discovered ex situ. Furthermore, we implemented metadata modelling to demonstrate the use of 4D relational database management systems for the fusion, organisation and dissemination of the Kromdraai site dataset and the sharing of intellectual property. We also introduce one of the first statistical approaches of 3D spatial patterning in Plio-Pleistocene early hominin-bearing assemblages in South Africa. Implementing classic statistical testing methods such as k-means and Density-Based Spatial Clustering and Application with Noise (DBSCAN) cluster computation in 3D, we investigated the spatial patterns of the fossil assemblage within Unit P, a sample of 810 individually catalogued specimens recovered between 2014 and 2018. The clustering of bovids, carnivores, hominins, and non-human primates revealed a non-uniform spatial distribution pattern of fossils in-situ. This research presents valuable methods that can be applied at other hominin-bearing fossil sites within the Cradle of Humankind to document an archaeological excavation and to reconstruct of the site in 3D, to document heritage information, and to enhance the interpretation of the fossil assemblages using evidence-based assessment of spatial patterns within a hominin-bearing assemblage

    Generations of meaning : memory, technology and the South African audio archival context

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    Includes abstract.Like it or not, the past infects the world we live in, the decisions we make, the very choices we see to lie before us. If we ignore its influence, we do not escape its power

    Preservation education and training for South African library and archive professionals and students

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    Bibliography: leaves 99-112.Many experts in the global library and archive sector consider preservation a fundamental responsibility for all institutions and professionals. However, preservation is not yet an established core topic in the professional education of South African information workers, despite the increased availability of education and training options in recent years. Many of the current course and module offerings at university and technikon teaching departments do not cover the essential preservation issues adequately. As a result, professional librarians and archivists often feel ill prepared to address preservation issues in the working world. There are other options for learning about preservation outside the traditional classroom environment including publications and short workshops often organised by interested professional organisations

    Towards effective management and preservation of digital cultural heritage resources: an exploration of contextual factors in Ghana

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    In today’s world of digital technologies, cultural heritage institutions, particularly in developed countries, are seeking ways to create national digital memories for the future of the citizenry. However, rapidly developing technologies and their concomitant technological obsolescence put future memories at risk. The challenge is enormous in developing countries that, when compared to their developed counterparts, lack adequate resources and technologies for effective digital resources management and preservation. As a developing country, Ghana appears ready to face the challenges of effective digital resources management. The country has developed programmes and a national policy on information and communication technologies (ICTs) for accelerated development. However, Ghana does not appear to be effective in managing or preserving digital cultural heritage resources. An interpretive case research design involving 27 semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders from 23 institutions was used to explore the various contextual factors influencing the management and preservation of digital cultural heritage resources (or DPM). Rogers’ (2003) “diffusion of innovation” (DOI) theory and Davies’ (2000) “policy, strategy and resources” (PSR) troika model provided a basis for a preliminary model of factors to guide the research. Although the DPM innovation was not fully diffused in Ghana, related activities at the base, middle and higher levels of the Ghanaian social system were unintentionally fostering the adoption process. Four main clusters of contextual factors that were influencing the DPM adoption process in Ghana were identified: attitudinal, resources-related, policy-related, and managerial factors. Key stakeholders perceived the design of appropriate strategies, adequate resource allocation, and proper implementation of policies as key enabling factors for effective adoption of DPM in Ghana. However, a general lack of interest in cultural institutions (libraries, archives and museums) and in information management on the part of decision makers and the Ghanaian stakeholders as a whole was found to hinder DPM adoption. This study extends Information Systems (IS) research involving DOI theory and the PSR troika model into a developing country context. Attitudinal-based complexities involving misunderstandings among various tribal groups in Ghana, and resources-based complexities surrounding technology access and use, were found from the interview data and were added to the initial model which was expanded to aid in understanding the various contextual factors that influence DPM adoption in Ghana. In addition to the study contributing to theoretical understandings in IS research, it provides Ghanaian policy developers with an empirical base for accelerating adoption of DPM in Ghana. It also provides New Zealand and other digital preservation advanced countries with a deeper understanding from which to provide contextually designed advisory services to other developing countries (particularly in the Pacific Island regions) as it enables the contextual understanding of the factors from Ghana

    Das Digitale "Gedächtnis der Menschheit" : eine Untersuchung dokumentarischer Praktiken im Zeitalter der digitalen Technologie

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    This research is a study of the UNESCO “Memory of the World” Programme established with the purpose to increase awareness of the existence and relevance of documentary heritage, and to achieve its universal and permanent accessibility. In this context, digital technology is increasingly used to provide access to documentary heritage but this activity also leads to a series of changes in how documents are understood and handled. Starting from the observation that the conceptual and practical changes triggered by digital technology in the “Memory of the World” do not seem to accurately reflect its stated philosophy, this research pursues the aim to critically analyze the possibilities and limits it offers. This analysis is facilitated by a conceptual framework anchored in the medium theory of Harold Innis and his concepts of medium, bias, space and time, and balance, which serve as analytical lenses to closely study selected aspects of digital technology and their influence. Despite popular beliefs that digital technology is most suitable for universal access, the findings of this present research lead to the observation that this cannot really be the case, and it reveals that an over-emphasis on the technical possibilities of digital access is not supportive of the overall purpose of the “Memory of the World”, leading to the narrowing down of its potential relevance. At first glance, this may suggest not recommending at all the use of digital technology. However, acknowledging that each medium has both limits and possibilities, instead of rejecting digital technology the study searches for solutions that may assist with integrating it in the “Memory of the World” in accordance with its overall purpose and philosophy. To this end, three recommendations are elaborated, the same conceptual framework that revealed the limits of digital technology being applied to construct on their possibilities. In order to motivate why following the recommendations of this analysis would be necessary, the study concludes by shifting attention from the relevance of digital technology in the “Memory of the World” Programme to the relevance of the Programme in a world changed by digital technology.Diese Forschung befasst sich mit dem UNESCO-Programm „Memory of the World“, das eingeführt wurde, um Achtsamkeit über die Existenz und Bedeutung von Dokumentenerbe zu schaffen, und um ihre universale und permanente Zugänglichkeit zu erreichen. In diesem Zusammenhang benutzt man zunehmend die digitale Technologie, um Zugang zu Dokumentenerbe zu ermöglichen, aber dies führt auch zu einer Reihe von Veränderungen wie Dokumente verstanden und behandelt werden. Angefangen von der Beobachtung, dass die konzeptionellen und praktischen Veränderungen, die durch die digitale Technologie im Memory of the World Programm ausgelöst werden, scheinbar nicht genau die festgelegte Philosophie reflektieren, verfolgt diese Forschung den Zweck, deren Möglichkeiten und Grenzen kritisch zu analysieren. Diese Analyse wird von einem konzeptionellen Rahmen gestützt, welcher in der Medium Theorie von Harold Innis und seinen Konzepten über das Medium, Bias, Space and Time, und Balance verankert ist. Diese Theorie dient als analytisches Objektiv, um ausgesuchte Aspekte der digitalen Technologie und ihren Einfluss näher zu untersuchen. Entgegen der allgemeinen Meinung, dass die digitale Technologie am besten geeignet ist für den universellen Zugang, führen die Resultate dieser aktuellen Forschung zu der Beobachtung, dass dieses nicht wirklich der Fall sein kann, und sie beweisen, das eine Überbewertung der technischen Möglichkeiten des digitalen Zugangs nicht hilfreich für die allumfassenden Absichten des Memory of the World Programms sind, und zu einer Einschränkung seiner potenziellen Bedeutung führt. Auf den ersten Blick könnte dieses heißen, den Gebrauch der digitalen Technologie überhaupt nicht zu empfehlen. Allerdings anerkennend, dass jedes Medium sowohl Grenzen wie auch Möglichkeiten hat, lehnt diese Forschung die digitale Technologie nicht ab, sondern sucht nach Lösungen die helfen könnten, diese in das Memory of the World Programm zu integrieren, und zwar im Einklang mit den allumfassenden Absichten und ihrer Philosophie. Um zu motivieren warum es notwendig wäre den Empfehlungen dieser Analyse zu folgen, beendet diese Forschung ihre Schlussfolgerung durch das Verlagern der Aufmerksamkeit von der Bedeutung der digitalen Technologie im Memory of the World Programm, zu der Bedeutung des Programms in einer durch digitale Technologie veränderten Welt