5 research outputs found

    Multi-View Power Modeling based on UML MARTE and SysML

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    The development of SoC involves different activities, usually driven by specialists. These specialists use specific languages and tools to manipulate their specific concepts. The problem is that the multiple views of the system are split into different tools with redundant information. It makes it difficult to ensure consistency as well as to change from one tool to another. We propose a multi-view model where each view represents the specialist concepts in a tool-agnostic manner. The model can be kept consistent by using explicit associations instead of redundancy and tool transformation can be performed to analysis-specific tools. The approach is based on UML and two of its extensions: MARTE and SysML. It is illustrated by adding specific views to specify power management techniques. The resulting model is then transformed into a tool-specific model; \ie a model for Docea Aceplorer, a power analysis tool

    Multi-View Power Modeling based on UML, MARTE and SysML

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    International audienceIn embedded systems, non-functional and functional aspects are closely related and cannot be considered independently. However, the high complexity of systems requires a large domain of competencies and experts in various domains have to work concurrently on different aspects of the same systems. This is why we propose a multi-view model where each view represents a specific domain. The different views are connected to each other by explicit associations that maintain consistency. The whole system is the sum of all the aspects of elements in all the views. This multi-view approach is implemented in a dedicated UML profile based on MARTE and SysML. This article specifically focuses on the power view and its relationship to other functional or non-functional, structural or behavioral aspects

    Multi-View Power Modeling based on UML MARTE and SysML

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    The development of SoC involves different activities, usually driven by specialists. These specialists use specific languages and tools to manipulate their specific concepts. The problem is that the multiple views of the system are split into different tools with redundant information. It makes it difficult to ensure consistency as well as to change from one tool to another. We propose a multi-view model where each view represents the specialist concepts in a tool-agnostic manner. The model can be kept consistent by using explicit associations instead of redundancy and tool transformation can be performed to analysis-specific tools. The approach is based on UML and two of its extensions: MARTE and SysML. It is illustrated by adding specific views to specify power management techniques. The resulting model is then transformed into a tool-specific model; \ie a model for Docea Aceplorer, a power analysis tool

    Model-based development of energy-efficient automation systems

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    Der Energieverbrauch ist ein immer wichtigeres Entscheidungskriterium, das bei der Suche nach guten architektonischen und gestalterischen Alternativen technischer Systeme einbezogen werden muss. Diese Monographie stellt eine Methodik für das modellbasierte Engineering energieeffizienter Automatisierungssysteme vor. In dieser Monografie wird ein eingebettetes System als eine Kombination der Prozessorhardware und des Softwareteils betrachtet. Im entwickelten Verfahren wird der erste Teil durch ein Betriebsmodell (operational model) beschrieben, das alle möglichen Zustände und Übergänge des betrachteten Systems darstellt. Der letzte Teil wird durch ein Anwendungsmodell (application model) repräsentiert, das den Arbeitsablauf eines konkreten für dieses System erstellten Programms widerspiegelt. Gemeinsam werden die beiden Modelle in ein stochastisches Petri-Netz umgewandelt, um eine Analyse des Systems zu ermöglichen. Die entwickelten Transformationsregeln werden vorgestellt und mathematisch beschrieben. Es ist dann möglich, die Leistungsaufnahme des Systems mittels einer Standardauswertung von Petri-Netzen vorherzusagen. Die UML (vereinheitlichte Modellierungssprache) wird in dieser Monographie für die Modellierung der Echtzeitsysteme verwendet. Die mit dem MARTE-Profil (Modellierung und Analyse der Echtzeit- und eingebetteten Systeme) erweiterten Zustandsübergangsdiagramme sind für die Modellierung und Leistungsbewertung ausgewählt. Die vorgestellte Methodik wird durch eine Implementierung der notwendigen Algorithmen und grafischen Editoren in der integrierten Entwicklungsumgebung TimeNET unterstützt. Die entwickelte Erweiterung implementiert die vorgestellte Methode zur Modellierung und Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs basierend auf den erweiterten UML-Modellen, die nun automatisch in ein stochastisches Petri-Netz transformiert werden können. Der Energieverbrauch des Systems kann dann durch die Analyse-Module für stochastische Petri-Netze von TimeNET vorhergesagt werden. Die Vorteile der vorgeschlagenen Methode werden anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen demonstriert.Power consumption is an increasingly important decision criterion that has to be included in the search for good architectural and design alternatives of technical systems. This monograph presents a methodology for the model-based engineering of energy-aware automation systems. In this monograph, an embedded system is considered as an alliance of the processor hardware and the software part. In the developed method, the former part is described by an operational model, which depicts all possible states and transitions of the system under consideration. The latter part is represented by an application model, which reflects the workflow of a concrete program created for this system. Together, these two models are translated into one stochastic Petri net to make analyzing of the system possible. The developed transformation rules are presented and described mathematically. It is then possible to predict the system’s power consumption by a standard evaluation of Petri nets. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used in this monograph for modeling of real-time systems. State machine diagrams extended with the MARTE profile (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems) are chosen for modeling and performance evaluation. The presented methodology is supported by an implementation of the necessary algorithms and graphical editors in the software tool TimeNET. The developed extension implements the presented method for power consumption modeling and evaluation based on the extended UML models, which now can be automatically transformed into a stochastic Petri net. The system’s power consumption can be then predicted by the standard Petri net analysis modules of TimeNET. The methodology is validated and its advantages are demonstrated using application examples