54 research outputs found

    Automated UML-based ontology generation in OSLO²

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    In 2015, Flanders Information started the OSLO2 project, aimed at easing the exchange of data and increasing the interoperability of Belgian government services. RDF ontologies were developed to break apart the government data silos and stimulate data reuse. However, ontology design still encounters a number of difficulties. Since domain experts are generally unfamiliar with RDF, a design process is needed that allows these experts to efficiently contribute to intermediate ontology prototypes. We designed the OSLO2 ontologies using UML, a modeling language well known within the government, as a single source specification. From this source, the ontology and other relevant documents are generated. This paper describes the conversion tooling and the pragmatic approaches that were taken into account in its design. While this tooling is somewhat focused on the design principles used in the OSLO2 project, it can serve as the basis for a generic conversion tool. All source code and documentation are available online

    Ontology of zakat management system

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    Zakat Management System is a system that manages all the processes that are involved in zakat activities.At present, there exist no standard which can be utilized to develop Zakat Management System. In order to support the development of Zakat Management System, this paper provides the ontology of Zakat Management System aimed specifically to share the knowledge of zakat. Each person who are involved in the development of this system will hopefully share a common understanding of Zakat Management System. This in turn will make the process of development faster

    Architectural decisions in AI-based systems: an ontological view

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    Architecting AI-based systems entails making some decisions that are particular to this type of systems. Therefore, it becomes necessary to gather all necessary knowledge to inform such decisions, and to articulate this knowledge in a form that facilitates knowledge transfer among different AI projects. In this exploratory paper, we first present the main results of a literature survey in the area, and then we propose a preliminary ontology for architectural decision making, which we exemplify using a subset of the papers selected in the literature review. In the discussion, we remark on the variety of decision types and system contexts, highlighting the need to further investigate the current state of research and practice in this area. Besides, we summarize our plans to move along this research area by widening the literature review and incorporating more AI-related concepts to this first version of the ontology.This paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under project / funding scheme PID2020-117191RB-I00 / AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The MOUSE approach: Mapping Ontologies using UML for System Engineers

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    To address the problem of semantic heterogeneity, there has been a large body of research directed toward the study of semantic mapping technologies. Although various semantic mapping technologies have been investigated,  facilitating the process for domain experts to perform a semantic data integration task is still not easy. This is because one is required not only to possess domain expertise but also to have a good understanding of knowledge engineering. This paper proposes an approach that automatically transforms an abstract semantic mapping syntax into a concrete executable mapping syntax, we call this approach MOUSE (Mapping Ontologies using UML for System Engineers). In order to evaluate MOUSE, an implementation of this approach for a semantic data integration use case has been developed (called SDI, Semantic Data Integration). The aim is to enable domain experts, particularly system engineers, to undertake mappings using a technology that they are familiar with (UML), while ensuring the created mappings are accurate and the approach is easy to use. The proposed UML-based abstract mapping syntax is evaluated through usability experiments conducted in a lab environment by participants who have skills equivalent to real life system engineers using the SDI tool. Results from the evaluations show that the participants could correctly undertake the semantic data integration task using the MOUSE approach while maintaining accuracy and usability (in terms of ease of use)

    Engineering an Ontology for Autonomous Systems - The OASys Ontology

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    This paper describes the development of an ontology for autonomous systems, as the initial stage of a research programe on autonomous systems’ engineering within a model-based control approach. The ontology aims at providing a unified conceptual framework for the autonomous systems’ stakeholders, from developers to software engineers. The modular ontology contains both generic and domain-specific concepts for autonomous systems description and engineering. The ontology serves as the basis in a methodology to obtain the autonomous system’s conceptual models. The objective is to obtain and to use these models as main input for the autonomous system’s model-based control system

    The Object Management Group Ontology Definition Metamodel

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    Report of a submission being made to a major international software engineering standards group, the Object Management Group which ties together OMG standards with World-Wide Web Consortium and International Standards Organization standards. Major industry bodies including IBM are collaborating, and the submission has the support of 24 companies. OMG, W3C and ISO standards strongly influence the industry, especially in combination. Colomb was a major contributor, responsible for 30% of the submission, and the primary author of the paper

    Methodologies, tools and languages for building ontologies. Where is their meeting point?

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    In this paper we review and compare the main methodologies, tools and languages for building ontologies that have been reported in the literature, as well as the main relationships among them. Ontology technology is nowadays mature enough: many methodologies, tools and languages are already available. The future work in this field should be driven towards the creation of a common integrated workbench for ontology developers to facilitate ontology development, exchange, evaluation, evolution and management, to provide methodological support for these tasks, and translations to and from different ontology languages. This workbench should not be created from scratch, but instead integrating the technology components that are currently available

    A UML Profile for Functional Modeling Applied to the Molecular Function Ontology

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    ABSTRACT Gene Ontology (GO) is the largest, and steadily growing, resource for cataloging gene products. Naturally, its growth raises issues regarding its structure. Modeling and refactoring big ontologies such as GO is far from being simple. It seems that human-friendly graphical modeling languages, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) could be helpful for that task. In the current paper we investigate if UML can be utilized for making the structural organization of the Molecular Function Ontology (MFO), a sub-ontology of GO, more explicit. In addition, we examine if and how using UML can support the refactoring of MFO. We utilize UML and its extension mechanism for the definition of a UML dialect, which is suited for modeling functions and is called Function Modeling Language (FuML). Next, we use FuML for capturing the structure of molecular functions. Finally, we propose and demonstrate some refactoring options for MFO

    An overview: Towards ontology-driven software development

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    The Semantic Web and Software Engineering are two separate communities.Recent efforts in the context of Semantic Web vision have lead to a number of standards such as OWL and Web Services technologies.However, in the context of Software Engineering, most of software developers have little guidance on how to build a real-world Semantic Web application. In addition, most software developers are not aware of ontology concepts, which it is a backbone for the Semantic Web technologies. Therefore, recent research should be focused on creating a bridge between these two communities.This paper provides an overview on some backgrounds about ontology-driven software development particularly to review on recent efforts towards the development of real -world semantic web application. We outline a link between two separate communities by describing OMG’s efforts to bring MDA standard for ontology-driven software development. From the review, we agree that to give software developers a standard guidance on how to build real-world Semantic Web applications, the answer is OMG’s initiatives that lead to a standard in MDA- based where it can exploit current existing tools such as UML-based tool for developing ontology.Finally, we also try to point out some possible future works about the efforts