3 research outputs found

    A Risk-Based IoT Decision-Making Framework Based on Literature Review with Human Activity Recognition Case Studies

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a key and growing technology for many critical real-life applications, where it can be used to improve decision making. The existence of several sources of uncertainty in the IoT infrastructure, however, can lead decision makers into taking inappropriate actions. The present work focuses on proposing a risk-based IoT decision-making framework in order to effectively manage uncertainties in addition to integrating domain knowledge in the decision-making process. A structured literature review of the risks and sources of uncertainty in IoT decision-making systems is the basis for the development of the framework and Human Activity Recognition (HAR) case studies. More specifically, as one of the main targeted challenges, the potential sources of uncertainties in an IoT framework, at different levels of abstraction, are firstly reviewed and then summarized. The modules included in the framework are detailed, with the main focus given to a novel risk-based analytics module, where an ensemble-based data analytic approach, called Calibrated Random Forest (CRF), is proposed to extract useful information while quantifying and managing the uncertainty associated with predictions, by using confidence scores. Its output is subsequently integrated with domain knowledge-based action rules to perform decision making in a cost-sensitive and rational manner. The proposed CRF method is firstly evaluated and demonstrated on a HAR scenario in a Smart Home environment in case study I and is further evaluated and illustrated with a remote health monitoring scenario for a diabetes use case in case study II. The experimental results indicate that using the framework’s raw sensor data can be converted into meaningful actions despite several sources of uncertainty. The comparison of the proposed framework to existing approaches highlights the key metrics that make decision making more rational and transparent

    UCAmI Cup. Analyzing the UJA Human Activity Recognition Dataset of Activities of Daily Living

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    Many real-world applications, which are focused on addressing the needs of a human, require information pertaining to the activities being performed. The UCAmI Cup is an event held within the context of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, where delegates are given the opportunity to use their tools and techniques to analyse a previously unseen human activity recognition dataset and to compare their results with others working in the same domain. In this paper, the human activity recognition dataset used relates to activities of daily living generated in the UJAmI Smart Lab, University of Jaén. The dataset chosen for the first edition of the UCAmI Cup represents 246 activities performed over a period of ten days carried out by a single inhabitant. The dataset includes four data sources: (i) event streams from 30 binary sensors, (ii) intelligent floor location data, (iii) proximity data between a smart watch worn by the inhabitant and 15 Bluetooth Low Energy beacons and (iv) acceleration of the smart watch. In this first edition of the UCAmI Cup, 26 participants from 10 different countries contacted the organizers to obtain the dataset.‬‬‬‬

    Nuevas metodologías para el reconocimiento de cambios posturales a través de sensores

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    Con el fin de posibilitar nuevas alternativas que permitan mitigar la complicación de las úlceras por presión, en este trabajo se presentan los resultados de investigación de la tesis doctoral, que han permitido implementar dos metodologías de reconocimiento de cambios posturales de monitoreo en tiempo real, con dispositivos vestibles inerciales no invasivos para la detección y cálculo de postura, usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial. La primera metodología está basada en un registro histórico de la actividad corporal, dataset, y por el reconocimiento de posturas en tiempo real con técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial. Por su parte, la segunda metodología comprende el uso de dispositivos vestibles inerciales en zonas no invasivas, encargados de registrar el tiempo en que la persona ha permanecido en la misma posición, la recolección de datos de personas reales en diferentes posturas, la estimación de las posturas en tiempo real se realiza mediante técnicas de inteligencia artificial.To enable new alternatives to mitigate the complication of pressure ulcers, this work presents the research results of the doctoral thesis, which have allowed the implementation of two real-time monitoring methodologies, with devices non-invasive inertial wearables for posture detection and calculation and using artificial intelligence techniques. The first methodology is based on a historical record of body activity, a dataset, and the recognition of postures in real-time with Artificial Intelligence techniques. On other hand, the second methodology includes the use of inertial wearable devices in non-invasive areas, recording the time the person has remained in the same position, the collection of data from real people in key ulcer prevention positions, the estimation of postures in real-time using artificial intelligence techniques.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 19/11/2021