17 research outputs found

    Review on “Typicality-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation using Sub Clustering for Online Shopping”

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    Collaborative filtering is a convenient mechanism used in recommender system, which is used to find the similar items in a group. The same favour items can be identified by using the collaborative filtering based on items and the users. However there are some drawbacks in premature filtering techniques which lead to less accuracy, data sparsity and prediction errors. In this work take advantage of proposal of object typicality from cognitive psychology moreover suggests a typicality-based collaborative filtering recommendation method named as Tyco. A distinguishing characteristic of typicality-based collaborative filtering is that it finds neighbours of users on the basis of user typicality degrees in user groups. Selection of neighbours regarding users by means of measuring users’ similarity on the basis of their typicality degrees is a separate feature, which distinguishes this approach from earlier collaborative filtering methods. It exceeds many CF recommendation methods on recommendation accuracy on any type of datasets. In proposed method main approach is to Sub Clusters the all items into several item groups by applying such as nearest neighboring algorithm. This helps users to search items more easily and to increase the accuracy and quality of the recommendation

    A Survey on Review Based Recommendation System

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    The advances in internet technology have resulted in the generation of huge amount of data called as Big Data. Recommendation system is a widely used technique for the filtering the huge amount of data and providing recommendations to users according to their interest. Without taking previous user interest into consideration, the traditional recommender system does not provide efficient solutions to the users. In this paper, we introduce recommender system to solve the above-described problems. The proposed recommender system will take into consideration previous user’s interest and active user interest and by calculating similarity it will to provide recommendations to active user

    Combination of a Cluster-Based and Content-Based Collaborative Filtering Approach for Recommender System

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    With the development in technology in the field of e-commerce, the problem with information overload has been at its peak. Oftentimes the user is overwhelmed by the huge amount of options he/she is provided with while searching for an item. This is when recommender system comes in handy, which is an information filtering technique aimed at presenting the user with the most possible options based on certain reference characteristics. However, the problem with many recommender systems is that they are associated with a high cost of learning customer preferences. The current agricultural web application uses recommendation system along with the collaborative filtering concept which introduces the Agricultural Informative System (AIS) that uses pseudo feedback, which provides a method for automatic local analysis about the user preferences with the help of clustering in collaborative filtering. The AIS uses pseudo feedback to capture the preferences which are stored in the users profile for future personalized recommendations to address the problem. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15078

    Time Based Collaborative Recommendation System by using Data Mining Techniques

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    Recommendation of appropriate product to the specific user is becoming the key to ensuring the continued success of E-commerce. Today, many E-commerce systems adopt various recommendation techniques, e.g., Collaborative Filtering (abbreviated as CF)-based technique and Structural Balance Theory-based Recommendation (i.e., SBT-Rec) technique to realize product item recommendation. Overall, the present CF recommendation and as per suggested SBT can perform very well, if the target user owns similar friends (user-based CF) and Structural Balance Theory-based Recommendation (i.e., SBT-Rec) for we first look for the target user’s dissimilar “enemy” (i.e., antonym of “friend”), and furthermore, we look for the “possible friends” of E-commerce target user, according to “enemy’s enemy is a friend” rule of Structural Balance Theory or the product items purchased and preferred by target user own one or more similar product items (item-based CF). Here both the systems depends on friends and enemies if we are not getting friends or enemies then. So to improve Recommender system we propose a time-aware profile based collaborative Recommendation algorithm. In this algorithm, we will consider only recently submitted ratings and positive reviews to evaluate products quality. Along with this, we propose a novel recommender system in which user will give his requirement about any product as input, and depending on that input we will recommend most appropriate products according to the customer’s requirement and ratings given by other customers. Only recent ratings will be considered by the system. Our proposed system will meet personalized product item recommendation requirements in E-commerce and time-aware rating consideration to evaluate current product quality

    Product Recommendation using Hadoop

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    Recommendation systems are used widely to provide personalized recommendations to users. Such systems are used by e-commerce and social networking websites to increase their business and user engagement. Day-to-day growth of customers and products pose a challenge for generating high quality recommendations. Moreover, they are even needed to perform many recommendations per second, for millions of customers and products. In such scenarios, implementing a recommendation algorithm sequentially has large performance issues. To address such issues, we propose a parallel algorithm to generate recommendations by using Hadoop map-reduce framework. In this implementation, we will focus on item-based collaborative filtering technique based on user's browsing history, which is a well-known technique to generate recommendations

    Time Based Collaborative Recommendation System by using Data Mining Techniques

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    Recommendation of appropriate product to the specific user is becoming the key to ensuring the continued success of E-commerce. Today, many E-commerce systems adopt various recommendation techniques, e.g., Collaborative Filtering (abbreviated as CF)-based technique and Structural Balance Theory-based Recommendation (i.e., SBT-Rec) technique to realize product item recommendation. Overall, the present CF recommendation and as per suggested SBT can perform very well, if the target user owns similar friends (user-based CF) and Structural Balance Theory-based Recommendation (i.e., SBT-Rec) for we first look for the target user’s dissimilar “enemy” (i.e., antonym of “friend”), and furthermore, we look for the “possible friends” of E-commerce target user, according to “enemy’s enemy is a friend” rule of Structural Balance Theory or the product items purchased and preferred by target user own one or more similar product items (item-based CF). Here both the systems depends on friends and enemies if we are not getting friends or enemies then. So to improve Recommender system we propose a time-aware profile based collaborative Recommendation algorithm. In this algorithm, we will consider only recently submitted ratings and positive reviews to evaluate products quality. Along with this, we propose a novel recommender system in which user will give his requirement about any product as input, and depending on that input we will recommend most appropriate products according to the customer’s requirement and ratings given by other customers. Only recent ratings will be considered by the system. Our proposed system will meet personalized product item recommendation requirements in E-commerce and time-aware rating consideration to evaluate current product quality

    Optimization Matrix Factorization Recommendation Algorithm Based on Rating Centrality

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    Matrix factorization (MF) is extensively used to mine the user preference from explicit ratings in recommender systems. However, the reliability of explicit ratings is not always consistent, because many factors may affect the user's final evaluation on an item, including commercial advertising and a friend's recommendation. Therefore, mining the reliable ratings of user is critical to further improve the performance of the recommender system. In this work, we analyze the deviation degree of each rating in overall rating distribution of user and item, and propose the notion of user-based rating centrality and item-based rating centrality, respectively. Moreover, based on the rating centrality, we measure the reliability of each user rating and provide an optimized matrix factorization recommendation algorithm. Experimental results on two popular recommendation datasets reveal that our method gets better performance compared with other matrix factorization recommendation algorithms, especially on sparse datasets

    Performance Comparison Of Collaborative-Filtering Approach With Implicit And Explicit Data

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    Challenge in developing a collaborative filtering (CF)-based recommendation system is the problem of cold-starting of items that causes the data to sparse and reduces the accuracy of the recommendations. Therefore, to produce high accuracy a match is needed between the types of data and the approach used. Two approaches in CF include user-based and item-based CFs, both of which can process two types of data; implicit and explicit data. This work aims to find a combination of approaches and data types that produce high accuracy. Cosine-similarity is used to measure the similarity between users and also between items. Mean Absolute Error is also measured to discover the accuracy of a recommendation. Testing of three groups of data based on sparseness results in the best accuracy in an explicit data-based approach that has the smallest MAE value. The result is that the average MAE value for user based (implicit data) is 0.1032, user based (explicit data) is 0.2320, item based (implicit data) is 0.3495, and item based (explicit data) is 0.0926. The best accuracy is in the item-based (explicit-data) approach which is the smallest average MAE value