34 research outputs found

    On Asynchronous Session Semantics

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    This paper studies a behavioural theory of the π-calculus with session types under the fundamental principles of the practice of distributed computing — asynchronous communication which is order-preserving inside each connection (session), augmented with asynchronous inspection of events (message arrivals). A new theory of bisimulations is introduced, distinct from either standard asynchronous or synchronous bisimilarity, accurately capturing the semantic nature of session-based asynchronously communicating processes augmented with event primitives. The bisimilarity coincides with the reduction-closed barbed congruence. We examine its properties and compare them with existing semantics. Using the behavioural theory, we verify that the program transformation of multithreaded into event-driven session based processes, using Lauer-Needham duality, is type and semantic preserving

    Reversible Sessions Using Monitors

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    Session Types in a Linearly Typed Multi-Threaded Lambda-Calculus

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    We present a formalization of session types in a multi-threaded lambda-calculus (MTLC) equipped with a linear type system, establishing for the MTLC both type preservation and global progress. The latter (global progress) implies that the evaluation of a well-typed program in the MTLC can never reach a deadlock. As this formulated MTLC can be readily embedded into ATS, a full-fledged language with a functional programming core that supports both dependent types (of DML-style) and linear types, we obtain a direct implementation of session types in ATS. In addition, we gain immediate support for a form of dependent session types based on this embedding into ATS. Compared to various existing formalizations of session types, we see the one given in this paper is unique in its closeness to concrete implementation. In particular, we report such an implementation ready for practical use that generates Erlang code from well-typed ATS source (making use of session types), thus taking great advantage of the infrastructural support for distributed computing in Erlang.Comment: This is the original version of the paper on supporting programming with dyadic session types in AT

    Parameterised Multiparty Session Types

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    For many application-level distributed protocols and parallel algorithms, the set of participants, the number of messages or the interaction structure are only known at run-time. This paper proposes a dependent type theory for multiparty sessions which can statically guarantee type-safe, deadlock-free multiparty interactions among processes whose specifications are parameterised by indices. We use the primitive recursion operator from G\"odel's System T to express a wide range of communication patterns while keeping type checking decidable. To type individual distributed processes, a parameterised global type is projected onto a generic generator which represents a class of all possible end-point types. We prove the termination of the type-checking algorithm in the full system with both multiparty session types and recursive types. We illustrate our type theory through non-trivial programming and verification examples taken from parallel algorithms and Web services usecases.Comment: LMCS 201

    Multiparty Session C: Safe Parallel Programming with Message Optimisation

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    Abstract. This paper presents a new efficient programming toolchain for message-passing parallel algorithms which can fully ensure, for any typable programs and for any execution path, deadlock-freedom, com-munication safety and global progress through a static checking. The methodology is embodied as a multiparty session-based programming environment for C and its runtime libraries, which we call Session C. Programming starts from specifying a global protocol for a target par-allel algorithm, using a protocol description language. From this global protocol, the projection algorithm generates endpoint protocols, based on which each endpoint C program is designed and implemented with a small number of concise session primitives. The endpoint protocol can further be refined to a more optimised protocol through subtyping for asynchronous communication, preserving original safety guarantees. The underlying theory can ensure that the complexity of the toolchain stays in polynomial time against the size of programs. We apply this frame-work to representative parallel algorithms with complex communication topologies. The benchmark results show that Session C performs com-petitively against MPI.

    Relating Functional and Imperative Session Types

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    Imperative session types provide an imperative interface to session-typed communication. In such an interface, channel references are first-class objects with operations that change the typestate of the channel. Compared to functional session type APIs, the program structure is simpler at the surface, but typestate is required to model the current state of communication throughout. Following an early work that explored the imperative approach, a significant body of work on session types has neglected the imperative approach and opts for a functional approach that uses linear types to manage channel references soundly. We demonstrate that the functional approach subsumes the early work on imperative session types by exhibiting a typing and semantics preserving translation into a system of linear functional session types. We further show that the untyped backwards translation from the functional to the imperative calculus is semantics preserving. We restrict the type system of the functional calculus such that the backwards translation becomes type preserving. Thus, we precisely capture the difference in expressiveness of the two calculi and conclude that the lack of expressiveness in the imperative calculus is largely due to restrictions imposed by its type system.Comment: 39 pages, insubmissio

    Process-aware web programming with Jolie

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    We extend the Jolie programming language to capture the native modelling of process-aware web information systems, i.e., web information systems based upon the execution of business processes. Our main contribution is to offer a unifying approach for the programming of distributed architectures on the web, which can capture web servers, stateful process execution, and the composition of services via mediation. We discuss applications of this approach through a series of examples that cover, e.g., static content serving, multiparty sessions, and the evolution of web systems. Finally, we present a performance evaluation that includes a comparison of Jolie-based web systems to other frameworks and a measurement of its scalability.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    Behavioral types in programming languages

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    A recent trend in programming language research is to use behav- ioral type theory to ensure various correctness properties of large- scale, communication-intensive systems. Behavioral types encompass concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, contracts, and choreography. The successful application of behavioral types requires a solid understanding of several practical aspects, from their represen- tation in a concrete programming language, to their integration with other programming constructs such as methods and functions, to de- sign and monitoring methodologies that take behaviors into account. This survey provides an overview of the state of the art of these aspects, which we summarize as the pragmatics of behavioral types