16 research outputs found

    An empirical study into COBOL type inferencing

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    AbstractIn a typical COBOL program, the data division consists of 50% of the lines of code. Automatic type inference can help to understand the large collections of variable declarations contained therein, showing how variables are related based on their actual usage. The most problematic aspect of type inference is pollution, the phenomenon that types become too large, and contain variables that intuitively should not belong to the same type. The aim of the paper is to provide empirical evidence for the hypothesis that the use of subtyping is an effective way for dealing with pollution. The main results include a tool set to carry out type inference experiments, a suite of metrics characterizing type inference outcomes, and the experimental observation that only one instance of pollution occurs in the case study conducted

    Types and concept analysis for legacy systems

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    We combine type inference and concept analysis in order to gain insight into legacy software systems. Type inference for Cobol yields the types for variables and program parameters. These types are used to perform mathematical concept analysis on legacy systems. We have developed ConceptRefinery, a tool for interactively manipulating concepts. We show how this tools facilitates experiments with concept analysis, and lets reengineers employ their knowedge of the legacy system to refine the results of concept analysis

    Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Enumerated Types

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    Modern Java languages introduce several new features that offer significant improvements over older Java technology. In this article we consider the new enum construct, which provides language support for enumerated types. Prior to recent Java languages, programmers needed to employ various patterns (e.g., the weak enum pattern) to compensate for the absence of enumerated types in Java. Unfortunately, these compensation patterns lack several highly-desirable properties of the enum construct, most notably, type safety. We present a novel fully-automated approach for transforming legacy Java code to use the new enumeration construct. This semantics-preserving approach increases type safety, produces code that is easier to comprehend, removes unnecessary complexity, and eliminates brittleness problems due to separate compilation. At the core of the proposed approach is an interprocedural type inferencing algorithm which tracks the flow of enumerated values. The algorithm was implemented as an open source, publicly available Eclipse plug-in and evaluated experimentally on 17 large Java benchmarks. Our results indicate that analysis cost is practical and the algorithm can successfully refactor a substantial number of fields to enumerated types. This work is a significant step towards providing automated tool support for migrating legacy Java software to modern Java technologies

    Compiling language definitions: the ASF+SDF compiler

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    The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment is an interactive language development environment whose main application areas are definition of domain-specific languages, generation of program analysis and transformation tools, production of software renovation tools, and general specification and prototyping. It uses conditional rewrite rules to define the dynamic semantics and other tool-oriented aspects of languages, so the effectiveness of the generated tools is critically dependent on the quality of the rewrite rule implementation. The ASF+SDF rewrite rule compiler generates C code, thus taking advantage of C's portability and the sophisticated optimization capabilities of current C compilers as well as avoiding potential abstract machine interface bottlenecks. It can handle large(10 000+ rule) language definitions and uses an efficient run-time storage scheme capable of handling large (1 000 000+ node) terms. Term storage uses maximal subterm sharing (hash-consing), which turns out to be more effective in the case of ASF+SDF than in Lisp or SML. Extensive benchmarking has shown the time and space performance of the generated code to be as good as or better than that of the best current rewrite rule and functional language compilers

    CWI-evaluation - Progress Report 1993-1998

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