5,023 research outputs found

    The C++0x "Concepts" Effort

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    C++0x is the working title for the revision of the ISO standard of the C++ programming language that was originally planned for release in 2009 but that was delayed to 2011. The largest language extension in C++0x was "concepts", that is, a collection of features for constraining template parameters. In September of 2008, the C++ standards committee voted the concepts extension into C++0x, but then in July of 2009, the committee voted the concepts extension back out of C++0x. This article is my account of the technical challenges and debates within the "concepts" effort in the years 2003 to 2009. To provide some background, the article also describes the design space for constrained parametric polymorphism, or what is colloquially know as constrained generics. While this article is meant to be generally accessible, the writing is aimed toward readers with background in functional programming and programming language theory. This article grew out of a lecture at the Spring School on Generic and Indexed Programming at the University of Oxford, March 2010

    A trying C++ experience (Why COMPARE dropped C++)

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    Maude: specification and programming in rewriting logic

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    Maude is a high-level language and a high-performance system supporting executable specification and declarative programming in rewriting logic. Since rewriting logic contains equational logic, Maude also supports equational specification and programming in its sublanguage of functional modules and theories. The underlying equational logic chosen for Maude is membership equational logic, that has sorts, subsorts, operator overloading, and partiality definable by membership and equality conditions. Rewriting logic is reflective, in the sense of being able to express its own metalevel at the object level. Reflection is systematically exploited in Maude endowing the language with powerful metaprogramming capabilities, including both user-definable module operations and declarative strategies to guide the deduction process. This paper explains and illustrates with examples the main concepts of Maude's language design, including its underlying logic, functional, system and object-oriented modules, as well as parameterized modules, theories, and views. We also explain how Maude supports reflection, metaprogramming and internal strategies. The paper outlines the principles underlying the Maude system implementation, including its semicompilation techniques. We conclude with some remarks about applications, work on a formal environment for Maude, and a mobile language extension of Maude

    An Approach to Overloading With Polymorphism

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    One of the principal characterising features of a programming language is its type system. Many recent functional programming languages adopt a Hindley-Milner style type system facilitating parametric polymorphism. One of the forms of polymorphism found most commonly in programming languages is overloading. Whereas one may consider the Hindley-Milner system an off-the-shelf package for parametric polymorphism, there is no similar uniformity in the approaches taken to overloading. This thesis extends the standard Hindley-Milner system. A type system incorporating parametric polymorphism and overloading is presented both formally and informally, and it is shown to satisfy a principal type theorem. The Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm is extended for the new system. This algorithm is shown to be sound and complete. The characteristic feature of parametric polymorphism is that the same code can be used at many different types. The corresponding characterisation rule for overloading is that different code is used at different types. As such, meaning is assigned to terms on the basis of their typing. The semantics of the form of overloading described herein is assigned by means of a derivation to derivation translation scheme. This scheme is shown to be sound and, under certain well-defined conditions, coherent. This approach to overloading is closely related to the lazy functional programming language Haskell's type class mechanism. Some discussion of matters related to the current system, and arising through that project, is given

    An integrated approach for monitoring soil settlements at the VIrgo site

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    The Virgo detector, currently in its 2nd generation configuration Advanced Virgo (AdV), is a Michelson interferometer aimed at the gravitational waves research and at opening a new window on the study of the Universe. It is made of two orthogonal arms being each 3 kilometers long and is located at the site of the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), in the countryside near Pisa, Italy. After the construction of the Virgo facilities completed in 2002, over the years a steady subsidence process has been observed as a consequence of the building and embankment overloads. In consideration of the subsoil characteristics, whose surface portion is mainly formed by a 25÷60 m thickness layer of clay with limited thin layers of sands, the evolution of settlements was expected and properly considered for the design of the civil engineering infrastructures, so that the vacuum tubes can be readjusted to keep the original alignment. However, along 15 years of time life, the initial estimates of the expected displacements were continuously compared with the observed effects. The measured settlements have been regularly monitored and adopted for implementing the necessary realignment activities. This paper reports the monitoring activities conducted over the years, mainly consisting of regular high accuracy levelling surveys, periodically integrated by GPS and classical theodolite measurements. These sets of measurement were adopted to perform the Virgo realignment procedure needed to keep the interferometer rigidly tied in a 3x3km plane. In order to improve the knowledge on the trend of the settlements affecting the Virgo infrastructures, an analysis based on differential interferometry using satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data has been performed and compared with the outcome from in-situ data

    A type-directed, dictionary-passing translation of method overloading and structural subtyping in Featherweight Generic Go

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    Featherweight Generic Go (FGG) is a minimal core calculus modeling the essential features of the programming language Go. It includes support for overloaded methods, interface types, structural subtyping, and generics. The most straightforward semantic description of the dynamic behavior of FGG programs is to resolve method calls based on runtime type information of the receiver. This article shows a different approach by defining a type-directed translation from FGG− to an untyped lambda-calculus. FGG− includes all features of FGG but type assertions. The translation of an FGG− program provides evidence for the availability of methods as additional dictionary parameters, similar to the dictionary-passing approach known from Haskell type classes. Then, method calls can be resolved by a simple lookup of the method definition in the dictionary. Every program in the image of the translation has the same dynamic semantics as its source FGG− program. The proof of this result is based on a syntactic, step-indexed logical relation. The step index ensures a well-founded definition of the relation in the presence of recursive interface types and recursive methods. Although being non-deterministic, the translation is coherent
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