288 research outputs found

    Discrete Message via Online Clustering Labels in Decentralized POMDP

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    Communication is crucial for solving cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning tasks in Partially-Observable Markov Decision Processes. Existing works often rely on black-box methods to encode local information/features into messages shared with other agents. However, such black-box approaches are unable to provide any quantitative guarantees on the expected return and often lead to the generation of continuous messages with high communication overhead and poor interpretability. In this paper, we establish an upper bound on the return gap between an ideal policy with full observability and an optimal partially-observable policy with discrete communication. This result enables us to recast multi-agent communication into a novel online clustering problem over the local observations at each agent, with messages as cluster labels and the upper bound on the return gap as clustering loss. By minimizing the upper bound, we propose a surprisingly simple design of message generation functions in multi-agent communication and integrate it with reinforcement learning using a Regularized Information Maximization loss function. Evaluations show that the proposed discrete communication significantly outperforms state-of-the-art multi-agent communication baselines and can achieve nearly-optimal returns with few-bit messages that are naturally interpretable

    System Optimisation for Multi-access Edge Computing Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-access edge computing (MEC) is an emerging and important distributed computing paradigm that aims to extend cloud service to the network edge to reduce network traffic and service latency. Proper system optimisation and maintenance are crucial to maintaining high Quality-of-service (QoS) for end-users. However, with the increasing complexity of the architecture of MEC and mobile applications, effectively optimising MEC systems is non-trivial. Traditional optimisation methods are generally based on simplified mathematical models and fixed heuristics, which rely heavily on expert knowledge. As a consequence, when facing dynamic MEC scenarios, considerable human efforts and expertise are required to redesign the model and tune the heuristics, which is time-consuming. This thesis aims to develop deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods to handle system optimisation problems in MEC. Instead of developing fixed heuristic algorithms for the problems, this thesis aims to design DRL-based methods that enable systems to learn optimal solutions on their own. This research demonstrates the effectiveness of DRL-based methods on two crucial system optimisation problems: task offloading and service migration. Specifically, this thesis first investigate the dependent task offloading problem that considers the inner dependencies of tasks. This research builds a DRL-based method combining sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) neural network to address the problem. Experiment results demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing heuristic algorithms and achieves near-optimal performance. To further enhance the learning efficiency of the DRL-based task offloading method for unseen learning tasks, this thesis then integrates meta reinforcement learning to handle the task offloading problem. Our method can adapt fast to new environments with a small number of gradient updates and samples. Finally, this thesis exploits the DRL-based solution for the service migration problem in MEC considering user mobility. This research models the service migration problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and propose a tailored actor-critic algorithm combining Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) to solve the POMDP. Results from extensive experiments based on real-world mobility traces demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms both the heuristic and state-of-the-art learning-driven algorithms on various MEC scenarios

    Centralised rehearsal of decentralised cooperation: Multi-agent reinforcement learning for the scalable coordination of residential energy flexibility

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    This paper investigates how deep multi-agent reinforcement learning can enable the scalable and privacy-preserving coordination of residential energy flexibility. The coordination of distributed resources such as electric vehicles and heating will be critical to the successful integration of large shares of renewable energy in our electricity grid and, thus, to help mitigate climate change. The pre-learning of individual reinforcement learning policies can enable distributed control with no sharing of personal data required during execution. However, previous approaches for multi-agent reinforcement learning-based distributed energy resources coordination impose an ever greater training computational burden as the size of the system increases. We therefore adopt a deep multi-agent actor-critic method which uses a \emph{centralised but factored critic} to rehearse coordination ahead of execution. Results show that coordination is achieved at scale, with minimal information and communication infrastructure requirements, no interference with daily activities, and privacy protection. Significant savings are obtained for energy users, the distribution network and greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, training times are nearly 40 times shorter than with a previous state-of-the-art reinforcement learning approach without the factored critic for 30 homes

    TrustFed: A Reliable Federated Learning Framework with Malicious-Attack Resistance

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    As a key technology in 6G research, federated learning (FL) enables collaborative learning among multiple clients while ensuring individual data privacy. However, malicious attackers among the participating clients can intentionally tamper with the training data or the trained model, compromising the accuracy and trustworthiness of the system. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a hierarchical audit-based FL (HiAudit-FL) framework, with the aim to enhance the reliability and security of the learning process. The hierarchical audit process includes two stages, namely model-audit and parameter-audit. In the model-audit stage, a low-overhead audit method is employed to identify suspicious clients. Subsequently, in the parameter-audit stage, a resource-consuming method is used to detect all malicious clients with higher accuracy among the suspicious ones. Specifically, we execute the model audit method among partial clients for multiple rounds, which is modeled as a partial observation Markov decision process (POMDP) with the aim to enhance the robustness and accountability of the decision-making in complex and uncertain environments. Meanwhile, we formulate the problem of identifying malicious attackers through a multi-round audit as an active sequential hypothesis testing problem and leverage a diffusion model-based AI-Enabled audit selection strategy (ASS) to decide which clients should be audited in each round. To accomplish efficient and effective audit selection, we design a DRL-ASS algorithm by incorporating the ASS in a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework. Our simulation results demonstrate that HiAudit-FL can effectively identify and handle potential malicious users accurately, with small system overhead.Comment: 13 pages, 9figure
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