5,193 research outputs found

    Analyse / synthèse de champs de tenseurs de structure : application à la synthèse d’images et de volumes texturés

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    This work is a part of the texture synthesis context. Aiming to ensure a faithful reproduction of the patterns and variations of orientations of the input texture, a two-stage structure/texture synthesis algorithm is proposed. It consists of synthesizing the structure layer showing the geometry of the exemplar and represented by the structure tensor field in the first stage, and using the resulting tensor field to constrain the synthesis of the texture layer holding more local variations, in the second stage. An acceleration method based on the use of Gaussian pyramids and parallel computing is then developed.In order to demonstrate the ability of the proposed algorithm to faithfully reproduce the visual aspect of the considered textures, the method is tested on various texture samples and evaluated objectively using statistics of 1st and 2nd order of the intensity and orientation field. The obtained results are of better or equivalent quality than those obtained using the algorithms of the literature. A major advantage of the proposed approach is its capacity in successfully synthesizing textures in many situations where traditional algorithms fail to reproduce the large-scale patterns.The structure/texture synthesis approach is extended to color texture synthesis. 3D texture synthesis is then addressed and finally, an extension to the synthesis of specified form textures using an imposed texture is carried out, showing the capacity of the approach in generating textures of arbitrary forms while preserving the input texture characteristics.Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte de la synthèse d’images texturées. Dans l’objectif d’assurer une reproduction fidèle des motifs et des variations d’orientations d’une texture initiale, un algorithme de synthèse de texture à deux étapes « structure/texture » est proposé. Il s’agit, dans une première étape, de réaliser la synthèse d’une couche de structure caractérisant la géométrie de l’exemplaire et représentée par un champ de tenseurs de structure et, dans une deuxième étape, d’utiliser le champ de structure résultant pour contraindre la synthèse d’une couche de texture portant des variations plus locales. Une réduction du temps d’exécution est ensuite développée, fondée notamment sur l’utilisation de pyramides Gaussiennes et la parallélisation des calculs mis en oeuvre.Afin de démontrer la capacité de l’algorithme proposé à reproduire fidèlement l’aspect visuel des images texturées considérées, la méthode est testée sur une variété d’échantillons de texture et évaluée objectivement à l’aide de statistiques du 1er et du 2nd ordre du champ d’intensité et d’orientation. Les résultats obtenus sont de qualité supérieure ou équivalente à ceux obtenus par des algorithmes de la littérature. Un atout majeur de l’approche proposée est son aptitude à synthétiser des textures avec succès dans de nombreuses situations où les algorithmes existants ne parviennent pas à reproduire les motifs à grande échelle.L’approche de synthèse structure/texture proposée est étendue à la synthèse de texture couleur. La synthèse de texture 3D est ensuite abordée et, finalement, une extension à la synthèse de texture de forme spécifiée par une texture imposée est mise en oeuvre, montrant la capacité de l’approche à générer des textures de formes arbitraires en préservant les caractéristiques de la texture initiale

    Structure Preserving Large Imagery Reconstruction

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    With the explosive growth of web-based cameras and mobile devices, billions of photographs are uploaded to the internet. We can trivially collect a huge number of photo streams for various goals, such as image clustering, 3D scene reconstruction, and other big data applications. However, such tasks are not easy due to the fact the retrieved photos can have large variations in their view perspectives, resolutions, lighting, noises, and distortions. Fur-thermore, with the occlusion of unexpected objects like people, vehicles, it is even more challenging to find feature correspondences and reconstruct re-alistic scenes. In this paper, we propose a structure-based image completion algorithm for object removal that produces visually plausible content with consistent structure and scene texture. We use an edge matching technique to infer the potential structure of the unknown region. Driven by the estimated structure, texture synthesis is performed automatically along the estimated curves. We evaluate the proposed method on different types of images: from highly structured indoor environment to natural scenes. Our experimental results demonstrate satisfactory performance that can be potentially used for subsequent big data processing, such as image localization, object retrieval, and scene reconstruction. Our experiments show that this approach achieves favorable results that outperform existing state-of-the-art techniques

    Enhancing Mesh Deformation Realism: Dynamic Mesostructure Detailing and Procedural Microstructure Synthesis

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    Propomos uma solução para gerar dados de mapas de relevo dinâmicos para simular deformações em superfícies macias, com foco na pele humana. A solução incorpora a simulação de rugas ao nível mesoestrutural e utiliza texturas procedurais para adicionar detalhes de microestrutura estáticos. Oferece flexibilidade além da pele humana, permitindo a geração de padrões que imitam deformações em outros materiais macios, como couro, durante a animação. As soluções existentes para simular rugas e pistas de deformação frequentemente dependem de hardware especializado, que é dispendioso e de difícil acesso. Além disso, depender exclusivamente de dados capturados limita a direção artística e dificulta a adaptação a mudanças. Em contraste, a solução proposta permite a síntese dinâmica de texturas que se adaptam às deformações subjacentes da malha de forma fisicamente plausível. Vários métodos foram explorados para sintetizar rugas diretamente na geometria, mas sofrem de limitações como auto-interseções e maiores requisitos de armazenamento. A intervenção manual de artistas na criação de mapas de rugas e mapas de tensão permite controle, mas pode ser limitada em deformações complexas ou onde maior realismo seja necessário. O nosso trabalho destaca o potencial dos métodos procedimentais para aprimorar a geração de padrões de deformação dinâmica, incluindo rugas, com maior controle criativo e sem depender de dados capturados. A incorporação de padrões procedimentais estáticos melhora o realismo, e a abordagem pode ser estendida além da pele para outros materiais macios.We propose a solution for generating dynamic heightmap data to simulate deformations for soft surfaces, with a focus on human skin. The solution incorporates mesostructure-level wrinkles and utilizes procedural textures to add static microstructure details. It offers flexibility beyond human skin, enabling the generation of patterns mimicking deformations in other soft materials, such as leater, during animation. Existing solutions for simulating wrinkles and deformation cues often rely on specialized hardware, which is costly and not easily accessible. Moreover, relying solely on captured data limits artistic direction and hinders adaptability to changes. In contrast, our proposed solution provides dynamic texture synthesis that adapts to underlying mesh deformations. Various methods have been explored to synthesize wrinkles directly to the geometry, but they suffer from limitations such as self-intersections and increased storage requirements. Manual intervention by artists using wrinkle maps and tension maps provides control but may be limited to the physics-based simulations. Our research presents the potential of procedural methods to enhance the generation of dynamic deformation patterns, including wrinkles, with greater creative control and without reliance on captured data. Incorporating static procedural patterns improves realism, and the approach can be extended to other soft-materials beyond skin
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