4,384 research outputs found

    Adaptive Information Gathering via Imitation Learning

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    In the adaptive information gathering problem, a policy is required to select an informative sensing location using the history of measurements acquired thus far. While there is an extensive amount of prior work investigating effective practical approximations using variants of Shannon's entropy, the efficacy of such policies heavily depends on the geometric distribution of objects in the world. On the other hand, the principled approach of employing online POMDP solvers is rendered impractical by the need to explicitly sample online from a posterior distribution of world maps. We present a novel data-driven imitation learning framework to efficiently train information gathering policies. The policy imitates a clairvoyant oracle - an oracle that at train time has full knowledge about the world map and can compute maximally informative sensing locations. We analyze the learnt policy by showing that offline imitation of a clairvoyant oracle is implicitly equivalent to online oracle execution in conjunction with posterior sampling. This observation allows us to obtain powerful near-optimality guarantees for information gathering problems possessing an adaptive sub-modularity property. As demonstrated on a spectrum of 2D and 3D exploration problems, the trained policies enjoy the best of both worlds - they adapt to different world map distributions while being computationally inexpensive to evaluate.Comment: Robotics Science and Systems, 201

    Learning to Resolve Conflicts for Multi-Agent Path Finding with Conflict-Based Search

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    Conflict-Based Search (CBS) is a state-of-the-art algorithm for multi-agent path finding. At the high level, CBS repeatedly detects conflicts and resolves one of them by splitting the current problem into two subproblems. Previous work chooses the conflict to resolve by categorizing the conflict into three classes and always picking a conflict from the highest-priority class. In this work, we propose an oracle for conflict selection that results in smaller search tree sizes than the one used in previous work. However, the computation of the oracle is slow. Thus, we propose a machine-learning framework for conflict selection that observes the decisions made by the oracle and learns a conflict-selection strategy represented by a linear ranking function that imitates the oracle's decisions accurately and quickly. Experiments on benchmark maps indicate that our method significantly improves the success rates, the search tree sizes and runtimes over the current state-of-the-art CBS solver

    Understanding the Role of Adaptivity in Machine Teaching: The Case of Version Space Learners

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    In real-world applications of education, an effective teacher adaptively chooses the next example to teach based on the learner's current state. However, most existing work in algorithmic machine teaching focuses on the batch setting, where adaptivity plays no role. In this paper, we study the case of teaching consistent, version space learners in an interactive setting. At any time step, the teacher provides an example, the learner performs an update, and the teacher observes the learner's new state. We highlight that adaptivity does not speed up the teaching process when considering existing models of version space learners, such as "worst-case" (the learner picks the next hypothesis randomly from the version space) and "preference-based" (the learner picks hypothesis according to some global preference). Inspired by human teaching, we propose a new model where the learner picks hypotheses according to some local preference defined by the current hypothesis. We show that our model exhibits several desirable properties, e.g., adaptivity plays a key role, and the learner's transitions over hypotheses are smooth/interpretable. We develop efficient teaching algorithms and demonstrate our results via simulation and user studies.Comment: NeurIPS 2018 (extended version

    Learning from Experience for Rapid Generation of Local Car Maneuvers

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    Being able to rapidly respond to the changing scenes and traffic situations by generating feasible local paths is of pivotal importance for car autonomy. We propose to train a deep neural network (DNN) to plan feasible and nearly-optimal paths for kinematically constrained vehicles in small constant time. Our DNN model is trained using a novel weakly supervised approach and a gradient-based policy search. On real and simulated scenes and a large set of local planning problems, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms the existing planners with respect to the number of successfully completed tasks. While the path generation time is about 40 ms, the generated paths are smooth and comparable to those obtained from conventional path planners
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