86,238 research outputs found

    A philosophy for construction of solution adaptive grids

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    Coordinate system selection is an important consideration in the asymptotic numerical solution of any fluid flow or heat transfer problem. Ideally, the mesh point distribution should be such that the error in the computed solution is minimized. Since the error depends on the solution itself, the point distribution should constantly change to suit the changing solution. A grid that automatically adjusts itself to the solution being calculated is called an adaptive grid. Three different adaptive grid procedures have been developed in this study. Two of these schemes help in properly distributing points to reduce the error in the computed solution. In shock capturing applications, a grid that is aligned with the shock is a must for obtaining dispersion error free solutions. The third adaptive grid scheme helps to align coordinate lines with discontinuities in the flow field;Many researchers have worked on the point redistribution idea in the past. The methods that they have developed are applicable only to simple one-dimensional or quasi one-dimensional problems. The methods developed in this study have been applied to fully two-dimensional calculations involving systems of partial differential equations, curved boundaries and stationary and nonstationary boundaries. The extension of the adaptive grid procedures developed here to three-dimensional problems is trivial;The point clustering schemes have been applied to Burgers\u27 equation in one and two dimensions, the inviscid supersonic flow over wedges and cylinders with the associated detached bow shocks, the laminar boundary layer over a flat plate and to simple one-dimensional calculations involving flow variable discontinuities. The aligning scheme has been applied to the problem of a straight oblique shock in a rectangular region and the shocked flow through an expanding two-dimensional duct. Substantial reductions in error are demonstrated in all cases with the use of the adaptive grids

    A numerical study of a class of TVD schemes for compressible mixing layers

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    At high Mach numbers the two-dimensional time-developing mixing layer develops shock waves, positioned around large-scale vortical structures. A suitable numerical method has to be able to capture the inherent instability of the flow, leading to the roll-up of vortices, and also must be able to capture shock waves when they develop. Standard schemes for low speed turbulent flows, for example spectral methods, rely on resolution of all flow-features and cannot handle shock waves, which become too thin at any realistic Reynolds number. The performance of a class of second-order explicit total variation diminishing (TVD) schemes on a compressible mixing layer problem was studied. The basic idea is to capture the physics of the flow correctly, by resolving down to the smallest turbulent length scales, without resorting to turbulence or sub-grid scale modeling, and at the same time capture shock waves without spurious oscillations. The present study indicates that TVD schemes can capture the shocks accurately when they form, but (without resorting to a finer grid) have poor accuracy in computing the vortex growth. The solution accuracy depends on the choice of limiter. However a larger number of grid points are in general required to resolve the correct vortex growth. The low accuracy in computing time-dependent problems containing shock waves as well as vortical structures is partly due to the inherent shock-capturing property of all TVD schemes. In order to capture shock waves without spurious oscillations these schemes reduce to first-order near extrema and indirectly produce clipping phenomena, leading to inaccuracy in the computation of vortex growth. Accurate simulation of unsteady turbulent fluid flows with shock waves will require further development of efficient, uniformly higher than second-order accurate, shock-capturing methods

    Multi-Dimensional, Inviscid Flux Reconstruction for Simulation of Hypersonic Heating on Tetrahedral Grids

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    The quality of simulated hypersonic stagnation region heating on tetrahedral meshes is investigated by using a three-dimensional, upwind reconstruction algorithm for the inviscid flux vector. Two test problems are investigated: hypersonic flow over a three-dimensional cylinder with special attention to the uniformity of the solution in the spanwise direction and hypersonic flow over a three-dimensional sphere. The tetrahedral cells used in the simulation are derived from a structured grid where cell faces are bisected across the diagonal resulting in a consistent pattern of diagonals running in a biased direction across the otherwise symmetric domain. This grid is known to accentuate problems in both shock capturing and stagnation region heating encountered with conventional, quasi-one-dimensional inviscid flux reconstruction algorithms. Therefore the test problem provides a sensitive test for algorithmic effects on heating. This investigation is believed to be unique in its focus on three-dimensional, rotated upwind schemes for the simulation of hypersonic heating on tetrahedral grids. This study attempts to fill the void left by the inability of conventional (quasi-one-dimensional) approaches to accurately simulate heating in a tetrahedral grid system. Results show significant improvement in spanwise uniformity of heating with some penalty of ringing at the captured shock. Issues with accuracy near the peak shear location are identified and require further study

    Unresolved Problems by Shock Capturing: Taming the Overheating Problem

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    The overheating problem, first observed by von Neumann [1] and later studied extensively by Noh [2] using both Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations, remains to be one of the unsolved problems by shock capturing. It is historically well known to occur when a flow is under compression, such as when a shock wave hits and reflects from a wall or when two streams collides with each other. The overheating phenomenon is also found numerically in a smooth flow undergoing rarefaction created by two streams receding from each other. This is in contrary to one s intuition expecting a decrease in internal energy. The excessive amount in the temperature increase does not reduce by refining the mesh size or increasing the order of accuracy. This study finds that the overheating in the receding flow correlates with the entropy generation. By requiring entropy preservation, the overheating is eliminated and the solution is grid convergent. The shock-capturing scheme, as being practiced today, gives rise to the entropy generation, which in turn causes the overheating. This assertion stands up to the convergence test

    Spatial adaption procedures on unstructured meshes for accurate unsteady aerodynamic flow computation

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    Spatial adaption procedures for the accurate and efficient solution of steady and unsteady inviscid flow problems are described. The adaption procedures were developed and implemented within a two-dimensional unstructured-grid upwind-type Euler code. These procedures involve mesh enrichment and mesh coarsening to either add points in a high gradient region or the flow or remove points where they are not needed, respectively, to produce solutions of high spatial accuracy at minimal computational costs. A detailed description is given of the enrichment and coarsening procedures and comparisons with alternative results and experimental data are presented to provide an assessment of the accuracy and efficiency of the capability. Steady and unsteady transonic results, obtained using spatial adaption for the NACA 0012 airfoil, are shown to be of high spatial accuracy, primarily in that the shock waves are very sharply captured. The results were obtained with a computational savings of a factor of approximately fifty-three for a steady case and as much as twenty-five for the unsteady cases

    COSMOS: A Hybrid N-Body/Hydrodynamics Code for Cosmological Problems

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    We describe a new hybrid N-body/hydrodynamical code based on the particle-mesh (PM) method and the piecewise-parabolic method (PPM) for use in solving problems related to the evolution of large-scale structure, galaxy clusters, and individual galaxies. The code, named COSMOS, possesses several new features which distinguish it from other PM-PPM codes. In particular, to solve the Poisson equation we have written a new multigrid solver which can determine the gravitational potential of isolated matter distributions and which properly takes into account the finite-volume discretization required by PPM. All components of the code are constructed to work with a nonuniform mesh, preserving second-order spatial differences. The PPM code uses vacuum boundary conditions for isolated problems, preventing inflows when appropriate. The PM code uses a second-order variable-timestep time integration scheme. Radiative cooling and cosmological expansion terms are included. COSMOS has been implemented for parallel computers using the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) library, and it features a modular design which simplifies the addition of new physics and the configuration of the code for different types of problems. We discuss the equations solved by COSMOS and describe the algorithms used, with emphasis on these features. We also discuss the results of tests we have performed to establish that COSMOS works and to determine its range of validity.Comment: 43 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ApJS and revised according to referee's comment