2 research outputs found

    Generating audio-responsive video images in real-time for a live symphony performance

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    Multimedia performances, uniting music and interactive images, are a unique form of entertainment that has been explored by artists for centuries. This audio-visual combination has evolved from rudimentary devices generating visuals for single instruments to cutting-edge video image productions for musical groups of all sizes. Throughout this evolution, a common goal has been to create real-time, audio-responsive visuals that accentuate the sound and enhance the performance. This paper explains the creation of a project that produces real-time, audioresponsive and artist interactive visuals to accompany a live musical performance by a symphony orchestra. On April 23, 2006, this project was performed live with the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra. The artist, onstage during the performance, controlled the visual presentation through a user interactive, custom computer program. Using the power of current visualization technology, this digital program was written to manipulate and synchronize images to a musical work. This program uses pre-processed video footage chosen to reflect the energy of the music. The integration of the video imagery into the program became a reiterative testing process that allowed for important adjustments throughout the visual creation process. Other artists are encouraged to use this as a guideline for creating their own audio-visual projects exploring the union of visuals and music

    Interfacing Jazz: A Study in Computer-Mediated Jazz Music Creation And Performance

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    O objetivo central desta dissertação é o estudo e desenvolvimento de algoritmos e interfaces mediados por computador para performance e criação musical. É sobretudo centrado em acompanhamentos em Jazz clássico e explora um meta-controlo dos parâmetros musicais como forma de potenciar a experiência de tocar Jazz por músicos e não-músicos, quer individual quer coletivamente. Pretende contribuir para a pesquisa existente nas áreas de geração automática de música e de interfaces para expressão musical, apresentando um conjunto de algoritmos e interfaces de controlo especialmente criados para esta dissertação. Estes algoritmos e interfaces implementam processos inteligentes e musicalmente informados, para gerar eventos musicais sofisticados e corretos musical estilisticamente, de forma automática, a partir de um input simplificado e intuitivo do utilizador, e de forma coerente gerir a experiência de grupo, estabelecendo um controlo integrado sobre os parâmetros globais. A partir destes algoritmos são apresentadas propostas para diferentes aplicações dos conceitos e técnicas, de forma a ilustrar os benefícios e potencial da utilização de um meta-controlo como extensão dos paradigmas existentes para aplicações musicais, assim como potenciar a criação de novos. Estas aplicações abordam principalmente três áreas onde a música mediada por computador pode trazer grandes benefícios, nomeadamente a performance, a criação e a educação. Uma aplicação, PocketBand, implementada no ambiente de programação Max, permite a um grupo de utilizadores tocarem em grupo como uma banda de jazz, quer sejam ou não treinados musicalmente, cada um utilizando um teclado de computador ou um dispositivo iOS multitoque. O segundo protótipo visa a utilização em contextos coletivos e participativos. Trata-se de uma instalação para vários utilizadores, para ecrã multitoque, intitulada MyJazzBand, que permite até quatro utilizadores tocarem juntos como membros de uma banda de jazz virtual. Ambas as aplicações permitem que os utilizadores experienciem e participem de forma eficaz como músicos de jazz, quer sejam ou não músicos profissionais. As aplicações podem ser utilizadas para fins educativos, seja como um sistema de acompanhamento automático em tempo real para qualquer instrumentista ou cantor, seja como uma fonte de informação para procedimentos harmónicos, ou como uma ferramenta prática para criar esboços ou conteúdos para aulas. Irei também demonstrar que esta abordagem reflete uma tendência crescente entre as empresas de software musical comercial, que já começaram a explorar a mediação por computador e algoritmos musicais inteligentes.Abstract : This dissertation focuses on the study and development of computer-mediated interfaces and algorithms for music performance and creation. It is mainly centered on traditional Jazz music accompaniment and explores the meta-control over musical events to potentiate the rich experience of playing jazz by musicians and non-musicians alike, both individually and collectively. It aims to complement existing research on automatic generation of jazz music and new interfaces for musical expression, by presenting a group of specially designed algorithms and control interfaces that implement intelligent, musically informed processes to automatically produce sophisticated and stylistically correct musical events. These algorithms and control interfaces are designed to have a simplified and intuitive input from the user, and to coherently manage group playing by establishing an integrated control over global common parameters. Using these algorithms, two proposals for different applications are presented, in order to illustrate the benefits and potential of this meta-control approach to extend existing paradigms for musical applications, as well as to create new ones. These proposals focus on two main perspectives where computer-mediated music can benefit by using this approach, namely in musical performance and creation, both of which can also be observed from an educational perspective. A core framework, implemented in the Max programming environment, integrates all the functionalities of the instrument algorithms and control strategies, as well as global control, synchronization and communication between all the components. This platform acts as a base, from which different applications can be created. For this dissertation, two main application concepts were developed. The first, PocketBand, has a single-user, one-man-band approach, where a single interface allows a single user to play up to three instruments. This prototype application, for a multi- touch tablet, was the test bed for several experiments with the user interface and playability issues that helped define and improve the mediated interface concept and the instrument algorithms. The second prototype aims the creation of a collective experience. It is a multi-user installation for a multi-touch table, called MyJazzBand, that allows up to four users to play together as members of a virtual jazz band. Both applications allow the users to experience and effectively participate as jazz band musicians, whether they are musically trained or not. The applications can be used for educational purposes, whether as a real-time accompaniment system for any jazz instrument practitioner or singer, as a source of information for harmonic procedures, or as a practical tool for creating quick arrangement drafts or music lesson contents. I will also demonstrate that this approach reflects a growing trend on commercial music software that has already begun to explore and implement mediated interfaces and intelligent music algorithms