7 research outputs found

    Existence of a unique weak solution to a nonlinear non-autonomous time-fractional wave equation (of distributed-order)

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    We study an initial-boundary value problem for a fractional wave equation of time distributed-order with a nonlinear source term. The coefficients of the second order differential operator are dependent on the spatial and time variables. We show the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem under low regularity assumptions on the data, which includes weakly singular solutions in the class of admissible problems. A similar result holds true for the fractional wave equation with Caputo fractional derivative

    An Alternating Direction Explicit Method for Time Evolution Equations with Applications to Fractional Differential Equations

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    We derive and analyze the alternating direction explicit (ADE) method for time evolution equations with the time-dependent Dirichlet boundary condition and with the zero Neumann boundary condition. The original ADE method is an additive operator splitting (AOS) method, which has been developed for treating a wide range of linear and nonlinear time evolution equations with the zero Dirichlet boundary condition. For linear equations, it has been shown to achieve the second order accuracy in time yet is unconditionally stable for an arbitrary time step size. For the boundary conditions considered in this work, we carefully construct the updating formula at grid points near the boundary of the computational domain and show that these formulas maintain the desired accuracy and the property of unconditional stability. We also construct numerical methods based on the ADE scheme for two classes of fractional differential equations. We will give numerical examples to demonstrate the simplicity and the computational efficiency of the method.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, 7 table

    Unconditionally Stable and Convergent Difference Scheme for Superdiffusion with Extrapolation

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2022-06-30, rev-recd 2023-07-01, accepted 2023-10-17, registration 2023-10-21, epub 2023-11-23, online 2023-11-23, ppub 2024-01Publication status: PublishedApproximating the Hadamard finite-part integral by the quadratic interpolation polynomials, we obtain a scheme for approximating the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order α∈(1, 2) and the error is shown to have the asymptotic expansion (d3τ3-α+d4τ4-α+d5τ5-α+⋯)+(d2∗τ4+d3∗τ6+d4∗τ8+⋯) at any fixed time, where τ denotes the step size and dl, l=3, 4, ⋯ and dl∗, l=2, 3, ⋯ are some suitable constants. Applying the proposed scheme in temporal direction and the central difference scheme in spatial direction, a new finite difference method is developed for approximating the time fractional wave equation. The proposed method is unconditionally stable, convergent with order O(τ3-α), α∈(1, 2) and the error has the asymptotic expansion. Richardson extrapolation is applied to improve the accuracy of the numerical method. The convergence orders are O(τ4-α) and O(τ2(3-α)), α∈(1, 2), respectively, after first two extrapolations. Numerical examples are presented to show that the numerical results are consistent with the theoretical findings