10 research outputs found

    Improving Accuracy of Named Entity Recognition on Social Media

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    Twitter has drew a large number of users to share and disperse most onward data, bringing about large volumes of information produced systematic. Be that as it may, numerous applications in Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) experience the ill effects of the boisterous and short nature of tweets. In this paper, we propose a novel system for tweet segmentation in a cluster mode, called HybridSeg. By splitting tweets into significant sections, the semantic or setting data is all around safeguarded and effectively removed by the downstream applications. HybridSeg finds the ideal segmentation of a tweet by boosting the total of the stickiness scores of its hopeful sections. The stickiness score considers the likelihood of a fragment being an expression in English (i.e., worldwide setting) and the likelihood of a section being an expression inside the clump of tweets (i.e., nearby setting). For the last mentioned, we propose and assess two models to determine nearby setting by considering the phonetic elements and term-reliance in a cluster of tweets, separately. HybridSeg is additionally intended to iteratively gain from sure portions as pseudo criticism. Tests on two tweet informational indexes demonstrate that tweet segmentation quality is essentially enhanced by learning both worldwide and nearby settings contrasted and utilizing worldwide setting alone. Through examination and correlation, we demonstrate that community phonetic origins are more solid for learning nearby setting contrasted and term-dependency

    Cluster Analysis of Twitter Data: A Review of Algorithms

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    Twitter, a microblogging online social network (OSN), has quickly gained prominence as it provides people with the opportunity to communicate and share posts and topics. Tremendous value lies in automated analysing and reasoning about such data in order to derive meaningful insights, which carries potential opportunities for businesses, users, and consumers. However, the sheer volume, noise, and dynamism of Twitter, imposes challenges that hinder the efficacy of observing clusters with high intra-cluster (i.e. minimum variance) and low inter-cluster similarities. This review focuses on research that has used various clustering algorithms to analyse Twitter data streams and identify hidden patterns in tweets where text is highly unstructured. This paper performs a comparative analysis on approaches of unsupervised learning in order to determine whether empirical findings support the enhancement of decision support and pattern recognition applications. A review of the literature identified 13 studies that implemented different clustering methods. A comparison including clustering methods, algorithms, number of clusters, dataset(s) size, distance measure, clustering features, evaluation methods, and results was conducted. The conclusion reports that the use of unsupervised learning in mining social media data has several weaknesses. Success criteria and future directions for research and practice to the research community are discussed

    A Roadmap for Natural Language Processing Research in Information Systems

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is now widely integrated into web and mobile applications, enabling natural interactions between human and computers. Although many NLP studies have been published, none have comprehensively reviewed or synthesized tasks most commonly addressed in NLP research. We conduct a thorough review of IS literature to assess the current state of NLP research, and identify 12 prototypical tasks that are widely researched. Our analysis of 238 articles in Information Systems (IS) journals between 2004 and 2015 shows an increasing trend in NLP research, especially since 2011. Based on our analysis, we propose a roadmap for NLP research, and detail how it may be useful to guide future NLP research in IS. In addition, we employ Association Rules (AR) mining for data analysis to investigate co-occurrence of prototypical tasks and discuss insights from the findings

    Preprocessing Techniques to Support Event Detection Data Fusion on Social Media Data

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    This thesis focuses on collection and preprocessing of streaming social media feeds for metadata as well as the visual and textual information. Today, news media has been the main source of immediate news events, large and small. However, the information conveyed on these news sources is delayed due to the lack of proximity and general knowledge of the event. Such news have started relying on social media sources for initial knowledge of these events. Previous works focused on captured textual data from social media as a data source to detect events. This preprocessing framework postures to facilitate the data fusion of images and text for event detection. Results from the preprocessing techniques explained in this work show the textual and visual data collected are able to be proceeded into a workable format for further processing. Moreover, the textual and visual data collected are transformed into bag-of-words vectors for future data fusion and event detection

    Mining Twitter for crisis management: realtime floods detection in the Arabian Peninsula

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of Philosophy.In recent years, large amounts of data have been made available on microblog platforms such as Twitter, however, it is difficult to filter and extract information and knowledge from such data because of the high volume, including noisy data. On Twitter, the general public are able to report real-world events such as floods in real time, and act as social sensors. Consequently, it is beneficial to have a method that can detect flood events automatically in real time to help governmental authorities, such as crisis management authorities, to detect the event and make decisions during the early stages of the event. This thesis proposes a real time flood detection system by mining Arabic Tweets using machine learning and data mining techniques. The proposed system comprises five main components: data collection, pre-processing, flooding event extract, location inferring, location named entity link, and flooding event visualisation. An effective method of flood detection from Arabic tweets is presented and evaluated by using supervised learning techniques. Furthermore, this work presents a location named entity inferring method based on the Learning to Search method, the results show that the proposed method outperformed the existing systems with significantly higher accuracy in tasks of inferring flood locations from tweets which are written in colloquial Arabic. For the location named entity link, a method has been designed by utilising Google API services as a knowledge base to extract accurate geocode coordinates that are associated with location named entities mentioned in tweets. The results show that the proposed location link method locate 56.8% of tweets with a distance range of 0 – 10 km from the actual location. Further analysis has shown that the accuracy in locating tweets in an actual city and region are 78.9% and 84.2% respectively

    An integrated semantic-based framework for intelligent similarity measurement and clustering of microblogging posts

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    Twitter, the most popular microblogging platform, is gaining rapid prominence as a source of information sharing and social awareness due to its popularity and massive user generated content. These include applications such as tailoring advertisement campaigns, event detection, trends analysis, and prediction of micro-populations. The aforementioned applications are generally conducted through cluster analysis of tweets to generate a more concise and organized representation of the massive raw tweets. However, current approaches perform traditional cluster analysis using conventional proximity measures, such as Euclidean distance. However, the sheer volume, noise, and dynamism of Twitter, impose challenges that hinder the efficacy of traditional clustering algorithms in detecting meaningful clusters within microblogging posts. The research presented in this thesis sets out to design and develop a novel short text semantic similarity (STSS) measure, named TREASURE, which captures the semantic and structural features of microblogging posts for intelligently predicting the similarities. TREASURE is utilised in the development of an innovative semantic-based cluster analysis algorithm (SBCA) that contributes in generating more accurate and meaningful granularities within microblogging posts. The integrated semantic-based framework incorporating TREASURE and the SBCA algorithm tackles both the problem of microblogging cluster analysis and contributes to the success of a variety of natural language processing (NLP) and computational intelligence research. TREASURE utilises word embedding neural network (NN) models to capture the semantic relationships between words based on their co-occurrences in a corpus. Moreover, TREASURE analyses the morphological and lexical structure of tweets to predict the syntactic similarities. An intrinsic evaluation of TREASURE was performed with reference to a reliable similarity benchmark generated through an experiment to gather human ratings on a Twitter political dataset. A further evaluation was performed with reference to the SemEval-2014 similarity benchmark in order to validate the generalizability of TREASURE. The intrinsic evaluation and statistical analysis demonstrated a strong positive linear correlation between TREASURE and human ratings for both benchmarks. Furthermore, TREASURE achieved a significantly higher correlation coefficient compared to existing state-of-the-art STSS measures. The SBCA algorithm incorporates TREASURE as the proximity measure. Unlike conventional partition-based clustering algorithms, the SBCA algorithm is fully unsupervised and dynamically determine the number of clusters beforehand. Subjective evaluation criteria were employed to evaluate the SBCA algorithm with reference to the SemEval-2014 similarity benchmark. Furthermore, an experiment was conducted to produce a reliable multi-class benchmark on the European Referendum political domain, which was also utilised to evaluate the SBCA algorithm. The evaluation results provide evidence that the SBCA algorithm undertakes highly accurate combining and separation decisions and can generate pure clusters from microblogging posts. The contributions of this thesis to knowledge are mainly demonstrated as: 1) Development of a novel STSS measure for microblogging posts (TREASURE). 2) Development of a new SBCA algorithm that incorporates TREASURE to detect semantic themes in microblogs. 3) Generating a word embedding pre-trained model learned from a large corpus of political tweets. 4) Production of a reliable similarity-annotated benchmark and a reliable multi-class benchmark in the domain of politics

    International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication A Review Paper on Tweet segmentation and its Application to Named Entity Recognition

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    Abstract-Twitter has become one of the most important communication channels with its ability providing the most up-to-date and newsworthy information. Considering wide use of twitter as the source of information, reaching an interesting tweet for user among a bunch of tweets is challenging. A huge amount of tweets sent per day by hundred millions of users, information overload is inevitable. For extracting information in large volume of tweets, Named Entity Recognition (NER), methods on formal texts. However, many applications in Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) suffer severely from the noisy and short nature of tweets. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for tweet segmentation in a batch mode, called HybridSeg by splitting tweets into meaningful segments, the semantic or context information is well preserved and easily extracted by the downstream applications. HybridSeg finds the optimal segmentation of a tweet by maximizing the sum of the stickiness scores of its candidate segments. The stickiness score considers the probability of a segment being a phrase in English (i.e., global context) and the probability of a segment being a phrase within the batch of tweets (i.e., local context). For the latter, we propose and evaluate two models to derive local context by considering the linguistic features and term-dependency in a batch of tweets, respectively. HybridSeg is also designed to iteratively learn from confident segments as pseudo feedback. As an application, we show that high accuracy is achieved in named entity recognition by applying segment-based part-ofspeech (POS) tagging