30 research outputs found

    Tweaking Even-Mansour Ciphers

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    We study how to construct efficient tweakable block ciphers in the Random Permutation model, where all parties have access to public random permutation oracles. We propose a construction that combines, more efficiently than by mere black-box composition, the CLRW construction (which turns a traditional block cipher into a tweakable block cipher) of Landecker et al. (CRYPTO 2012) and the iterated Even-Mansour construction (which turns a tuple of public permutations into a traditional block cipher) that has received considerable attention since the work of Bogdanov et al. (EUROCRYPT 2012). More concretely, we introduce the (one-round) tweakable Even-Mansour (TEM) cipher, constructed from a single nn-bit permutation PP and a uniform and almost XOR-universal family of hash functions (Hk)(H_k) from some tweak space to {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n, and defined as (k,t,x)Hk(t)P(Hk(t)x)(k,t,x)\mapsto H_k(t)\oplus P(H_k(t)\oplus x), where kk is the key, tt is the tweak, and xx is the nn-bit message, as well as its generalization obtained by cascading rr independently keyed rounds of this construction. Our main result is a security bound up to approximately 22n/32^{2n/3} adversarial queries against adaptive chosen-plaintext and ciphertext distinguishers for the two-round TEM construction, using Patarin\u27s H-coefficients technique. We also provide an analysis based on the coupling technique showing that asymptotically, as the number of rounds rr grows, the security provided by the rr-round TEM construction approaches the information-theoretic bound of 2n2^n adversarial queries

    Generic Attack on Iterated Tweakable FX Constructions

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    International audienceTweakable block ciphers are increasingly becoming a common primitive to build new resilient modes as well as a concept for multiple dedicated designs. While regular block ciphers define a family of permutations indexed by a secret key, tweakable ones define a family of permutations indexed by both a secret key and a public tweak. In this work we formalize and study a generic framework for building such a tweakable block cipher based on regular block ciphers, the iterated tweakable FX construction, which includes many such previous constructions of tweakable block ciphers. Then we describe a cryptanal-ysis from which we can derive a provable security upper-bound for all constructions following this tweakable iterated FX strategy. Concretely, the cryptanalysis of r rounds of our generic construction based on n-bit block ciphers with κ-bit keys requires O(2 r r+1 (n+κ)) online and offline queries. For r = 2 rounds this interestingly matches the proof of the particular case of XHX2 by Lee and Lee (ASIACRYPT 2018) thus proving for the first time its tightness. In turn, the XHX and XHX2 proofs show that our generic cryptanalysis is information theoretically optimal for 1 and 2 rounds

    On the Provable Security of the Tweakable Even-Mansour Cipher Against Multi-Key and Related-Key Attacks

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    Cogliati et al. introduced the tweakable Even-Mansour cipher constructed from a single permutation and an almost-XOR-universal (AXU) family of hash functions with tweak and key schedule. Most of previous papers considered the security of the (iterated) tweakable Even-Mansour cipher in the single-key setting. In this paper, we focus on the security of the tweakable Even-Mansour cipher in the multi-key and related-key settings. We prove that the tweakable Even-Mansour cipher with related-key-AXU hash functions is secure against multi-key and related-key attacks, and derive a tight bound using H-coefficients technique, respectively. Our work is of high practical relevance because of rekey requirements and the inevitability of related keys in real-world implementations

    Provable Security of (Tweakable) Block Ciphers Based on Substitution-Permutation Networks

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    Substitution-Permutation Networks (SPNs) refer to a family of constructions which build a wn-bit block cipher from n-bit public permutations (often called S-boxes), which alternate keyless and “local” substitution steps utilizing such S-boxes, with keyed and “global” permu- tation steps which are non-cryptographic. Many widely deployed block ciphers are constructed based on the SPNs, but there are essentially no provable-security results about SPNs. In this work, we initiate a comprehensive study of the provable security of SPNs as (possibly tweakable) wn-bit block ciphers, when the underlying n-bit permutation is modeled as a public random permutation. When the permutation step is linear (which is the case for most existing designs), we show that 3 SPN rounds are necessary and sufficient for security. On the other hand, even 1-round SPNs can be secure when non-linearity is allowed. Moreover, 2-round non-linear SPNs can achieve “beyond- birthday” (up to 2 2n/3 adversarial queries) security, and, as the number of non-linear rounds increases, our bounds are meaningful for the number of queries approaching 2 n . Finally, our non-linear SPNs can be made tweakable by incorporating the tweak into the permutation layer, and provide good multi-user security. As an application, our construction can turn two public n-bit permuta- tions (or fixed-key block ciphers) into a tweakable block cipher working on wn-bit inputs, 6n-bit key and an n-bit tweak (for any w ≥ 2); the tweakable block cipher provides security up to 2 2n/3 adversarial queries in the random permutation model, while only requiring w calls to each permutation, and 3w field multiplications for each wn-bit input

    Tweak-Length Extension for Tweakable Blockciphers

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    Tweakable blockcipher (TBC) is an extension of standard blockcipher introduced by Liskov, Rivest and Wagner in 2002. TBC is a versatile building block for efficient symmetric-key cryptographic functions, such as authenticated encryption. In this paper we study the problem of extending tweak of a given TBC of fixed-length tweak, which is a variant of popular problem of converting a blockcipher into a TBC, i.e., blockcipher mode of operation. The problem is particularly important for known dedicated TBCs since they have relatively short tweak. We propose a simple and efficient solution, called XTX, for this problem. XTX converts a TBC of fixed-length tweak into another TBC of arbitrarily long tweak, by extending the scheme of Liskov, Rivest and Wagner that converts a blockcipher into a TBC. Given a TBC of nn-bit block and mm-bit tweak, XTX provides (n+m)/2(n+m)/2-bit security while conventional methods provide n/2n/2 or m/2m/2-bit security. We also show that XTX is even useful when combined with some blockcipher modes for building TBC having security beyond the birthday bound

    Related-Key Almost Universal Hash Functions: Definitions, Constructions and Applications

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    Universal hash functions (UHFs) have been extensively used in the design of cryptographic schemes. If we consider the related-key attack (RKA) against these UHF-based schemes, some of them may not be secure, especially those using the key of UHF as a part of the whole key of scheme, due to the weakness of UHF in the RKA setting. In order to solve the issue, we propose a new concept of related-key almost universal hash function, which is a natural extension to almost universal hash function in the RKA setting. We define related-key almost universal (RKA-AU) hash function and related-key almost XOR universal (RKA-AXU) hash function. However almost all the existing UHFs do not satisfy the new definitions. We construct one fixed-input-length universal hash functions named RH1 and two variable-input-length universal hash functions named RH2, RH3. We show that RH1 and RH2 are both RKA-AXU, and RH3 is RKA-AU for the RKD set Φ\Phi^\oplus. Furthermore, RH1, RH2 and RH3 are nearly as efficient as previous similar constructions. RKA-AU (RKA-AXU) hash functions can be used as components in the related-key secure cryptographic schemes. If we replace the universal hash functions in the schemes with our corresponding constructions, the problems about related-key attack can be solved for some RKD sets. More specifically, we give four concrete applications of RKA-AU and RKA-AXU in related-key secure message authentication codes and tweakable block ciphers

    Multi-key Analysis of Tweakable Even-Mansour with Applications to Minalpher and OPP

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    The tweakable Even-Mansour construction generalizes the conventional Even-Mansour scheme through replacing round keys by strings derived from a master key and a tweak. Besides providing plenty of inherent variability, such a design builds a tweakable block cipher from some lower level primitive. In the present paper, we evaluate the multi-key security of TEM-1, one of the most commonly used one-round tweakable Even-Mansour schemes (formally introduced at CRYPTO 2015), which is constructed from a single n-bit permutation P and a function f(k, t) linear in k from some tweak space to {0, 1} n. Based on giant component theorem in random graph theory, we propose a collision-based multi-key attack on TEM-1 in the known-plaintext setting. Furthermore, inspired by the methodology of Fouque et al. presented at ASIACRYPT 2014, we devise a novel way of detecting collisions and eventually obtain a memory-efficient multi-key attack in the adaptive chosen-plaintext setting. As important applications, we utilize our techniques to analyze the authenticated encryption algorithms Minalpher (a second-round candidate of CAESAR) and OPP (proposed at EUROCRYPT 2016) in the multi-key setting. We describe knownplaintext attacks on Minalpher and OPP without nonce misuse, which enable us to recover almost all O(2n/3) independent masks by making O(2n/3) queries per key and costing O(22n/3) memory overall. After defining appropriate iterated functions and accordingly changing the mode of creating chains, we improve the basic blockwiseadaptive chosen-plaintext attack to make it also applicable for the nonce-respecting setting. While our attacks do not contradict the security proofs of Minalpher and OPP in the classical setting, nor pose an immediate threat to their uses, our results demonstrate their security margins in the multi-user setting should be carefully considered. We emphasize this is the very first third-party analysis on Minalpher and OPP

    Elastic-Tweak: A Framework for Short Tweak Tweakable Block Cipher

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    Tweakable block cipher (TBC), a stronger notion than standard block ciphers, has wide-scale applications in symmetric-key schemes. At a high level, it provides flexibility in design and (possibly) better security bounds. In multi-keyed applications, a TBC with short tweak values can be used to replace multiple keys. However, the existing TBC construction frameworks, including TWEAKEY and XEX, are designed for general purpose tweak sizes. Specifically, they are not optimized for short tweaks, which might render them inefficient for certain resource constrained applications. So a dedicated paradigm to construct short-tweak TBCs (tBC) is highly desirable. In this paper, as a first contribution, we present a dedicated framework, called the Elastic-Tweak framework (ET in short), to convert any reasonably secure SPN block cipher into a secure tBC. We apply the ET framework on GIFT and AES to construct efficient tBCs, named TweGIFT and TweAES. These short-tweak TBCs have already been employed in recent NIST lightweight competition candidates, LOTUS-LOCUS and ESTATE. As our second contribution, we show some concrete applications of ET-based tBCs, which are better than their block cipher counterparts in terms of key size, state size, number of block cipher calls, and short message processing. Some notable applications include, Twe-FCBC (reduces the key size of FCBC and gives better security than CMAC), Twe-LightMAC Plus (better rate than LightMAC Plus), Twe-CLOC, and Twe-SILC (reduces the number of block cipher calls and simplifies the design of CLOC and SILC)

    Beyond-Birthday-Bound Security for Tweakable Even-Mansour Ciphers with Linear Tweak and Key Mixing

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    The iterated Even-Mansour construction defines a block cipher from a tuple of public nn-bit permutations (P1,,Pr)(P_1,\ldots,P_r) by alternatively xoring some nn-bit round key kik_i, i=0,,ri=0,\ldots,r, and applying permutation PiP_i to the state. The \emph{tweakable} Even-Mansour construction generalizes the conventional Even-Mansour construction by replacing the nn-bit round keys by nn-bit strings derived from a master key \emph{and a tweak}, thereby defining a tweakable block cipher. Constructions of this type have been previously analyzed, but they were either secure only up to the birthday bound, or they used a nonlinear mixing function of the key and the tweak (typically, multiplication of the key and the tweak seen as elements of some finite field) which might be costly to implement. In this paper, we tackle the question of whether it is possible to achieve beyond-birthday-bound security for such a construction by using only linear operations for mixing the key and the tweak into the state. We answer positively, describing a 4-round construction with a 2n2n-bit master key and an nn-bit tweak which is provably secure in the Random Permutation Model up to roughly 22n/32^{2n/3} adversarial queries

    Wide Tweakable Block Ciphers Based on Substitution-Permutation Networks: Security Beyond the Birthday Bound

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    Substitution-Permutation Networks (SPNs) refer to a family of constructions which build a wnwn-bit (tweakable) block cipher from nn-bit public permutations. Many widely deployed block ciphers are part of this family and rely on very small public permutations. Surprisingly, this structure has seen little theoretical interest when compared with Feistel networks, another high-level structure for block ciphers. This paper extends the work initiated by Dodis et al. in three directions; first, we make SPNs tweakable by allowing keyed tweakable permutations in the permutation layer, and prove their security as tweakable block ciphers. Second, we prove beyond-the-birthday-bound security for 22-round non-linear SPNs with independent S-boxes and independent round keys. Our bounds also tend towards optimal security 2n2^n (in terms of the number of threshold queries) as the number of rounds increases. Finally, all our constructions permit their security proofs in the multi-user setting. As an application of our results, SPNs can be used to build provably secure wide tweakable block ciphers from several public permutations, or from a block cipher. More specifically, our construction can turn two strong public nn-bit permutations into a tweakable block cipher working on wnwn-bit blocks and using a 6n6n-bit key and an nn-bit tweak (for any w2w\geq 2); the tweakable block cipher provides security up to 22n/32^{2n/3} adversarial queries in the random permutation model, while only requiring ww calls to each permutation and 3w3w field multiplications for each wnwn-bit block