1,571 research outputs found

    Symmetry breaking in a bulk-surface reaction-diffusion model for signaling networks

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    Signaling molecules play an important role for many cellular functions. We investigate here a general system of two membrane reaction-diffusion equations coupled to a diffusion equation inside the cell by a Robin-type boundary condition and a flux term in the membrane equations. A specific model of this form was recently proposed by the authors for the GTPase cycle in cells. We investigate here a putative role of diffusive instabilities in cell polarization. By a linearized stability analysis we identify two different mechanisms. The first resembles a classical Turing instability for the membrane subsystem and requires (unrealistically) large differences in the lateral diffusion of activator and substrate. The second possibility on the other hand is induced by the difference in cytosolic and lateral diffusion and appears much more realistic. We complement our theoretical analysis by numerical simulations that confirm the new stability mechanism and allow to investigate the evolution beyond the regime where the linearization applies.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Stability analysis and simulations of coupled bulk-surface reaction–diffusion systems

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    In this article, we formulate new models for coupled systems of bulk-surface reaction–diffusion equations on stationary volumes. The bulk reaction–diffusion equations are coupled to the surface reaction–diffusion equations through linear Robin-type boundary conditions. We then state and prove the necessary conditions for diffusion-driven instability for the coupled system. Owing to the nature of the coupling between bulk and surface dynamics, we are able to decouple the stability analysis of the bulk and surface dynamics. Under a suitable choice of model parameter values, the bulk reaction–diffusion system can induce patterning on the surface independent of whether the surface reaction–diffusion system produces or not, patterning. On the other hand, the surface reaction–diffusion system cannot generate patterns everywhere in the bulk in the absence of patterning from the bulk reaction–diffusion system. For this case, patterns can be induced only in regions close to the surface membrane. Various numerical experiments are presented to support our theoretical findings. Our most revealing numerical result is that, Robin-type boundary conditions seem to introduce a boundary layer coupling the bulk and surface dynamics

    Spatiotemporal pattern formation in a three-variable CO oxidation reaction model

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    The spatiotemporal pattern formation is studied in the catalytic carbon monoxide oxidation reaction that takes into account the diffusion processes over the Pt(110) surface, which may contain structurally different areas. These areas are formed during CO-induced transition from a reconstructed phase with 1×21\times2 geometry of the overlayer to a bulk-like (1×11\times1) phase with square atomic arrangement. Despite the CO oxidation reaction being non-autocatalytic, we have shown that the analytic conditions of the existence of the Turing and the Hopf bifurcations can be satisfied in such systems. Thus, the system may lose its stability in two ways --- either through the Hopf bifurcation leading to the formation of temporal patterns in the system or through the Turing bifurcation leading to the formation of regular spatial patterns. At a simultaneous implementation of both scenarios, spatiotemporal patterns for CO and oxygen coverages are obtained in the system.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Turing Patterning in Stratified Domains

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    Reaction-diffusion processes across layered media arise in several scientific domains such as pattern-forming E. coli on agar substrates, epidermal-mesenchymal coupling in development, and symmetry-breaking in cell polarisation. We develop a modelling framework for bi-layer reaction-diffusion systems and relate it to a range of existing models. We derive conditions for diffusion-driven instability of a spatially homogeneous equilibrium analogous to the classical conditions for a Turing instability in the simplest nontrivial setting where one domain has a standard reaction-diffusion system, and the other permits only diffusion. Due to the transverse coupling between these two regions, standard techniques for computing eigenfunctions of the Laplacian cannot be applied, and so we propose an alternative method to compute the dispersion relation directly. We compare instability conditions with full numerical simulations to demonstrate impacts of the geometry and coupling parameters on patterning, and explore various experimentally-relevant asymptotic regimes. In the regime where the first domain is suitably thin, we recover a simple modulation of the standard Turing conditions, and find that often the broad impact of the diffusion-only domain is to reduce the ability of the system to form patterns. We also demonstrate complex impacts of this coupling on pattern formation. For instance, we exhibit non-monotonicity of pattern-forming instabilities with respect to geometric and coupling parameters, and highlight an instability from a nontrivial interaction between kinetics in one domain and diffusion in the other. These results are valuable for informing design choices in applications such as synthetic engineering of Turing patterns, but also for understanding the role of stratified media in modulating pattern-forming processes in developmental biology and beyond.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure