2,776 research outputs found

    Application Aware for Byzantine Fault Tolerance

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    Driven by the need for higher reliability of many distributed systems, various replication-based fault tolerance technologies have been widely studied. A prominent technology is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). BFT can help achieve high availability and trustworthiness by ensuring replica consistency despite the presence of hardware failures and malicious faults on a small portion of the replicas. However, most state-of-the-art BFT algorithms are designed for generic stateful applications that require the total ordering of all incoming requests and the sequential execution of such requests. In this dissertation research, we recognize that a straightforward application of existing BFT algorithms is often inappropriate for many practical systems: (1) not all incoming requests must be executed sequentially according to some total order and doing so would incur unnecessary (and often prohibitively high) runtime overhead and (2) a sequential execution of all incoming requests might violate the application semantics and might result in deadlocks for some applications. In the past four and half years of my dissertation research, I have focused on designing lightweight BFT solutions for a number of Web services applications (including a shopping cart application, an event stream processing application, Web service business activities (WS-BA), and Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT)) by exploiting application semantics. The main research challenge is to identify how to minimize the use of Byzantine agreement steps and enable concurrent execution of requests that are commutable or unrelated. We have shown that the runtime overhead can be significantly reduced by adopting our lightweight solutions. One limitation for our solutions is that it requires intimate knowledge on the application design and implementation, which may be expensive and error-prone to design such BFT solutions on complex applications. Recognizing this limitation, we investigated the use of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to

    Application Aware for Byzantine Fault Tolerance

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    Driven by the need for higher reliability of many distributed systems, various replication-based fault tolerance technologies have been widely studied. A prominent technology is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). BFT can help achieve high availability and trustworthiness by ensuring replica consistency despite the presence of hardware failures and malicious faults on a small portion of the replicas. However, most state-of-the-art BFT algorithms are designed for generic stateful applications that require the total ordering of all incoming requests and the sequential execution of such requests. In this dissertation research, we recognize that a straightforward application of existing BFT algorithms is often inappropriate for many practical systems: (1) not all incoming requests must be executed sequentially according to some total order and doing so would incur unnecessary (and often prohibitively high) runtime overhead and (2) a sequential execution of all incoming requests might violate the application semantics and might result in deadlocks for some applications. In the past four and half years of my dissertation research, I have focused on designing lightweight BFT solutions for a number of Web services applications (including a shopping cart application, an event stream processing application, Web service business activities (WS-BA), and Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT)) by exploiting application semantics. The main research challenge is to identify how to minimize the use of Byzantine agreement steps and enable concurrent execution of requests that are commutable or unrelated. We have shown that the runtime overhead can be significantly reduced by adopting our lightweight solutions. One limitation for our solutions is that it requires intimate knowledge on the application design and implementation, which may be expensive and error-prone to design such BFT solutions on complex applications. Recognizing this limitation, we investigated the use of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to

    Value-Oriented Design of Service Coordination Processes: Correctness and Trust

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    The rapid growth of service coordination languages creates a need for methodological support for coordination design. Coordination design differs from workflow design because a coordination process connects different businesses that can each make design decisions independently from the others, and no business is interested in supporting the business processes of others. In multi-business cooperative design, design decisions are only supported by all businesses if they contribute to the profitability of each participating business. So in order to make coordination design decisions supported by all participating businesses, requirements for a coordination process should be derived from the business model that makes the coordination profitable for each participating business. We claim that this business model is essentially a model of intended value exchanges. We model the intended value exchanges of a business model as e3 -value value models and coordination processes as UML activity diagrams. The contribution of the paper is then to propose and discuss a criterion according to which a service coordination process must be correct with respect to a value exchange model. This correctness is necessary to gain business support for the process. Finally, we discuss methodological consequences of this approach for service coordination process design

    Value-based Design of Collaboration Processes for e-Commerce

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    Designing cross-organizational e-business applications faces the problem that the collaborating businesses must align their commercial interests without any central decision making authority. The design process must therefore yield a clear view of the commercial value of the collaboration for each economic actor, as well as a clear specification of the activities to be performed by each actor and a specification of information systems to be used by each actor. We present guidelines for designing the value network of the collaboration, which shows the commercial value of the collaboration for each participating actor. We then present guidelines for transforming the value network into process models, which show the feasibility of implementing the value network in the business processes of the actors. Our approach has been developed in different consultancy projects. We illustrate our approach with a consultancy project performed at a company that we will call the Amsterdam Times

    Application Aware for Byzantine Fault Tolerance

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    Driven by the need for higher reliability of many distributed systems, various replication-based fault tolerance technologies have been widely studied. A prominent technology is Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). BFT can help achieve high availability and trustworthiness by ensuring replica consistency despite the presence of hardware failures and malicious faults on a small portion of the replicas. However, most state-of-the-art BFT algorithms are designed for generic stateful applications that require the total ordering of all incoming requests and the sequential execution of such requests. In this dissertation research, we recognize that a straightforward application of existing BFT algorithms is often inappropriate for many practical systems: (1) not all incoming requests must be executed sequentially according to some total order and doing so would incur unnecessary (and often prohibitively high) runtime overhead and (2) a sequential execution of all incoming requests might violate the application semantics and might result in deadlocks for some applications. In the past four and half years of my dissertation research, I have focused on designing lightweight BFT solutions for a number of Web services applications (including a shopping cart application, an event stream processing application, Web service business activities (WS-BA), and Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT)) by exploiting application semantics. The main research challenge is to identify how to minimize the use of Byzantine agreement steps and enable concurrent execution of requests that are commutable or unrelated. We have shown that the runtime overhead can be significantly reduced by adopting our lightweight solutions. One limitation for our solutions is that it requires intimate knowledge on the application design and implementation, which may be expensive and error-prone to design such BFT solutions on complex applications. Recognizing this limitation, we investigated the use of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) to

    06121 Abstracts Collection -- Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science

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    From 19.03.06 to 24.03.06, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06121 ``Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available
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