672 research outputs found

    Achieving MANETs Security by Exchanging Path Oriented Keys and Priority Based Secured Route Discovery

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    In this work, two scenarios are considered, scenario-1 is key based communication and scenario-2 is priority based routing and communication. In scenario-1, MANET works on generated keys called KEY1 and KEY2 to establish communication between nodes. Here source node will have to generate and store a key called KEY2 and destination node will have to generate and store a key called KEY1. When source node initiates communication with destination-node, source node will send a request-packet to destination via shortest/less- cost path (PATH1) without any key mentioning in the packet. Now destination node will send the requested packet and KEY1 to source node via different path other than PATH1 (path of received packet). Source will send KEY2 to destination again through the same path (PATH2). In scenario-2, communication of each node is based on the neighbour node's priority, here, priority-1 being the highest, hence it is highly recommended for communication and priority three is being the lowest and it is rarely recommended for the communication. Nodes in the network classified into 3 types, unknown node, neighbor's known node, non-neighbors known node. Priority of nodes can be evaluated based on the security measures, energy level and other parameters of the node. It can also consider Trust Value (TV) of each node based on the duration spent in active efficient communication. With help of this strategy, we can achieve highly secured route discovery, which will help network to have smooth communication among its node

    A Novel Method of Enhancing Security Solutions and Energy Efficiency of IoT Protocols

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET’s) are wireless networks that are capable of operating without any fixed infrastructure. MANET routing protocols must adhere to strict secrecy, integrity, availability and non-repudiation criteria. In MANETs, attacks are roughly categorised into two types: active and passive. An active attack attempts to modify or remove data being transferred across a network. On the other hand, passive attack does not modify or erase the data being sent over the network. The majority of routing protocols for MANETs were built with little regard for security and are therefore susceptible to a variety of assaults. Routing technologies such as AODV and dynamic source routing are quite common. Both however are susceptible to a variety of network layer attacks, including black holes, wormholes, rushing, byzantine, information disclosure. The mobility of the nodes and the open architecture in which the nodes are free to join or leave the network keep changing the topology of the network. The routing in such scenarios becomes a challenging task since it has to take into account the constraints of resources of mobile devices. In this  an analysis of these protocols indicates that, though proactive routing protocols maintain a route to every destination and have low latency, they suffer from high routing overheads and inability to keep up with the dynamic topology in a large sized network. The reactive routing protocols in contrast have low routing overheads, better throughput and higher packet delivery ratio. AODVACO-PSO-DHKE Methodology boosts throughput by 10% while reducing routing overhead by 7%, latency by 8% and energy consumption by 5%. To avoid nodes always being on, a duty cycle procedure that's also paired with the hybrid method is used ACO-FDR PSO is applied to a 100-node network and NS-3 is used to measure various metrics such as throughput, latency, overhead, energy consumption and packet delivery ratio

    A Novel Method of Enhancing Security Solutions and Energy Efficiency of IoT Protocols

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET’s) are wireless networks that are capable of operating without any fixed infrastructure. MANET routing protocols must adhere to strict secrecy, integrity, availability and non-repudiation criteria. In MANETs, attacks are roughly categorised into two types: active and passive. An active attack attempts to modify or remove data being transferred across a network. On the other hand, passive attack does not modify or erase the data being sent over the network. The majority of routing protocols for MANETs were built with little regard for security and are therefore susceptible to a variety of assaults. Routing technologies such as AODV and dynamic source routing are quite common. Both however are susceptible to a variety of network layer attacks, including black holes, wormholes, rushing, byzantine, information disclosure. The mobility of the nodes and the open architecture in which the nodes are free to join or leave the network keep changing the topology of the network. The routing in such scenarios becomes a challenging task since it has to take into account the constraints of resources of mobile devices. In this an analysis of these protocols indicates that, though proactive routing protocols maintain a route to every destination and have low latency, they suffer from high routing overheads and inability to keep up with the dynamic topology in a large sized network. The reactive routing protocols in contrast have low routing overheads, better throughput and higher packet delivery ratio. AODVACO-PSO-DHKE Methodology boosts throughput by 10% while reducing routing overhead by 7%, latency by 8% and energy consumption by 5%. To avoid nodes always being on, a duty cycle procedure that's also paired with the hybrid method is used ACO-FDR PSO is applied to a 100-node network and NS-3 is used to measure various metrics such as throughput, latency, overhead, energy consumption and packet delivery ratio

    An Optimised and Efficient Routing Protocol Application for IoV: A Review

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    Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless network without a centralised administrator, where each node acts as a router forwarding data packets to other nodes. The study compares the performance of three routing protocols (AODV, OLSR, and DSDV) using the NS2 simulator under various mobility models. The proposed work introduces a modified protocol, MAODV, which combines the features of AODV protocols to optimise energy consumption, minimise transmissions, and find an optimum path for data transmission. The proposed method is compared with the standard AODV protocol. It shows better average throughput and packet delivery ratio results in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) scenario

    Improved QoS and avoidance of black hole attacks in MANET using trust detection framework

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    In recent times, secured routing is a major research in MANETs. The behaviour of malicious nodes in this network increases the risk of threats and induces abnormal operations in MANETs. This affects the security of data transmitted between the nodes in the network. Hence, an effective technique is needed to prevent the abnormal nodes after the process of detection. In this paper, we propose an improved Trust Detection Algorithm to increase the probability of detection and prevention of Black Hole nodes in MANETs. The proposed framework observes the behaviour of each node using various trust metrics that includes the relationship between the sensor nodes, social and service attribute trust and QoS metric trusts. The behaviour of sensor nodes is found through the communication and mobility behaviour of each node. This method avoids the black hole nodes in MANETs, when the routing is carried out with Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP). Hence, the privacy of data is retained using the proposed method. The proposed method is tested in terms of different combinations of with and without trusts. The result shows that the proposed method is effective through various QoS metrics like overall throughput, packet loss, energy consumption, trust level, false acceptance rate and missed detection rate

    Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol Using Trust-Based Hybrid FCRO-AEPO Optimization Techniques

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) offer numerous benefits and have been used in different applications. MANETs are dynamic peer-to-peer networks that use multi-hop data transfer without the need for-existing infrastructure. Due to their nature, for secure communication of mobile nodes, they need unique security requirements in MANET. In this work, a Hybrid Firefly Cyclic Rider Optimization (FCRO) algorithm is proposed for Cluster Head (CH) selection, it efficiently selects the CH and improves the network efficiency. The Ridge Regression Classification algorithm is presented in this work to sense the malicious nodes in the network and the data is transmitted using trusted Mobile nodes for the QoS enactment metric improvement. A trust-based routing protocol (TBRP) is introduced utilizing the Atom Emperor Penguin Optimization (AEPO) algorithm, it identifies the best-forwarded path to moderate the routing overhead problem in MANET. The planned method is implemented using Matlab software and the presentation metrics are packet delivers ratio, packet loss ratio (PLR), routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay (E2ED), transmission delay, energy consumption and network lifetime. The suggested AEPO algorithm is compared with the prevailing PSO-GA, TID-CMGR, and MFFA. The AEPO algorithm’s performance is approximately 1.5%, 3.2%, 2%, 3%, and 4% higher than the existing methods for PLR, packet delivers ratio, throughput, and E2ED and network lifetime. The sender nodes can increase their information transmission rates and reduce delays in appreciation of this evaluation. Additionally, the suggested technique has a perfect benefit in terms of demonstrating the genuine contribution of distinct nodes to trust evaluation (TE)

    Cooperative Self-Scheduling Secure Routing Protocol for Efficient Communication in MANET

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    In wireless transmission, a Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) contains many mobile nodes that can communicate without needing base stations. Due to the highly dynamic nature of wireless, MANETs face several issues, like malicious nodes making packet loss, high energy consumption, and security. Key challenges include efficient clustering and routing with optimal energy efficiency for Quality of Service (QoS) performance. To combat these issues, this novel presents Cooperative Self-Scheduling Secure Routing Protocol (CoS3RP) for efficient scheduling for proficient packet transmission in MANET. Initially, we used Elite Sparrow Search Algorithm (ESSA) for identifies the Cluster Head (CH) and form clusters. The Multipath Optimal Distance Selection (MODS) technique is used to find the multiple routes for data transmission. Afterward, the proposed CoS3RP transmits the packets based on each node authentication. The proposed method for evaluating and selecting efficient routing and data transfer paths is implemented using the Network simulator (NS2) tool, and the results are compared with other methods. Furthermore, the proposed well performs in routing performance, security, latency and throughput

    Secure Energy Aware Optimal Routing using Reinforcement Learning-based Decision-Making with a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm in MANET

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless networks that are perfect for applications such as special outdoor events, communications in areas without wireless infrastructure, crises and natural disasters, and military activities because they do not require any preexisting network infrastructure and can be deployed quickly. Mobile ad hoc networks can be made to last longer through the use of clustering, which is one of the most effective uses of energy. Security is a key issue in the development of ad hoc networks. Many studies have been conducted on how to reduce the energy expenditure of the nodes in this network. The majority of these approaches might conserve energy and extend the life of the nodes. The major goal of this research is to develop an energy-aware, secure mechanism for MANETs. Secure Energy Aware Reinforcement Learning based Decision Making with Hybrid Optimization Algorithm (RL-DMHOA) is proposed for detecting the malicious node in the network. With the assistance of the optimization algorithm, data can be transferred more efficiently by choosing aggregation points that allow individual nodes to conserve power The optimum path is chosen by combining the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the Bat Algorithm (BA) to create a fitness function that maximizes across-cluster distance, delay, and node energy. Three state-of-the-art methods are compared to the suggested method on a variety of metrics. Throughput of 94.8 percent, average latency of 28.1 percent, malicious detection rate of 91.4 percent, packet delivery ratio of 92.4 percent, and network lifetime of 85.2 percent are all attained with the suggested RL-DMHOA approach
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