7 research outputs found

    Trust and Distrust in Big Data Recommendation Agents

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    Big data technology allows for managing data from a variety of sources, in large amounts, and at a higher velocity than before, impacting several traditional systems, including recommendation agents. Along with these improvements, there are concerns about trust and distrust in RA recommendations. Much prior work on trust has been done in IS, but only a few have examined trust and distrust in the context of big data and analytics. In this vein, the purpose of this study is to study the eight antecedents of trust and distrust in recommendation agents’ cues in the context of the Big Data ecosystem using an experiment. Our study contributes to the literature by integrating big data and recommendation agent IT artifacts, expanding trust and distrust theory in the context of a big data ecosystem, and incorporating the constructs of algorithm innovativeness and process transparency

    Persona preparedness : a survey instrument for measuring the organizational readiness for deploying personas

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    User-centric design within organizations is crucial for developing information technology that offers optimal usability and user experience. Personas are a central user-centered design technique that puts people before technology and helps decision makers understand the needs and wants of the end-user segments of their products, systems, and services. However, it is not clear how ready organizations are to adopt persona thinking. To address these concerns, we develop and validate the Persona Readiness Scale (PRS), a survey instrument to measure organizational readiness for personas. After a 12-person qualitative pilot study, the PRS was administered to 372 professionals across different industries to examine its reliability and validity, including 125 for exploratory factor analysis and 247 for confirmatory factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit with five dimensions: Culture readiness, Knowledge readiness, Data and systems readiness, Capability readiness, and Goal readiness. Higher persona readiness is positively associated with the respondents’ evaluations of successful persona projects. Organizations can apply the resulting 18-item scale to identify areas of improvement before initiating costly persona projects towards the overarching goal of user-centric product development. Located at the cross-section of information systems and human–computer interaction, our research provides a valuable instrument for organizations wanting to leverage personas towards more user-centric and empathetic decision making about users.© The Author(s) 2022. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Persona preparedness: A survey instrument for measuring the organizational readiness for deploying personas

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    User-centric design within organizations is crucial for developing information technology that offers optimal usability and user experience. Personas are a central user-centered design technique that puts people before technology and helps decision makers understand the needs and wants of the end-user segments of their products, systems, and services. However, it is not clear how ready organizations are to adopt persona thinking. To address these concerns, we develop and validate the Persona Readiness Scale (PRS), a survey instrument to measure organizational readiness for personas. After a 12-person qualitative pilot study, the PRS was administered to 372 professionals across different industries to examine its reliability and validity, including 125 for exploratory factor analysis and 247 for confirmatory factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit with five dimensions: Culture readiness, Knowledge readiness, Data and systems readiness, Capability readiness, and Goal readiness. Higher persona readiness is positively associated with the respondents’ evaluations of successful persona projects. Organizations can apply the resulting 18-item scale to identify areas of improvement before initiating costly persona projects towards the overarching goal of user-centric product development. Located at the cross-section of information systems and human–computer interaction, our research provides a valuable instrument for organizations wanting to leverage personas towards more user-centric and empathetic decision making about users.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Algorithmic Transparency: Concepts, Antecedents, and Consequences – A Review and Research Framework

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    The widespread and growing use of algorithm-enabled technologies across many aspects of public and private life is increasingly sparking concerns about the lack of transparency regarding the inner workings of algorithms. This has led to calls for (more) algorithmic transparency (AT), which refers to the disclosure of information about algorithms to enable understanding, critical review, and adjustment. To set the stage for future research on AT, our study draws on previous work to provide a more nuanced conceptualization of AT, including the explicit distinction between AT as action and AT as perception. On this conceptual basis, we set forth to conduct a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature on AT antecedents and consequences. Subsequently, we develop an integrative framework to organize the existing literature and guide future work. Our framework consists of seven central relationships: (1) AT as action versus AT as perception; factors (2) triggering and (3) shaping AT as action; (4) factors shaping AT as perception; as well as AT as perception leading to (5) rational-cognitive and (6) affective-emotional responses, and to (7) (un-)intended behavioral effects. Building on the review insights, we identify and discuss notable research gaps and inconsistencies, along with resulting opportunities for future research

    Persona preparedness: a survey instrument for measuring the organizational readiness for deploying personas

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    User-centric design within organizations is crucial for developing information technology that offers optimal usability and user experience. Personas are a central user-centered design technique that puts people before technology and helps decision makers understand the needs and wants of the end-user segments of their products, systems, and services. However, it is not clear how ready organizations are to adopt persona thinking. To address these concerns, we develop and validate the Persona Readiness Scale (PRS), a survey instrument to measure organizational readiness for personas. After a 12-person qualitative pilot study, the PRS was administered to 372 professionals across different industries to examine its reliability and validity, including 125 for exploratory factor analysis and 247 for confirmatory factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit with five dimensions: Culture readiness, Knowledge readiness, Data and systems readiness, Capability readiness, and Goal readiness. Higher persona readiness is positively associated with the respondents' evaluations of successful persona projects. Organizations can apply the resulting 18-item scale to identify areas of improvement before initiating costly persona projects towards the overarching goal of user-centric product development. Located at the cross-section of information systems and human-computer interaction, our research provides a valuable instrument for organizations wanting to leverage personas towards more user-centric and empathetic decision making about users

    Organizations and stakeholders : three papers on data leveraging for AI implementation

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    Leveraging data for AI implementation requires complex managerial approaches and sophisticated technology arrangements that ideally bridge the gaps between the needs of different stakeholders and an organization’s strategic objectives. Although organizations believe that they are in the “perfect” position to do so, in practice this is not good enough. The tandem between the managerial approaches and the technology catalyzes changes in the way an organization operates and distributes its services, keeping digital innovation at the center of the operation. However, the understanding of how different groups of stakeholders actually promote, support and participate in such innovation opens up a new path for further investigation. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of how organizations leverage data and implement AI within specific industry domains, promoting and maintaining digital innovation. It sheds light on how organizations leverage data and support AI implementation from a theoretical perspective on business analytics and AI, as well as an empirical perspective with two case studies of Lufthansa Industry Solutions and ARUP, and pulls together both the systematic literature review method and qualitative analysis to problematize the current scholars’ conversation on these topics. This thesis adds important insights to the current academic conversation on leveraging data for AI implementation in today’s business landscape. The insights do not emphasize failed attempts, but rather highlight how specific organizations face unique challenges compared to well-accepted and continuously discussed practices while working with data and AI. In doing so, the thesis also provides multiple future research directions, finally highlighting important theoretical and practical implications for organizations and practitioners

    O impacto da proteção de dados (RGPD) no retalho Omnicanal

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    O objetivo deste estudo é compreender de que forma o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados afetou as empresas de Retalho com uma estratégia omnicanal. Este estudo investiga os impactos causados pelo Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados nestas entidades, as consequentes estratégias e as medidas implementadas para o incorporar. Para esta análise, esta investigação baseia-se na realização de entrevistas com representantes destas entidades em Portugal, assim como fundamentação teórica. As conclusões do presente estudo indicam que os impactos do regulamento europeu foram, sobretudo, no processo de recolha e tratamento de dados, no processo de personalização e na partilha de dados ao longo de toda a cadeia de abastecimento. Paralelamente, além de custos de implementação, outro impacto que se destaca inclui a digitalização dos processos internos.The goal of this research is to understand how the General Data Protection Regulation affected retail companies with an Omnichannel strategy. The present paper approaches the impacts caused by the General Data Protection Regulation, the consequent implemented strategies and measures by these companies to incorporate it. Therefore, this paper relies on interviews to representatives of these companies in Portugal, as well as theoretical foundations. The results of the present paper indicate that the impacts this regulation brought were, mainly, in the collection and processing procedures, in the personalization process and the data sharing inside the supply chain. Simultaneously, besides initial implementation costs, another impact that stands out is the digitalization of the companies’ internal processes