11 research outputs found

    Hamilton paths with lasting separation

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    We determine the asymptotics of the largest cardinality of a set of Hamilton paths in the complete graph with vertex set [n] under the condition that for any two of the paths in the family there is a subpath of length k entirely contained in only one of them and edge{disjoint from the other one

    Families of graph-different Hamilton paths

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    Let D be an arbitrary subset of the natural numbers. For every n, let M(n;D) be the maximum of the cardinality of a set of Hamiltonian paths in the complete graph K_n such that the union of any two paths from the family contains a not necessarily induced cycle of some length from D. We determine or bound the asymptotics of M(n;D) in various special cases. This problem is closely related to that of the permutation capacity of graphs and constitutes a further extension of the problem area around Shannon capacity. We also discuss how to generalize our cycle-difference problems and present an example where cycles are replaced by 4-cliques. These problems are in a natural duality to those of graph intersection, initiated by Erd\"os, Simonovits and S\'os. The lack of kernel structure as a natural candidate for optimum makes our problems quite challenging

    New bounds on even cycle creating Hamiltonian paths using expander graphs

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    We say that two graphs on the same vertex set are GG-creating if their union (the union of their edges) contains GG as a subgraph. Let Hn(G)H_n(G) be the maximum number of pairwise GG-creating Hamiltonian paths of KnK_n. Cohen, Fachini and K\"orner proved n12no(n)Hn(C4)n34n+o(n).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-o(n)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{3}{4}n+o(n)}. In this paper we close the superexponential gap between their lower and upper bounds by proving n12n12nlognO(1)Hn(C4)n12n+o(nlogn).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{\log{n}}-O(1)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{1}{2}n+o\left(\frac{n}{\log{n}} \right)}. We also improve the previously established upper bounds on Hn(C2k)H_n(C_{2k}) for k>3k>3, and we present a small improvement on the lower bound of F\"uredi, Kantor, Monti and Sinaimeri on the maximum number of so-called pairwise reversing permutations. One of our main tools is a theorem of Krivelevich, which roughly states that (certain kinds of) good expanders contain many Hamiltonian paths.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: updated Footnote 1 on Page 5; v3: revised version incorporating suggestions by the referees (the changes are mainly in Section 5); v4: final version to appear in Combinatoric

    New bounds on even cycle creating Hamiltonian paths using expander graphs

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    We say that two graphs on the same vertex set are GG-creating if their union (the union of their edges) contains GG as a subgraph. Let Hn(G)H_n(G) be the maximum number of pairwise GG-creating Hamiltonian paths of KnK_n. Cohen, Fachini and K\"orner proved n12no(n)Hn(C4)n34n+o(n).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-o(n)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{3}{4}n+o(n)}. In this paper we close the superexponential gap between their lower and upper bounds by proving n12n12nlognO(1)Hn(C4)n12n+o(nlogn).n^{\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{\log{n}}-O(1)}\leq H_n(C_4) \leq n^{\frac{1}{2}n+o\left(\frac{n}{\log{n}} \right)}. We also improve the previously established upper bounds on Hn(C2k)H_n(C_{2k}) for k>3k>3, and we present a small improvement on the lower bound of F\"uredi, Kantor, Monti and Sinaimeri on the maximum number of so-called pairwise reversing permutations. One of our main tools is a theorem of Krivelevich, which roughly states that (certain kinds of) good expanders contain many Hamiltonian paths.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e; v2: updated Footnote 1 on Page 5; v3: revised version incorporating suggestions by the referees (the changes are mainly in Section 5); v4: final version to appear in Combinatoric

    Improved upper bounds on even-cycle creating Hamilton paths

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    We study the function Hn(C2k)H_n(C_{2k}), the maximum number of Hamilton paths such that the union of any pair of them contains C2kC_{2k} as a subgraph. We give upper bounds on this quantity for k{3,4,5}k\in \{3, 4, 5\}, improving results of Harcos and Solt\'esz, and we show that if a conjecture of Ustimenko is true then one additionally obtains improved upper bounds for all k6k\geq 6. In order to prove our results, we extend a theorem of Krivelevich which counts Hamilton cycles in (n,d,λ)(n, d, \lambda)-graphs to graphs which are not regular, and then apply this result to graphs constructed from polarity graphs of generalized polygons

    Even cycle creating paths

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    We say that two graphs H1, H2 on the same vertex set are G-creating if the union of the two graphs contains G as a subgraph. Let H (n, k) be the maximum number of pairwise Ck-creating Hamiltonian paths of the complete graph Kn. The behavior of H (n, 2k + 1) is much better understood than the behavior of H (n, 2k), the former is an exponential function of n whereas the latter is larger than exponential, for every fixed k. We study H (n, k) for fixed k and n tending to infinity. The only nontrivial upper bound on H (n, 2k) was proved by Cohen, Fachini, and Körner in the case of k = 2: : (Formula presented.) In this paper, we generalize their method to prove that for every k ≥ 2, (Formula presented.) and a similar, slightly better upper bound holds when k is odd. Our proof uses constructions of bipartite, regular, C2k-free graphs with many edges given in papers by Reiman, Benson, Lazebnik, Ustimenko, and Woldar. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    On k-neighbor separated permutations

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    Two permutations of [n]={1,2…n} are \textit{k-neighbor separated} if there are two elements that are neighbors in one of the permutations and that are separated by exactly k−2 other elements in the other permutation. Let the maximal number of pairwise k-neighbor separated permutations of [n] be denoted by P(n,k). In a previous paper, the authors have determined P(n,3) for every n, answering a question of Körner, Messuti and Simonyi affirmatively. In this paper we prove that for every fixed positive integer ℓ, P(n,2ℓ+1)=2n−o(n). We conjecture that for every fixed even k, P(n,k)=2n−o(n). We also show that this conjecture is asymptotically true in the following sense limk→∞limn→∞P(n,k)−−−−−−√n=2. Finally, we show that for even n, P(n,n)=3n/2